Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

As stated, it has not been confirmed

The American ABC network, quoting an American official:

There are deep doubts and fears among Israeli leaders and a major media blackout about the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a result of a serious head injury at Ben Gurion Airport by a Yemeni missile.

As stated, it has not been confirmed

The American ABC network, quoting an American official:

There are deep doubts and fears among Israeli leaders and a major media blackout about the assassination of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a result of a serious head injury at Ben Gurion Airport by a Yemeni missile.

look i would want nothing more than this piece of dog *****t to be exterminated but lets not post unconfirmed news here.
Nasrallah was in a deep underground bunker in Beirut but the Zio-US still got him with 85 2000lb bunker busting bombs.

I still have no idea why he and his most senior commanders did not retreat into the impervious mountain bunkers(apart from nuclear weapons) at the beginning from October 7th that would have protected them from attacks like this.
Iran's fordo underground nuclear facilities are at most a few dozen meters deep.
It is very doubtful that a bunker buster like GBU-28, which can shoot down to 30 meters below the ground even by itself, would be able to withstand dozens of such shots at the same target.
And can Hezbollah, with its limited land and funds, really build an underground facility that is more solid than fordo?
In the face of this reality, I think they could not escape anywhere, although it was, of course, a wrong choice in the end.

Doubt it was drones most likely NATO real time satellite telescopic zoom and targeting for stealth B1 bombers or other aircraft used to attack it with. Its seems neighboring Zionist aligned states kept quite about the aircraft signatures on their radars. If it was Israeli aircraft

In Israel, the F-15I Ra'am and F-16I Sufa fighter jets are capable of carrying and using a 2,000-pound bomb. These aircraft, part of the Israeli Air Force, are specifically designed to handle a variety of munitions, including large payloads such as the 2,000-pound precision-guided bombs (e.g., GBU-31 JDAM, Mk 84).


  • The F-15I is a variant of the American F-15E Strike Eagle and is the backbone of Israel’s deep strike capability.
  • It has the ability to carry large ordnance, including the 2,000-pound bomb, due to its powerful engines, extended range, and heavy payload capacity.


  • The F-16I Sufa is a modified version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon, built for the Israeli Air Force. It can carry advanced air-to-ground munitions and handle 2,000-pound bombs.
  • It's equipped with advanced avionics and systems to deliver precision-guided bombs.
Both aircraft are regularly used for strategic missions, including airstrikes on high-value targets, and are key components of Israel's military power projection in the region.


You said:​

how many can each carry?

ChatGPT said:​

The F-15I Ra'am and F-16I Sufa, both operated by the Israeli Air Force, have impressive payload capacities and can carry multiple 2,000-pound bombs, depending on mission requirements and configurations. Here's an estimate of how many 2,000-pound bombs each aircraft can carry:

F-15I Ra'am

  • Payload Capacity: Around 23,000 pounds (10,400 kg).
  • The F-15I can carry up to 8 2,000-pound bombs, depending on the loadout configuration. This can vary based on the need for fuel tanks, electronic warfare pods, and other mission-specific equipment.
  • The aircraft has multiple hardpoints and is designed for long-range strikes, making it capable of carrying heavy bomb loads for extended missions.

F-16I Sufa

  • Payload Capacity: Around 17,000 pounds (7,700 kg).
  • The F-16I can carry up to 2-4 2,000-pound bombs, depending on the configuration and mission requirements.
  • While it has a lower payload capacity than the F-15I, the F-16I is more versatile and commonly used for shorter-range missions.


  • F-15I Ra'am: Up to 8 2,000-pound bombs.
  • F-16I Sufa: Typically 2-4 2,000-pound bombs.
The actual number of bombs each jet carries depends on mission type, distance, and whether they need to carry additional equipment like external fuel tanks, targeting pods, or defensive systems.

the F-35 (including the F-35I Adir, Israel's customized version) can carry 2,000-pound bombs. Specifically, the F-35 can carry 2,000-pound precision-guided munitions such as the GBU-31 Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM) or similar ordnance.

Bomb Capacity Details:​


  • The F-35 is designed to be a stealth fighter, so it carries a limited number of weapons in its internal bays to reduce radar signature.
  • The F-35 can carry up to two 2,000-pound bombs (such as GBU-31 JDAM) in its internal weapons bay, while still maintaining its stealth profile.


  • The F-35 also has the option to carry additional bombs on external hardpoints, but this reduces its stealth capability.
  • If stealth is not a priority for the mission, the F-35 can carry more 2,000-pound bombs on its external pylons, giving it the capacity to carry up to 6 or more large bombs, including the internal bay and external hardpoints.

F-35I Adir (Israel's Version):​

  • The F-35I Adir, Israel's variant of the F-35, retains these capabilities and has also been further customized to integrate Israeli-made weaponry and systems. The F-35I is capable of carrying 2,000-pound bombs in the same configurations (internal and external) as the standard F-35.


  • Internal Stealth Mode: Can carry up to 2 2,000-pound bombs in its internal bay while maintaining stealth.
  • With External Hardpoints: Can carry additional bombs externally, but at the cost of reduced stealth.
The F-35's ability to carry large bombs while retaining its stealth capability makes it a key asset in both strike and air superiority roles.

So Israel is using the most potent American weapons in its inventory to attack weak nations.

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look i would want nothing more than this piece of dog *****t to be exterminated but lets not post unconfirmed news here.
British confirmation of a Yemeni attempt to assassinate the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation.

#Britain confirmed on Sunday that #Yemen attempted to assassinate the Prime Minister of the Israeli occupation government.

The British newspaper "Daily Express" quoted sources in the occupation government as confirming that a missile had been launched from Yemen near Ben Gurion Airport at the moment the plane of occupation Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu landed.

Netanyahu was returning from his trip to the United States, where he delivered a speech at the United Nations General Assembly.

The Yemeni forces announced in an evening statement by their official spokesman, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, that they had targeted Ben Gurion Airport with a hypersonic missile of the “Palestine 2” type, stressing that the target was the plane of the prime minister of the occupation government.

The attack came hours after the announcement of the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary General, Hassan Nasrallah.

The operation refers to Yemen's decision to put Netanyahu's head on the list of targets, in a precedent that is the first of its kind.

359th day of war on Gaza..

📌The Israeli occupation forces launched separate night raids in the Gaza Strip, causing deaths and injuries

📌Israeli planes bomb the southern suburb of #Beirut and other areas, including #Tyre

📌Hezbollah bombs the settlement of East #occupied #Jerusalem and Nahariya in #Galilee

📌#Washington is examining options to enhance its military deployment in the Middle East after Tel Aviv asked it to send additional forces in preparation for a possible Iranian response.



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