Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

It's not totally out of the question. Erdogan has expressed an interest in forming an alliance, we don't know exactly what extent. What we do know both Turkey and Iran do not want to see Israel expanding its borders and territorial waters, so the aligned interest is there. Israel is an ally of Greece and Greek Cyprus.

It wouldn't be the first time the region's countries have joined forces against Israel.

I doubt Turkey will ever help to stop Israeli border expansion. Israelis are fighting a " HOLY WAR" . Every move against Muslim and killing Muslims is counted as a religious duty. The holiness needs to be countered with Israeli religious set rules. But yes, Arab leaders failed to defend their countries or nations.
it seems some people think that a big beard means holiness, goodness and patriotism.

But really a big beard just means a big beard.

e.g: Khamenei is a traitor to the axis of resistance in the daylight, doing nothing as Israel pounds ruthlessly and without rest to all Iran pawns.
Well, at least he holds back Israeli expansion. Otherwise, Lebanon and Syria were cakewalks for Israelis after the Turkish West backed ISIS uprising in Iraq and Syria. Iran is alone and taking everyone's heat. But still, stand tall and confront everyone's criticism. Truth is always in the minority.
What is the most likely scenario for Iran militarily? Even if there's acquisition of advanced military hardware, how are they expected to fight against the superior technology of Israel/USA combined?

It's plausible they can target IDF by BMs once they enter Lebanon? But then again, no major superpower backs Iran militarily at this time.
What superpower backing? Look at Russia struggling in Ukraine. Humbled daily no? China got diddly and scared to use or show anything no? or they'd get severely humbled too......EU are a bunch of low tech toady. India is just laughable.

Who's left man other than Iran?

Lets get real.
that's your comeback 🤣 I'm as much of an internet warrior as Iran is all bark no bite come on man
You need to come on out as a Bungali muslim dude.

Stop the drama.

Thank you.
Israel has proven itself to be the top dawg in the region. Everyone just keeps talking and barking while Israelis continue to massacre hundred of civilians on a daily basis. Eventually there will be no one else left to oppose them.
Its easy to be "Top Dawg" when you have the U.S and "the West" on a leash!

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