Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Bottom line Netanyahu is the most powerful person on earth, and he knows it.. he and his minions control the US/UK/France/Germany…. he is untouchable.. unless and when Allah swt decides otherwise….

He also knows they control the financial system of the world, control powerful rich Muslim states and have the best military technologies. We are witnessing their cruelty, they can easily go for peace but will not and their time is near InshaAllah
If Iran fires 1000 ballistic missiles at Israel, what will Israel response be? A few nukes will bring Iran on the surrender table. Nukes are a deadly weapon as witnessed with Japan.
Yeah they’re not using their last resort over a weapons for the most part will more or less cause widespread hysteria and material damage Israelis have between 10 to 20 minutes to enter bomb shelters let’s say hypothetically they kill a few thousand I think even America would see that as a red line they can’t defend
Yeah they’re not using their last resort over a weapons for the most part will more or less cause widespread hysteria and material damage Israelis have between 10 to 20 minutes to enter bomb shelters let’s say hypothetically they kill a few thousand I think even America would see that as a red line they can’t defend

From a military point of view it's a big threat. Usa and Japan were fighting near Japan when the usa repeatedly requested Japan to surrender, their emperor would not surrender as it was a disgrace in their culture, then usa nuked them twice and only then he surrendered. If a non nuke nation fires 1000 ballistic missiles, killing 1000s, destroying bases etc, they will view the nation with nukes as a major threat to their existence as proven from the history. Iran must test nukes in order to protect themselves, possibly the generals in Iran know this so are unable to give Israel a reply for killing their generals and allies in Syria and Lebanon, Iran also needs triad in order to guarantee their existence.
From a military point of view it's a big threat. Usa and Japan were fighting near Japan when the usa repeatedly requested Japan to surrender, their emperor would not surrender as it was a disgrace in their culture, then usa nuked them twice and only then he surrendered. If a non nuke nation fires 1000 ballistic missiles, killing 1000s, destroying bases etc, they will view the nation with nukes as a major threat to their existence as proven from the history. Iran must test nukes in order to protect themselves, possibly the generals in Iran know this so are unable to give Israel a reply for killing their generals and allies in Syria and Lebanon, Iran also needs triad in order to guarantee their existence.
Yeah this isn’t world war 2 there are many ways to reply to attacks without using nuclear weapons if Israel ever used a nuclear device countries that never thought of acquiring nuclear weapons would get them quickly ie turkey Egypt Saudi and etc can you imagine iran going deep underground in Yemen to develop a nuclear weapon I can yeah sorry not plausible unless Israel saw their military collapsing tomorrow
Shortly some time after this time spot of this video, the guest speaker says that Netanyahu sees a 'unique opportunity' in what remains of the Biden administration to start a regional war. All roads lead to the American elections of November this year and the who'd be the next President of America. Israel's strength is through America. Period!

Have you forgiven your parents for birthing you a Pakistani?
Again I will repeat myself.... You should be ashamed of your existence.
Zionism is a disease.... Based on blatant lies.... And zionists are scums and cancer of earth.... They must be eradicated... And they will be eradicated, insha Allah.
Last of the zionist will be culled trying to hide behind a stone pillar, so will be their leader aka "dajjal".
Saudi Arabia's delegation bycotted Netenya-hoe , at United Nation and left as he spoke

Netanyahu shows a map between the 'blessing' countries (peace agreement countries: Egypt, Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Jordan) and the 'curse' countries (Iran-led Axis of Resistance)

how embarrassing for anyone in Netanyahu's 'blessing' countries
He must be loving the fact Susan is just a brutal and disgusting as his regime 🤦‍♂️ I mean come one really Sudan, Egypt and I don’t want to offend anyone but he’s definitely putting the Saudis on blast I know there have been side dealings going on for many years but so embarrassing. Honestly used to have some sort of respect for most of these countries even though yes dictator’s and fake kings all around but they never stooped this low so embarrassing.
If I put upset anyone regarding me putting out certain countries it is not the countries people to be embarrassed of but their “leaders” come on MBS,Sis,Abdullah and Edrogan you wish to act as if you guys are leaders time to prove it…….that was a joke we all know they are never going to do anything but lip service honestly MBS has pretty much gone awol you don’t don’t hear anything from him.
Address by Pakistan's Prime Minister , 17 seat winner out of 200+ seats
Shabaz Sharif, obviously the winner was someone else

However Since he is representing Pakistan , I have to add his voice considering the circumstances, the 17 seat winner is the only voice we have from our country in UN

His speech in United Nation
Made a point about Importance of resolving issue of Palestine 100%
Few points...

It is good that for History sake Pakistan Stood with People of Palestine and Lebanon and Raised a voice

The other part of speech , I could not stomach that in

Let us leave it at that , was not expecting anything more

17 Seat Prime Minister will speak with confidence of a 17 Seat Status
If he was a 180-220 seat winner , most likely the Speech would have been a bit more confident

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