Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

What if there is a Plot twist?

What if Israel had nothing to do with it and low quality, sub standard pagers just exploded because of manufacturing defects? Wouldn't that be strange?

To get 2000 sub-standard pagers all to explode at the same time
My knowledge of probability and statistics is a little stale. It is an infinitely small number
Reports says they are new devices.

My strongest reason for doubting Israel carried this out? Timing. If Israel had this capability, wouldn't Israel have waited to exercise it in battle, rather than when Hezbollah members were out shopping for fruits and vegetables? Now Hezb has the time and opportunity to make alternative communication and personnel arrangements, yes?

This whole thing sounds extremely fishy to me.

While I do think the Israelis are behind it there seems to be something screwball about a "stock" pager being overloaded to a point where it can turn into a hand grenade. I would think safety has been built into these things.

I mean if people's cellphones start exploding on command...that just seems weird.

People are going to be looking at their phones now....
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The Main thing is that Israel must be knowing who all have received the pagers

So they have a list of Hezbollah members for future attacks
The Main thing is that Israel must be knowing who all have received the pagers

So they have a list of Hezbollah members for future attacks

They don't, it's just pagers into the system that anyone could have, most injuries are just people unlucky enough to get the pager,
They did live among the Hindus of India for centuries. They were respected, because they contributed to the local culture instead of blowing up unbelievers.

Jews of Cochin

That's just one example.

Now they have a nation of their own - one their ancestors were expelled from, and which they have now returned to, and made a paradise of.

They aren't going anywhere - no matter how many barbarians in the middle east hate them, they are living and thriving and will continue to do so, because they are smarter than their enemies.

Quality is much more important than shoddy quantity.
Haha , I can imagine what's your culture if a Jew can impress you. Anyway, they should have thought you not to shit on the streets.
Why do nobody's like Indians stick like the shit on every story?
Because, you don't have anything of your own, is that what it is,
You are going to talk about barbarism? 80% of you live like animals, which easily can be seen on you tube in 2 minutes?
You are talking?
Six pages and nobody has asked the main question.... Who the F carries pagers in 2024?!?!

pagers are useful one way communication devices
I am assuming these are one way for security reasons
Reports says they are new devices.

My strongest reason for doubting Israel carried this out? Timing. If Israel had this capability, wouldn't Israel have waited to exercise it in battle, rather than when Hezbollah members were out shopping for fruits and vegetables? Now Hezb has the time and opportunity to make alternative communication and personnel arrangements, yes?

If Israel did not do it that leaves USA
Motivate yourself and join Hezbollah. Why wait for others.

Your hindu bethren are motivated so much to kill muslims that some join IDF gory murders on children and women in Palestine. Rest are clapping like monkees on the internet.

The resistance against Israel is a multifaced and worldwide struggle. The only ones who are clapping for IDF child murderers and rapists, are western far right degenrates and the odd indians.

  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon

Hezbollah pagers explode all over Lebanon; Hezbollah claims they were used by "civilians"

From the Wall Street Journal:
Pagers carried by hundreds of Hezbollah operatives exploded Tuesday, leaving many of them injured in an unprecedented event that struck across Lebanon.
The affected pagers were from a new shipment that the group received in recent days, people familiar with the matter said. A Hezbollah official said hundreds of fighters had such devices, speculating that malware may have caused the devices to heat up and explode. The official said some people felt the pagers heat up and disposed of them before they burst.

Some potential victims said they felt the pagers heat up beforehand and got rid of them before the explosion.

So far, according to Lebanese health authorities, is 8 killed, 200 critically injured and 2,750 injured to some degree. 7 more were said to be killed in Syria.

When I first saw the story, I assumed that "somebody" had found a vulnerability in the pager software and fond that a set of commands could cause them to heat up and explode. But the WSJ report makes it sound more like a supply chain attack -"somebody" knew about this shipment and sabotaged it, perhaps even installing small explosives inside the devices that could be triggered by commands or heat, or more likely replacing the batteries with versions that would explode when exposed to a certain stimulus like a series of signals.

Almost certainly, and ironically, Hezbollah demanded that its many members communicate only with pagers because they felt that they were more secure than cell phones that could be hacked or eavesdropped on. One can be certain that everyone who had one of these pagers in their pocket or their belt was a Hezbollah member, making this attack as perfectly aligned with international law as is possible.

Hezbollah predictably is pretending that they were killing civilians - as if normal people would walk around with pagers instead of phones.

Hezbollah is only claiming that civilians were killed - claiming the death of a girl. What they don't say is that her terrorist father with the pager was next to her at the time, or whether he is alive.

Other details are coming out - a Hezbollah MP who was killed, a son of a Hezbollah leader said to have been killed.

One can be certain that the only people using that brand of pager in Lebanon are Hezbollah members. While there are still some some pager manufacturers, they re only for niche markets.

Like terrorists.

Here are two videos apparently of explosions.

[videos in original]

And photos of victims:

To no one's surprise, every photo and video that have been published show the victims are military aged males. Not nurses.

This may be the first truly fatal cyberattack.
I see that you are very active, but you forgot that you owe me am answer from Turkish DefenceHub.
So as i can see that have plenty of time for chit chat , let's finish it now.
As both of us know, some time ago you wrote that you are fine with children dieing as long as it is in interest of your values.
Didn't you say that or I am lying.
Now, there are 2 things that can be concluded from such a statement.
1 that you are a pedo and hater of children just like Jews, which is proven by their own acts and talk
2 You like a cheap shirt from sweatshop
Now let's be civlized and courteous like man, so let's conclude this long standing rift.
Are you Prado or cheap or both?
If youanswer give an answer which I can deem acceptable, I won't mention your latent pedophilia anymore.
Even the deflection, like Natanyahu " Children of the darkness " would be accepted.

Anyone can rob anything from anyone and present it as a beautiful shite.

I have it give it to you guys though.
You are masters of word play. Which you owe to your talmudic background.

You so beautifully forgot Israel in the end is just another Euopean colonial project. Created by white europeans, supported by white europeans, and protected by white europeans; to rape, murder and loot local population for the past 100 years.

Israel is the final chapter in the grim tale called comonialism, which began with mass extintion of native Americans 500 years ago. Its a inescapable fact.
Too bad its creation came 400 years too late.
There is no technology that "explodes batteries"; if it existed, you could explode any cell phone, notebook, smartwatch, etc. (at any time or any place), and NATO (for example) already had exploded Putin devices (zionists already have exploded Iranian devices), etc.; in fact, it does not exist. What exists is much more simple:

The pager batteries that were sold to Lebanese people already were explosives. Only pagers from Motorola with certain types of batteries exploded... It is the same as to sell 5000 "PlayStation 5", but inside of it a service secret put explosives and in a future time these explosives will be detoned by wireless.

The myth that pagers exploded by an incredible technology is fake and part of misinformation certain sides as a tool for psychological warfare. Zionist western media is telling us that "only Hezbollah pagers exploded" but we know this is (one more) fake news. 3000 Lebanese civilians were targeted(11 years girl was dead) because zionist entity do not know which pager belongs to whom; in fact, when pagers were sold, they already had explosives inside them and it's very easy to do for zionist entity and the USA.

And the fact that zionist racial supremacist propaganda already uses this strategy now is to prove they are desperate and not as strong as their racist propaganda sells to ordinary people.

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