Govt to auction PIA on October 1, amid debt crisis

The sooner the better including the loss making DISCOs.
No sympathies should be attached to a loss making SOE.

The looming debt repayments, without any proper planning and weed off the country from loans, are an existential threat.

The debt Pakistan has is not due to airline

It is due to people stealing from Budget at government level
Over hiring in company, at company Level
People flying for free on Carrier without buying a ticket

The issue is not with demand or capability of airline

The issue is "Over hiring" above needs of company
The debt Pakistan has is not due to airline

It is due to people stealing from Budget at government level
Over hiring in company, at company Level
People flying for free on Carrier without buying a ticket

The issue is not with demand or capability of airline

The issue is "Over hiring" above needs of company

As usual we never look at the root cause. How can PIA be profitable when dacoits are eating from it, steel mill was similar. They can keep PIA as it is but hire professional workforce but that will not happen because safarishi will come or people in power will plot against the professional workforce until they fail and then safarishi come. This is the problem in all fields and people love it.
As usual we never look at the root cause. How can PIA be profitable when dacoits are eating from it, steel mill was similar. They can keep PIA as it is but hire professional workforce but that will not happen because safarishi will come or people in power will plot against the professional workforce until they fail and then safarishi come. This is the problem in all fields and people love it.
Pia is a small example of the country itself
16 flying planes and 10,323 employees. That's an average of 645 employees per plane. The world average is 133 employees per plane. That means that PIA should have 2,128 employees and 8,195 should be laid off.

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