Gaza-Israel Conflict | 2023-2024

Nothing is ever certain anymore.

I used to be such a fan of USA and believed whole heartedly in goodness of USA and her sacrifice to defend freedom and all is good in the world.

Scales fallen from my eyes in revelations America was actually behind almost all the atrocities.

That America formented the wars in Middle East, instigated war in Ukraine and actively supplying funds and bombs and weapons to Zionist Nazis in the killing and genocide of Palestinians.

War in Bosnia must now be regarded as a evil creation of the nasty Muricans.
No more, no less


What other price the rest of the world got pay that American horrors can then strut about saying that is worth it?

See how Hillary gloated and gloated in horrors she inflicted

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American people are not happy even though CNN and FoxNews and other Zion mouth pieces try to preach otherwise. Voters will vote him out next year but only danger is he is replaced by another coldblooded genocider. Genocide Joe's time is coming.


Biden grapples to find right path on Gaza amid voter discontent​

News media shift tone toward cease-fire, negotiated Hamas exit

Polls show a majority of young voters opposes U.S. President Joe Biden's stance on Israel. © Reuters
KEN MORIYASU, Nikkei Asia diplomatic correspondentDecember 20, 2023 05:55 JST
WASHINGTON -- Despite Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's assertion that Israel's war with Hamas is also America's war, the public debate in the U.S. is shifting, with calls growing for a cease-fire and other alternatives to broad military operations in Gaza.
"We think this is not only our war but in many ways your war because you are leading the forces of civilization in the world," Netanyahu told visiting U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin in Tel Aviv on Monday.


US-Israel has created a waterfall of jihadists

The blowback is entirely predictable. The photos and videos of mass slaughter are bound to fuel anger among the Muslim masses. Israel is betting the recipient of this rage will be United States and it appears they are not far off.
Once again, both videos don't show much damage to the tanks, only surface level.

Though in the second video, that soldier is probably dead as he took a near direct hit. If he's alive, he's gonna have a horrible life ahead of him.

I do believe first, Mk.4 Merkavas do not have explosive reactive armour, they have NERA which is non-explosive variant of reactive armour so any explosion you see near the tank is not a good sign.

Second, if it's earlier models with ERA Hamas shows in every video they are shooting Yaseen 105 which is a local production PG-7VR Tandem Warhead specifically designed to neglect reactive armor with its dual charge, first one activating the ERA and second one defeating the main armour.
I used to be such a fan of USA and believed whole heartedly in goodness of USA and her sacrifice to defend freedom and all is good in the world.

Scales fallen from my eyes in revelations America was actually behind almost all the atrocities.


You might have read a bit of what I been writing.

I am not anti American at all

The two countries I love the most are China and USA , and not necessary in that order.

I grew up in an English speaking environment at home and in school and with friends. From very young, I was reading books by Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, Ernest Hemingway, Henry Thoreau, Harold Robbins, Jack London , Louis L’Amour and the likes. Enough to develop a strong liking for USA and Americanism.

Even now, many of my favourite authors are American such as John Sanford, Baldacci, Lee Child, Vince Flynn and the likes which I enjoy.

And which you can recognise I can hardly read if I do not like USA.

Only when I was 40++ , when I was posted to Taiwan that I got to speak Chinese and discovered my Chinese roots, hidden away from me by my very Westernised education. And recently 4 years or so ago, at age of 65, learned on my own to read Chinese and enjoy reading Chinese and got to know even more of my roots and a love for things Chinese. And a history and background that I never got to learn about in my earlier school days. And access into Chinese publications on military matters, even if much of what I used here in Quora came from Pentagon and Western military think tanks.

I also read many books on war, such as by Ian W. Toll and Hornfischer , David Halberstam to know Americans can fight very well. And books by Neil Sheehan eg “A bright shining lie “ to know Americans fought heroically in Vietnam in a fight they should not have been fighting but for the stupidity of their politicians.

Wuming Chan's answer to What happened during the Vietnam War that nobody talks about today?

Only when I got into Quora recently that I discovered such a upwelling of hatred and bad mouthing and mocking of China and things Chinese that I felt compelled to step in to try to balance the very unbalanced view points being preached here such as the existence of this question and similar chest thumping and goose stepping questions.

That China is a fucking walkover , and will be a pushover any time for USA.

Which terrified me as that will be a sure way to a very bad and damaging war for USA and China, that I love both very much. And the world we lived in. The hatred and ill feelings that will be generated from a war between USA and China regardless of the Pyrrhic victories/defeats meant a series of further wars infinitum.

Provided no nukes are used, in which case, the end of us all and no more worries of Global warming and plastic pollutions and balance of payments.

And so as said by me many times.

Please do not have war with China.

Young men and women of both countries and all countries should smell roses, make love and drink and dine and laugh and go enjoy sunrises and sunsets and play with their kids and children.

Please do not have war with China.

There are so many better and worthwhile things we all can do together and with our lives.

I have greatest respect for fighting men(and women) regardless of the flag they fought under.

Just as I salute all that lied in the fields of Flanders where the poppies blow and gave my respect to all of them when I visited the place that they all dwell remaining forever young.

Young men and women of both countries and all countries should smell roses, make love and drink and dine and laugh and go enjoy sunrises and sunsets and play with their kids and children.

And not make war and die or make others to die for their countries.

ISIS and their likes the only exceptions and should be send on to remain forever young.

As said, I gave honour and respect to all of them when I was there.

Divided in life, and now united and remaining young forever .



Perhaps if you read the books I read in my childhood days, you might feel a bit different. Those books left behind a very lasting impression on my views of American (at least as represented in those books).

And to show I did not lift the earlier photos from other folks, here are some of me when I was there a few years ago in pilgrimage to the stupidity of mankind.




With real poppies in the Field of Flanders blowing behind me and over my head.

And yet another twist.

There is a third country (or place) that I love even more than those two I mentioned.
With many great friends and where I spend many of the happiest years of my life in.
Not for no reason why those two flags are flying proudly above

That is Taiwan. My mind screwed and heart torned apart each time China rattled her missiles or Taiwan trying to distant herself and seeing 'Muricans jumping in
to make hay while the sun shines for them. China should be left in peace to sort out the differences between siblings as those two know best how to settle family quarrels.

I was last in Taiwan in June & November 2019, to be with my Tinkerbell that I had to leave behind in 2004.

C19 meant I did not go to Taiwan again in April this year as I yearned to. Uncertain when I be able to see Tinkerbell again.

Best explained in

with the many many visits I taken to be with her.

And I will be back again with her a couple weeks later.

Those are the subjects I much prefer to write about that will add to your happiness.
Than what you folks seen me writing about here .
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