Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

There is speculation that these pagers were Motorola devices and were bought from Jordan?
Just notice the Hindutva monkeys jumping in hapiness from Israeli murder of muslims in Lebanon in this thread.

Wherever you find something ill happening to muslims anywhere you will find the same wankers getting relief.
A large-scale explosion of a BP rig produced in Taiwan Province in Lebanon has killed 8 people and injured about 2,750 people, of which about 200 were in critical condition.The model of the BP machine is AR-924, and this manufacturer in Taiwan Province participated in the whole process.This BP machine is IP67-grade dustproof and waterproof. It uses ultrasonic welding. It is necessary to disassemble the 3,000 ultrasonic-welded BP machines lossless and add things. This possibility is zero.I dare to be 100% sure that the manufacturer participated in the whole process.
Just notice the Hindutva monkeys jumping in hapiness from Israeli murder of muslims in Lebanon in this thread.

Wherever you find something ill happening to muslims anywhere you will find the same wankers getting relief.
These RSS pa***ts are busy running away from their own country to Dubai , Malaysia, Qatar , Canada, Australia, US etc just ignore them. I did enjoy as well when China killed 20+ plus of their soldiers and captured hundreds more and captured 2000 sqkm of their land.
A large-scale explosion of a BP rig produced in Taiwan Province in Lebanon has killed 8 people and injured about 2,750 people, of which about 200 were in critical condition.The model of the BP machine is AR-924, and this manufacturer in Taiwan Province participated in the whole process.This BP machine is IP67-grade dustproof and waterproof. It uses ultrasonic welding. It is necessary to disassemble the 3,000 ultrasonic-welded BP machines lossless and add things. This possibility is zero.I dare to be 100% sure that the manufacturer participated in the whole process.

What other electronic products do Taiwan produce?

Is there a list with the name of companies?

Everyone must be warned about products coming out of Taiwan is compromized and danger to life.
There is no technology that "explodes batteries"; if it existed, you could explode any cell phone, notebook, smartwatch, etc. (at any time or any place), and NATO (for example) already had exploded Putin devices (zionists already have exploded Iranian devices), etc.; in fact, it does not exist. What exists is much more simple:

The pager batteries that were sold to Lebanese people already were explosives. Only pagers from Motorola with certain types of batteries exploded... It is the same as to sell 5000 "PlayStation 5", but inside of it a service secret put explosives and in a future time these explosives will be detoned by wireless.

The myth that pagers exploded by an incredible technology is fake and part of misinformation certain sides as a tool for psychological warfare. Zionist western media is telling us that "only Hezbollah pagers exploded" but we know this is (one more) fake news. 3000 Lebanese civilians were targeted(11 years girl was dead) because zionist entity do not know which pager belongs to whom; in fact, when pagers were sold, they already had explosives inside them and it's very easy to do for zionist entity and the USA.

And the fact that zionist racial supremacist propaganda already uses this strategy now is to prove they are desperate and not as strong as their racist propaganda sells to ordinary people.
But why would civilians use pagers instead of smartphones? Hezbollah members have families too and these people move around the country like others. Exploding devices can injure or kill anybody in close proximity of-course.

Let's admit that this is an embarassing episode for Hezbollah. Israeli even mocked that Apple is better and reliable.
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At first I thought that only Hizbuallah used these pagers, all the casualties would be from them. This would be a massive loss.

However I think that many others in Lebanon used these pagers, diminishing their losses. On Al-Jazeera their mainly showing men of military age in hospitals.
No lithium battery overload Mossad got a hold of the pagers before they were shipped to hezbollah.
Well Mossad clearly found out the source of Hezbollahs pagers and managed to insert these pagers filled with explosives into that supply network.

I suspect they were hacked with a code Malvare to overheat the battery quickly. Simple tech without modern safeguards. A price taken for going old school in this modern warfare era Lithium Batteries are bombs.
These RSS pa***ts are busy running away from their own country to Dubai , Malaysia, Qatar , Canada, Australia, US etc just ignore them. I did enjoy as well when China killed 20+ plus of their soldiers and captured hundreds more and captured 2000 sqkm of their land.

I know what you mean.
Me personally, i really dont care about indian hindutvas because in real life they are just like pathetic shadows barely noticeable and never able to look anyone in the eye properly.

But i do care about littering.. which i hate. And these cowards go around and litter all over the web….
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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
  • user.png
    Elder of Ziyon

Hezbollah pagers explode all over Lebanon; Hezbollah claims they were used by "civilians"

From the Wall Street Journal:

Some potential victims said they felt the pagers heat up beforehand and got rid of them before the explosion.

So far, according to Lebanese health authorities, is 8 killed, 200 critically injured and 2,750 injured to some degree. 7 more were said to be killed in Syria.

When I first saw the story, I assumed that "somebody" had found a vulnerability in the pager software and fond that a set of commands could cause them to heat up and explode. But the WSJ report makes it sound more like a supply chain attack -"somebody" knew about this shipment and sabotaged it, perhaps even installing small explosives inside the devices that could be triggered by commands or heat, or more likely replacing the batteries with versions that would explode when exposed to a certain stimulus like a series of signals.

Almost certainly, and ironically, Hezbollah demanded that its many members communicate only with pagers because they felt that they were more secure than cell phones that could be hacked or eavesdropped on. One can be certain that everyone who had one of these pagers in their pocket or their belt was a Hezbollah member, making this attack as perfectly aligned with international law as is possible.

Hezbollah predictably is pretending that they were killing civilians - as if normal people would walk around with pagers instead of phones.

Hezbollah is only claiming that civilians were killed - claiming the death of a girl. What they don't say is that her terrorist father with the pager was next to her at the time, or whether he is alive.

Other details are coming out - a Hezbollah MP who was killed, a son of a Hezbollah leader said to have been killed.

One can be certain that the only people using that brand of pager in Lebanon are Hezbollah members. While there are still some some pager manufacturers, they re only for niche markets.

Like terrorists.

Here are two videos apparently of explosions.

[videos in original]

And photos of victims:

To no one's surprise, every photo and video that have been published show the victims are military aged males. Not nurses.

This may be the first truly fatal cyberattack.
Guess what? Military age male is anyone over 18, including civilians. This was used for years by the US administration to pump up numbers of terrorists killed by drone strikes in Pakistan, when in reality up to 80% were civilians with no links to those said terrorists.

The fact that you're using a well known fascist source "Elder of Ziyon" who actively has called for the ethnic cleansing of non-Jews, is shameful and isn't the flex you think it is.

You have a history of posting fascist propaganda. Have some shame.

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