Many exile Tibetans go back to Tibet to visit their families recently, tearful reunion after over 30 years separation with parents now in their 90's


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Nov 4, 2011
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Many exile Tibetans go back to Tibet to visit their families in recent years, tearful reunion after over 30 years separation with parents now in their 90's

New York to my motherland Tibet-part 4 (Chengdu - Tibet) My parents has been waiting for 30 years

China allows them to come back to visit in recent years, just give them a chance to see if it's true that their fellow Tibetans are living in a hell on earth as Dalai Lama claims.

The fact that this guy's both parents are in their 90's and healthy itself shows how life has been greatly improved in Tibet, Tibet used to have one of the shortest life expectancy in the world due to its harsh environment.
Yes, I watch some of them I think China should allow more of the exiles to return for family visits to see for themselves how Tibet changed and the best way to repudiate all those DL's propaganda about the persecution of Tibet. Here is. This girl and his father have made an excellent travelogue about New Tibet
watch it on youtube

Their first stop is Chengdu if they came from Kham which is now west Sichuan There are huge Tibetan community in Chengdu numbering more than 1 million Famous for Guozhang or Gorshey circle dance at Jinwei center Chengdu I am also fan. Tibetan girl are the best in Asia

Beautiful Zhaxilam

Fascinating Duoer
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From YouTube comment.

The so-called freedom and democracy.

7 hours ago
Let me use this opportunity to bring awareness to the oppression of Tibetans. No, I am not talking about the Tibetans in China. I am talking about Tibetans in occupied South Tibet, which was annexed by India in 1951 and made a state by India in 1987 to become the so-called Arunachal Pradesh. The Tibetans in occupied South Tibet are fast becoming strangers in their own native homeland because the Indian government is settling Indians in the region to change the demographic structure of the region. The Indians like to mock them, calling them Chinese as a form of insult (sometimes calling them names such as the C* word or the M* word.) Rape by Indians in occupied South Tibet is a major source of resentment of the locals to the Indian occupiers. Another thing is that India simply doesn't trust the locals and likes to accuse them of being Chinese spies if they don't display enough loyalty to the Indian occupier. This area is tightly controlled by India with limited access to the outside world. In 2014 a Tibetan Chinese called Nido Tania went to Delhi and was beaten to death because he looked 'Chinese'. His case was hardly an isolated one. Rape by Indians is a major source of tension in South Tibet against India. Today South Tibet is restless, and India knows it. This is the reason AFSPA (Armed Force Special Powers Act) is imposed on South Tibet. AFSPA dates back to colonial times when the British were running South Asia. AFSPA gives India the power to detain or kill anyone with impunity. AFSPA is imposed on regions India deemed 'disturbed,' such as Kashmir and South Tibet. The Tibetans in occupied South Tibet are voiceless people because they are not the right kind of Tibetans, so their plight is ignored by the world at large. I have yet to hear from the Western media of any concern about human rights abuse of the Tibetans in occupied South Tibet by India. Free South Tibet from India.
Would be better if IN annexed Tibet for Dollar Rama :rofl: varooom the intergalatic Tejas over Tibbat belting blockbuster "moddi rama bhai bhai" saree dancing on the wings spawaar.........:nana:
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70 years ago Tibetans were the poorest people in the world, now GDP per capita in Tibet is several times of India's. What a change of fortune!
From YouTube comment.

The so-called freedom and democracy.

7 hours ago
Let me use this opportunity to bring awareness to the oppression of Tibetans. No, I am not talking about the Tibetans in China. I am talking about Tibetans in occupied South Tibet, which was annexed by India in 1951 and made a state by India in 1987 to become the so-called Arunachal Pradesh. The Tibetans in occupied South Tibet are fast becoming strangers in their own native homeland because the Indian government is settling Indians in the region to change the demographic structure of the region. The Indians like to mock them, calling them Chinese as a form of insult (sometimes calling them names such as the C* word or the M* word.) Rape by Indians in occupied South Tibet is a major source of resentment of the locals to the Indian occupiers. Another thing is that India simply doesn't trust the locals and likes to accuse them of being Chinese spies if they don't display enough loyalty to the Indian occupier. This area is tightly controlled by India with limited access to the outside world. In 2014 a Tibetan Chinese called Nido Tania went to Delhi and was beaten to death because he looked 'Chinese'. His case was hardly an isolated one. Rape by Indians is a major source of tension in South Tibet against India. Today South Tibet is restless, and India knows it. This is the reason AFSPA (Armed Force Special Powers Act) is imposed on South Tibet. AFSPA dates back to colonial times when the British were running South Asia. AFSPA gives India the power to detain or kill anyone with impunity. AFSPA is imposed on regions India deemed 'disturbed,' such as Kashmir and South Tibet. The Tibetans in occupied South Tibet are voiceless people because they are not the right kind of Tibetans, so their plight is ignored by the world at large. I have yet to hear from the Western media of any concern about human rights abuse of the Tibetans in occupied South Tibet by India. Free South Tibet from India.
If you are a fair skinned lady in India, you are as good as fresh meat in a hyena's den.

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