Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories


Those fucking Zionist Nazis broken countless human rights laws for decades. They worse than Hitler Gestapo 😡😡😡

I hate Hitler for not completing his FINAL SOLUTION on Biblical psycopath Jews and letting them to infest Middle East like cockroaches and bedbugs 🖕🖕🖕😡😡😡
From the River to the Sea' No longer 2 state solution Just one single state. The state of Palestine Zionist Nazis will all be exiled from Palestine. They will go back to where they crawled out of the woodwork. And re-infest the countries in the West where they were spawned from**
Hell yea brother!
It is definitely relevant, you will not stop the resistance as long as you occupy and oppress. Hamas and Hezbollah are irrelevant, it’s the hearts, minds, and strength of people that will continue to resist no matter what they are called before or after these groups.

That is now dependent on iran

- if the primary objective of Iran was to create proxies for politicial purposes, and righteous talk is fluff, then Hamas and Hizbolla will collapse with an attack on Iran

- if they live in 'hearts and. minds', then maybe they will survive

Though I don't see how they live in hearts and minds when they have to suspend elections in Gaza to remain in power. Time will tell.
Do you have any idea how long dual israeli-American nationals are in the American government? And how long they've been there?
Short answer, too long.

After amassing a fortune on the New York Stock Exchange, he impressed President Woodrow Wilson by managing the nation's economic mobilization in World War I as chairman of the War Industries Board. He advised Wilson during the Paris Peace Conference. He made another fortune in the postwar bull market, but foresaw the Wall Street crash and sold out well in advance.
That is now dependent on iran

- if the primary objective of Iran was to create proxies for politicial purposes, and righteous talk is fluff, then Hamas and Hizbolla will collapse with an attack on Iran

- if they live in 'hearts and. minds', then maybe they will survive

Though I don't see how they live in hearts and minds when they have to suspend elections in Gaza to remain in power. Time will tell.
Once again, resistance is bigger than Hamas or Hezbollah. Do you comprehend? Resistance will continue to exist as long as occupation and oppression continues whether it is Hamas or Hezbollah or any new group that pops up.
Once again, resistance is bigger than Hamas or Hezbollah. Do you comprehend? Resistance will continue to exist as long as occupation and oppression continues whether it is Hamas or Hezbollah or any new group that pops up.

That is the claim. Now we will know. Either it is. or it is not.
That is the claim. Now we will know. Either it is. or it is not.
It is not a claim, it is a fact. When were Hamas and Hezbollah created and how long has resistance existed?

Edit: I should have looked at your profile beforehand so I wouldn’t have wasted my time replying.

Indians do not know anything about resistance because they are used to being subjected and have an inferiority complex to Jews and whites.
Though I don't see how they live in hearts and minds when they have to suspend elections in Gaza to remain in power. Time will tell.
Another lie. You just can't stop lying. People from Gaza (like me) know what Gaza actually is and is like. There will be no surrender to Jewish facist terrorist scumbags.

âš¡â­• Deputy Head of the Media Authority of the Ansar Allah Group (Houthi), Nasr al-Din Amer:

At first, we were testing the missiles after we had recently developed them, and we want them to be accurate, fast, and in accordance with other technical matters, and we will intensify the missile strikes in the coming days.
9:30 PM · Sep 27, 2024

حسين حسيني 🇮🇷
Every country should test their missles over tel aviv, it's the perfect environment.
LMAO... While others were testing their missiles on seas and whatnot, Yemenis are testing theirs on actual target i.e Israel
Uhee Sanjaya
Damn 🤭 trial and error testing misiile trial version real to directly hit enemy capital 🤭🤭
Based Yemenis af
Alkaline Bah
Good luck on your testing keep more testing tell u achieve a direct hit 😅😂
🇵🇸 Nigel Molesworth
🤣 the men in skirts are 🔥
Testing on the baby killers? Could Yemen be more based? Such men of men they are
them tests are making millions of Israelis shit their pants

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