Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

“It cannot access this amount of information without the assistance of global intelligence.” Military expert Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi said that the assassinations that reached the Secretary-General of Hezbollah confirm the existence of a very large security breach, stressing that what Israel did obliges the party to leave the circle. Hesitation, reservation, and containment into the circle of activity, “because the ground battle is inevitably coming.”


“With the aim of reducing the risk of a broader regional war.” The Israeli Broadcasting Corporation said that Tel Aviv asked Washington to send additional forces to the region in preparation for a possible Iranian response, at a time when US President Joe Biden confirmed today that he had directed Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to strengthen the defensive position of the forces. America in the region


When the reality sunk in he got elected .... let's hope Iran is spared the spanking that she actually deserves .

Why should Iran sacrifice itself for Arabs when the Arabs themselves are stabbing the Palestinians and Lebanese in the back.

I guess Iranian regime has surrendered to the Zionists. I feel bad for the Arabs that are going to be exterminated... Nobody is there to defend them... MBS Sissy Hussain bin Zayed just want drugs and American $$$.
Why should Iran sacrifice itself for Arabs when the Arabs themselves are stabbing the Palestinians and Lebanese in the back.

I guess Iranian regime has surrendered to the Zionists. I feel bad for the Arabs that are going to be exterminated... Nobody is there to defend them... MBS Sissy Hussain bin Zayed just want drugs and American $$$.
Arabs never requested Iranians for help ....iran meddled for her personal glory .....Arabs will be fine , there's no threat to them .....they will pop up the bottles of champagne when the Iranians get spanked .
I think that Iran is coordinating its response with Russia.

Russia has been as reluctant as Iran to escalate. They could have done a decapitation on Zelensky gang a long time ago and ended the battle, but they've been patient and systematic in their response. They've probably lost over 100,000 men, including generals and taken hits on Russian cities.

Iran is it partnership with Russia and behaving the same way. If/when the Russians and Iran start hitting back it would mean the use of nukes by Russia and Iranian missiles on Tel Aviv. Then it'll be a no holds barred world war and neither Israel nor its supporters will escape.

For that matter, many of us who're sitting at home hoping for more war will get vaporized as well.
Arabs never requested Iranians for help ....iran meddled for her personal glory .....Arabs will be fine , there's no threat to them .....they will pop up the bottles of champagne when the Iranians get spanked .

They don't seem to be doing too well these days.

Iranians I'm not too surprised about... The mullah regime has self preservation as priority. Just like the Arab regimes. The Zionists can go ahead and make greater Israel.

"Wo upon the Arabs", a famous quote about things to fall upon them.
They don't seem to be doing too well these days.

Iranians I'm not too surprised about... The mullah regime has self preservation as priority. Just like the Arab regimes. The Zionists can go ahead and make greater Israel.

"Wo upon the Arabs", a famous quote about things to fall upon them.
Israel will be content if her settlements are recognized as permenant borders further expansion .....greater Israel than that is neither here nor there .
Israel will be content if her settlements are recognized as permenant borders further expansion .....greater Israel than that is neither here nor there .

Israeli borders do not belong in middle east. Israel doesn't have a right to exist anymore. It is a bastard nation. Kazars need to go back to eastern Europe.
This guy doesn't look like a traditional conservative Iranian. How did he get elected?

He is a reformists and reformists are clueless idiots. He thinks this world is a lala land and west is what portrayed in main stream media.

He will understand that justice is achieved through barrel of guns, slowly but surely.

One thing i must explain, our stupid president did not actually say that we are brothers with USA. Its a persian old saying that says first prove your brotherhood and then ask for inheritance. Pointing to extravagance of Americans.
Why should Iran sacrifice itself for Arabs when the Arabs themselves are stabbing the Palestinians and Lebanese in the back.

I guess Iranian regime has surrendered to the Zionists. I feel bad for the Arabs that are going to be exterminated... Nobody is there to defend them... MBS Sissy Hussain bin Zayed just want drugs and American $$$.
Iran won't be fighting Israel but the US and NATO and it has seen the devastating consequences of war during the Iraq-Iran war. Best option for Iran is to stay quiet and continue to increase the nuke program to include H-Bombs and advance penetrating delivery systems.
Israeli borders do not belong in middle east. Israel doesn't have a right to exist anymore. It is a bastard nation. Kazars need to go back to eastern Europe.
We call them kanjars
Israel will be content if her settlements are recognized as permenant borders further expansion .....greater Israel than that is neither here nor there .
Greedy Jews are never content so they will make another genocidal grab for land.
Let us start with our own house Pakistan first.

Copy the Meiji period in Japan model or Chinese model.

Promote Muslim nationalism in Pakistan.

Promote worldly education like in the academic disciplines such as the social and hard sciences.


Compare the productivity of Japan's citizens with a mere 125 million population.
While Pakistan has a population of 250 million.

LOL, so we need to correct ourselves and improve our nation.
Give it a couple of more months n u will find things 180* diff then wt they r now
50 years and Iran is barking "Death to America" and the lackeys believe itToday, the Iranian President #مسعود_بزشكيان came out and said it frankly: “We are not hostile to America.. and we are brothers to the Americans as well.. and we do not have any problem.”

This is typical Persian style politics, when the foot politically speaking is on their neck they become "brothers". When they feel they are safe its "death to America". Wouldn't take it too seriously.

Same thing happened over Karabagh, they barked and threatened Azerbaijan non stop. When it had no effect and the Azerbaijanis crushed the russian back armenians, they started talking about brotherhood again and look the leader is an Azerbaijani Turk.

Its all bullshit, all smoke and mirrors and quite shameless. These people can say they will murder you today and tomorrow if it benefits them tell you that they love you.

Truth be told this sort of shameless politics is quite normal in the middle east.

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