Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Russian airpower made gains, the syrian and iranian ground forces are quite primitive and were struggling against a rag tag syrian opposition that had no airpower and nothing really then basic guns and anti tank munitions.

Hence why the war turned when Russia intervened several years into it. Not before then. But it was the advent of Isis that killed the revolution.

There was zero Russian air power in the battle of Saraqib.

Russia told Iran do not fight Turkey.

Israel gave location of HZ soldiers to Turkey leading to 8 HZ losses.

Saraqib was taken by HZ in one day.
Its thank to the Turks that you Palestinians had it so good for so long. Without Turkish Ottoamn power you probably get conquered much sooner. But i don't expect you people to show any gratitude, after all you are the grandsons of the betrayers.

To make matters worse your reputation regionally among arab states is treacherous. Hence why none of the arab states want you.

so this behaviour is normal.
Turks made a lot of noise in the last 12 months in support of the Palestinian cause - I’m reality allowing oil to flow through the pipeline has assisted the Israelis. Turks ought to be ashamed - very ashamed
I think Hezbollah is still in process of regrouping and coordinating a response. They are still acting somewhat calculated.

But let's point something out. Repeated strikes on important air bases like the Ramat one, means Israel will be forced to move Iron Dome batteries away from state infrastructure and to these important airbases. Then if Hezbollah rains down on the settlements, it would cause big damage and casualties.
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40% of the oil in Israel comes from Azerbaijan via Türkiye. If erdogan wants to support Palestine, this pipeline should be closed.This oil is used to fuel the needs of warplanes, tanks, military vehicles and other factories.
How come no one in the resistance is targeting the pipeline?
@Persian Gulf can you show the same energy in banning this Turk-Roach like you did me on multiple occasions. I don’t want to be reading bs about turkey when this thread is for Lebanon and Israel
There was zero Russian air power in the battle of Saraqib.

Russia told Iran do not fight Turkey.

Israel gave location of HZ soldiers to Turkey leading to 8 HZ losses.

Saraqib was taken by HZ in one day.

Stop lying
HZ can not take anything without Russian Military Power

FSA kicked Iran+SAA+HZ combined and in 2015 Iran asked helping from Russia

Iran has no power to fight Turkiye in Syria
Russia used S400s and SU-35 Fighter Jets to block the Turkish Air Force

after treacherous attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020
Turkish Armed Forces used only UCAVs to kill over 3.000 HZ militia + IRGC + SAA including 4 Generals in a week

and Turkish Armed Forces destroyed
3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Even Turkish Armed Forces bombed Russian Forces and Russia+Iran could not dare fight Turkiye

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria
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Turks made a lot of noise in the last 12 months in support of the Palestinian cause - I’m reality allowing oil to flow through the pipeline has assisted the Israelis. Turks ought to be ashamed - very ashamed

Your Pakistan sold 155 mm Howitzer munitions to kill Palestinians

Pakistan , Egypt , S Arabia , The UAE , Indonesia , etc doing nothing against Israel while Turkiye fighting USA+Israel and their proxies FETO , PKK-YPG since 2013

and Turkiye has halted all trade with Israel

Turkiye lost over $500 billion because of supporting Palestinians since 2009 DAVOS crisis with Israel

Iran used HAMAS for terror attack on Israel and NOW Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians
Stop lying
HZ can not take anything without Russian Military Power

FSA kicked Iran+SAA+HZ combined and in 2015 Iran asked helping from Russia

Iran has no power to fight Turkiye in Syria
Russia used S400s and SU-35 Fighter Jets to block the Turkish Air Force

after treacherous attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020
Turkish Armed Forces used only UCAVs to kill over 3.000 HZ militia + IRGC + SAA including 4 Generals in a week

and Turkish Armed Forces destroyed
3 UAVs
2 SU-24 Fighter Jets
1 L-39 Aircraft
8 Helicopters
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Even Turkish Armed Forces bombed Russian Forces and Russia+Iran could not dare fight Turkiye

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria


And you prayed in Ummayid mosque as you promised after your win :D

Your Pakistan sold 155 mm Howitzer munitions to kill Palestinians

Pakistan , Egypt , S Arabia , The UAE , Indonesia , etc doing nothing against Israel while Turkiye fighting USA+Israel and their proxies FETO , PKK-YPG since 2013

and Turkiye has halted all trade with Israel

Turkiye lost over $500 billion because of supporting Palestinians since 2009 DAVOS crisis with Israel

Iran used HAMAS for terror attack on Israel and NOW Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians
Read this article bro erdogan is no friend of Palestine. Turkey is afraid of Israel more than anyone in the region.it was 2010 in May of that year, the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, comprising six civilian ships carrying humanitarian aid, sought to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza. Before they could reach their destination, members of the Israeli navy stormed the ships, killing ten people. Eight of the victims were Turkish nationals and one was an American of Turkish descent.

Erdoğan seemed furious. “This bloody massacre by Israel on ships that were taking humanitarian aid to Gaza deserves every kind of curse” he stated. He insisted that Israel had to “absolutely be punished by all means.” For the first time, Turkey expelled its Israeli ambassadors, prompting a reciprocal response from Israel.

It appeared that Turkey might align with other Middle Eastern countries in isolating Israel. However, in the year following the flotilla raid, Israeli exports to Turkey grew by 50 percent.

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