Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hizbollah and Israel have opposing interest in this conflict. Wanting vs Not Wanting Americans to be drawed in directly is one of them.

Hozbollah have to balance on a knifes edge. Hit Israel too hard to quickly and they will scream «Holocaust» on all western news media 24/7; giving zionist vultures in the US the manouvering space to start the war on behalf of Israel.
Bro look at what happened to Lebanon when u are not responding in kind. Israel is a wild dog u just can't let it roam around biting your azz beat it with a stick and it will back down 😂
It's a scud from Iraq/Syria. We're past their lies. Now is time for United stand by all Arab and Islamic nations against this terrorist entity.
it's not a SCUD. it's too small. it's an unguided Zelzal-1/2 rocket.
problem is Israel doesn't give them a moment to breathe and immediately acts in a large scale whenever it detects preparations for a large attack by Hezbollah

Israel's sortie rate from today is incredible, non stop airstrikes all day. but it's not very sustainable for more than a few months. but by then Hezbollah will not have many missiles left...

None of this is surprising, not being allowed to breathe, huh, why would you expect this

You absolutely need an airforce and you need a big pile of missiles. I mean a shit load of missiles.

As well as the ability to replenish stock reliably

Need Russian help here
it's not a SCUD. it's too small. it's an unguided Zelzal-1/2 rocket.
Still could be photoshopped. They want us to focus on such things and not their pre-determined decision to launch a terror bombing of Lebanon.
Lol, you are one freaking out and saying Hezbollah is doomed.

These statements by Iran aren't helpful at this time. And this echoed by Hezbollah support base too. Since you're not Arabic speaking you're out of the know.

You want people to die when you sit at home like a keyword warrior ?

Over 500 Muslims are dead today alone

Israel can easily do 5,000 and world won’t blink a eye lid

Israel can wipe Hezbollah off in 24 hours with those 5,000 lb bunker busters from F35 which you and even see or hear there is no chance against this

Israel will kill so easily 500 per day literally no problems for them

Hezbollah must step back and step down

this is sheer stupidity on thier part
Bro look at what happened to Lebanon when u are not responding in kind. Israel is a wild dog u just can't let it roam around biting your azz beat it with a stick and it will back down 😂

I agree
Its a difficult situation and worst the Gulf Arabs are assisting Israel!! Its wild!

Question is HOW MUCH is the United States willing to sacrifice for Israel. Thats the main thing here really.

Hypothetically, if Israel is smashed to the ground completely, will USA come in with entire amies and rebuild Israel, regardless of the cost? Or will America at certain point do a Cost vs. Benefit calculation and conclude its not worth it anymore.

Where is the treshold.
One thing is bombastic «pro-Israeli» political speak from US Senators. Another thing the real world calculations that happen behind the Curtains.
?? Is Iran selling Hezbollah and Hamas out?

Iranian President:

Our message is peace and security.

this guy is in America to attend the UN session and speak to diplomats from lots of countries. his job is to promote peace. remember Israeli ministers tell us they don't want full scale war with Lebanon before massacring 500 Lebanese people in one day.

He is just a figurehead he doesn't make the real decisions. but his platform is to relieve sanctions pressure which is really harming Iranian society
I agree
Its a difficult situation and worst the Gulf Arabs are assisting Israel!! Its wild!

Question is HOW MUCH is the United States willing to sacrifice for Israel. Thats the main thing here.

Hypothetically, if Israel is smashed to the ground completely, will USA come in with entire amies and rebuild Israel, regardless of the cost. Or will America at certain point do a Cost vs. Benefit calcumstion and conclude itsnot worth it anymore.

Where is the treshold.
One thing is bombastic «pro-Israeli» political speak from US Senators. Another thing the real world calculations that happen behind the Curtains.
I don't think the US will get involved between hezbollah and Israel. It's a tough hill battle on one hand the US don't want to get dragged in the middle east conflict because of china on the other hand Israel owns America by the balls.the US politicians don't care about public opinion have u seen netanyahu speech in the Congress
They will continue supplying Israel with weapons while trying to distance themselves publicly. It will be the same when Kamala gets into office. Trump is more direct and he doesn't shy away from his support of Israel. They are both complicit.
I agree
Its a difficult situation and worst the Gulf Arabs are assisting Israel!! Its wild!

Question is HOW MUCH is the United States willing to sacrifice for Israel. Thats the main thing here really.

Hypothetically, if Israel is smashed to the ground completely, will USA come in with entire amies and rebuild Israel, regardless of the cost? Or will America at certain point do a Cost vs. Benefit calculation and conclude its not worth it anymore.

Where is the treshold.
One thing is bombastic «pro-Israeli» political speak from US Senators. Another thing the real world calculations that happen behind the Curtains.
Hezbollah has two choices either back down or go all in but with Israel countless attacks it will be hard to respond to kind.
You absolutely need an airforce and you need a big pile of missiles. I mean a shit load of missiles.

Definitely but its kinda too late for Iran regarding airforce. To fight against nuclear powers, you'll need nukes.
I don't think the US will get involved between hezbollah and Israel. It's a tough hill battle on one hand the US don't want to get dragged in the middle east conflict because of china on the other hand Israel owns America by the balls.the US politicians don't care about public opinion have u seen netanyahu speech in the Congress
They will continue supplying Israel with weapons while trying to distance themselves publicly. It will be the same when Kamala gets into office. Trump is more direct and he doesn't shy away from his support of Israel. They are both complicit.

Yes the rich and powerful owns the US political landscape. The US is a plutocracy, not a true democracy. Which is a boon for the zionist cabal. The US at present stage is the perfect country for Zionist leechers, wherein they have free reign and traditional enemy is either completley subdued or made toothless.
America is supporting acts of genocide and terrorism. Definition of terrorism is deliberately targeting civilians to achieve a political aim.

America is saying Hezbollah should end any support for Gaza and move out of South Lebanon, after having green lit this massacre. Now keep in mind American only seems to green light these massacres for Israel and no other allies. Jews play a large role.

US State Department spokesman to Al Jazeera: We believe that all those who left their homes in Lebanon and Israel have the right to return to them


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