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HAL LCA Tejas: Updates, News & Discussions


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Feb 6, 2024
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Yeah believing in crash without any single proof wasn’t a tangent.
Pretty much every other year - and yes considering how much you blabber and shoot tangents or move goal posts it is pretty easy.


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Feb 6, 2024
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We have the required data about our adversaries

And given how Things are going on in Kashmir, We shall soon see in reality
"When the Rubber Meets the Road "
Indeed MAFT facility is for. Have you heard this similar program from other side of border?

Why they are incapable to increase TTSL? How they came to know the figure of 3000 hours of TTSL?

It’s quite easy to blame ourselves.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Kashmir is the elixir of life for pakistani security establishment..

NO. It's just what was told to justify things, which can be justified by many other ways and infact they don't need to justify anyways. Ayub Khan wants to take over govt. he is going to do it even without Kashmir issue infact at that time Kashmir was not as big flash point.


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Dec 11, 2023
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NO. It's just what was told to justify things, which can be justified by many other ways and infact they don't need to justify anyways. Ayub Khan wants to take over govt. he is going to do it even without Kashmir issue infact at that time Kashmir was not as big flash point.
Not for us. But fir you it became an issue in 1948 itself.


Jan 11, 2024
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There has been no crash of Tejas.
One Tejas landed at Surat due to some issue. Some people are saying that it was a case of low fuel. Not yet confirmed.
Really? Maybe I missed something, this was widely reported and apparently confirmed by the IAF?


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Feb 24, 2024
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Really? Maybe I missed something, this was widely reported and apparently confirmed by the IAF?
He is referring to the post above his. There is a fake Twitter post going around showing a delta wing plane (or something that looks delta wing) on fire midflight. The tweet claims it's a Tejas fighter, and it's fake. That's what he is referring to.


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Mar 1, 2015
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Not for us. But fir you it became an issue in 1948 itself.

Dear Kashmir issue and Army interference in Politics and corruption of Elites are all separate issues. And No need to linger on this useless debate as this is off-topic.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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Maybe I missed something, this was widely reported and apparently confirmed by the IAF?
I should have clarified my comment further.
There has been one crash and it was widely reported.

My comment was in context to purported pic of an aircraft in fire with pilot visible, ejecting out of it. Few FMs have done a reverse image check and confirmed that to be the video garb of another aircraft crash.


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Feb 20, 2024
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Full Member
Feb 20, 2024
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Indeed. That whole event in of itself is a whole other can of worms. I'm still trying to find out the fate of the surviving pilot, if he was actually the one flying the plane or if it was the back seater who had control and if he was the trainee or another pilot and they were out for a spin. And was that barrel roll permitted by the BAF or did he break protocol and if there was going to be an inquiry that would lead to a possible court marshal since it was obvioulsy the pilot's fault. Performing a roll at such a low altitude, in a trainer and then smack-belly-scraping the ground which led to the aircraft catching fire, the death of a pilot and its destruction. That's not a good thing and I would imagine there has to be some form of military judgement or ruling on the crash.

As per what I found on Reddit, the front seater is the one who did the irresponsible and poorly performed aerobatics that led to the Yak-130 hitting the ground before he pulled it up.

That pilot died, his instructor in the back seat just barely made it, being rescued by fishermen from the water.

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