Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

When Biden gets criticized in NY Times by the 'Liberal' crowd in the Comments section then a really bad sign and shows how this pathetic, warmongering, self-proclaimed Zionist President has destroyed the world peace and the American foreign policy.
The conflict in the Middle East is not over by a LONG shot and tactical gains by Israel doesn't mean Israel will not be getting a very bloody nose and a prolonged guerilla war in addition to the continued exodus of people from Israel and the ruination of the Israeli economy.
Oh I wish this senile Biden just vanishes! He is more blood thirsty, apathetic, warmongering and a Zionist too than any other American President in the history.

U.S. and Allies Sound Alarm Over Their Adversaries’ Military Ties​

The Biden administration is struggling to halt cooperation among Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. It feels urgency over the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East while also aiming to protect Taiwan.

Call it the Axis of Anger.

It is ripped from the pages of the World Wars or the Cold War: a coalition of powers working to strengthen one another’s militaries to defeat America’s partners and, by extension, the United States.

That is how the Biden administration characterizes Russia, China, North Korea and Iran, as those nations align more closely. U.S. officials have been sounding the alarm in speeches and closed-door talks around the world, most recently at the United Nations General Assembly in New York that ended over the weekend.

As the conflict in the Middle East widens — and as the world watches for whether Iran will retaliate against Israel for the killing on Friday of Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, and its strikes across Lebanon — U.S. officials feel an even greater sense of urgency.

----- And some highly Rated Comments ---------------
Our "ally" in the middle east is a disaster. We have no moral authority to criticize any other country as long as we continue to fund and arm our "ally".

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Mike M. commented 2 hours ago
Mike M.
Boring suburbia2h ago
The United States, in it's actions, have driven these actors into an alliance. Kissinger said, and the State Departments since he was Secretary agreed, that allowing Russia and China to hold hands would be a disaster, and here we are. And yet, what may be the worst leadership in decades, possibly ever, from our Blinken/Biden State department, we may be sealing our own fate with countless sanctions and warmongering. We need adults in the room.

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JMD commented 2 hours ago
Connecticut2h ago
And to think, had we not scuttled peace talks between Ukraine and Russia in 2022 following Russia’s failed push on Kiev, all of Russia’s formerly non-aligned neighbors would be secure under the aegis of Article 5 and we wouldn’t have greatly accelerated a shift to a multipolar world by forcing Russia to seek greater partnership with China and her allies.This administration’s foreign policy has been a disaster rising to almost comic proportions. Fire Blinken, fire Sullivan, fire Austin, fire Burns.

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Openminded commented 2 hours ago
NYC2h ago
To a hammer everything is a nail. To USA the world is always divided between us and them.Cooperation is not on the agenda. Solving issues through an international bodies such as UN is not the way unless they can be forced to follow the US unilateral agenda.And then we wonder why the world is exploding in so many conflicts. And we still have not really started addressing the threat to us all which is the global warming.

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X. commented 2 hours ago
Milky Way2h ago
The United States is strategically oriented towards establishing global hegemony over both existing and emerging economies, categorizing nations that do not roll over or play along as adversarial.

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