Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

The Israelis carried out 100 air attacks in one go, decimated Hizbullah's leadership and have dropped what some would describe as a mini-nuke.

If Hizbullah is not at full war now, it never will be.

Hezbo are not stupid - you can be certain a fair few of the sites that were hit - were fake sites, designed to eat up missions and bombs. All Hezbo have to do - is setup a site, launch a rocket from it - move out all the equipment - and the IDF will assume it is a current valid site because once, something was launched from it. They will add that site to the list but Hezbo have moved on. Yes - some real sites were hit and they have taken some body blows but this is still in the early phases. It is all down to if Israel wants to escalate by invading or not.
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They'll be cooked shortly.

This is when you gather forces of 1-2K armed men with Sniper rifles, RPGs, and Anti-tank missiles and raid the staging ground to inflict damage. Sitting around like Saddam while build-up was happening next door and doing nothing is stupid.
Hezbo are not stupid - you can be certain a fair few of the sites that were hit - were fake sites, designed to eat up missions and bombs. All Hezbo have to do - is setup a site, launch a rocket from it - move out all the equipment - and the IDF will assume it is a current valid site because once, something was launched from it. They will add that site to the list but Hezbo have moved on. Yes - some real sites were hit and they have taken some body blows but this is still in the early phases. It is all down to if Israel wants to escalate by invading or not.

This video by the incomparable John Elmer describes the Hezbollah tactics, including some of the evasive/deceptive ones you mentioning.
This is a War of Attrition and even American resources will get too stretched in case of prolonged war along with the Russia-Ukraine war. We don't know what kind of collaboration is going on between Iran, Russia and China: All three countries have deep interests in the conflict in Palestine.
Anyway, here is the video.

FADI 2- may we respectfully know who you are?

Apparently Fadi-2 missile that Hezbollah fired is for area bombardment, thats why it was used on David Ramat air base. That base is probably at 50% operational capacity atm i would guess. Hezbollah struck it multiple times with multiple rockets, secondary detonations were noticed, a fire was started, so that base is probably not operating properly now. Hezbollah will bomb more Israeli air bases soon i assume, especially if Israel continues heavy air raids over Lebanon.
FADI 2- may we respectfully know who you are?

Apparently Fadi-2 missile that Hezbollah fired is for area bombardment, thats why it was used on David Ramat air base. That base is probably at 50% operational capacity atm i would guess. Hezbollah struck it multiple times with multiple rockets, secondary detonations were noticed, a fire was started, so that base is probably not operating properly now. Hezbollah will bomb more Israeli air bases soon i assume, especially if Israel continues heavy air raids over Lebanon.

Better hit energy infrastructure like oil depots that army uses. Gas pipe systems.

If Israel attacks Lebanese civillian infra then hit back by taking out desalination plants, electric and other energy plants in Israel.
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Yedioth Ahronoth: The Israeli army is considering distributing humanitarian aid in northern Gaza itself instead of international organizations

CNN on a former Israeli military official:
Netanyahu is considering a plan to force all Palestinians in the northern Gaza Strip to leave

CNN, according to a former Israeli military official: Netanyahu’s plan aims to make the northern Gaza Strip a closed military zone


Netanyahu: The plan to declare northern Gaza as a military zone has logic to it

A squadron of drones launched from Iraq towards Israeli positions in the Golan


A number of Iraqi drones fell at a military base north of the Jordan Valley near Bisan

The planes hit their targets
Devastating blows and image to Hizbollah Organisation from the Air . But Wars and battles are won with troops on the ground. Let see if Israel has got balls on a ground invasion of Lebanon.
An American official told Al-Sharq: Hezbollah was the one who began operations against Israel on October 8

An American official told Al-Sharq: We are trying to avoid an Israeli ground operation in Lebanon, but there is no return to October 6th

Egyptian Foreign Minister: It is necessary to establish an interconnected and connected State of Palestine on the lines of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Any formula for arrangements for the day after the war on Gaza must be based on implementing the two-state solution

Egyptian Foreign Minister: Israel wants to steal the land from its owners and impose a new demographic reality in Palestine

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The current crisis is the result of years of Israeli practices to perpetuate the illegal occupation of Palestine

Egyptian Foreign Minister: The Palestinian Authority must be helped to build the capabilities of national institutions and support the foundations on which the state will be built


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