Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

I’m left speechless. I’m a Shia, and above all a practicing Muslim. I pray 5x a day, I try to avoid non halal meats, I don’t drink, and above all I believe in Islam and its ethics.

But after witnessing todays event, I think Iran hezbollah and whoever is fighting this needs to throw out the rule book and end this fighting with one arm tied behind your back for whatever reason. You’ve passed the point of no return of not having war. History doesn’t stop for anyone. They’re waging wars against your people and freely killing them across the region and in your homes and capitals, while you try to follow some unspoken rule of not hitting them back twice as hard. They know they’re dealing with timid leadership; hence, can go as crazy as possible because you won’t hurt them deep enough. A drone here and a missile there in their capital and that’s it. They’ve effectively defeated the Shias too.
Brother don't get disheartened.
They just needed to supply modified batteries (with explosive attached inside the packed battery) and a modified firmware.

And the Iranian company did the work of mount the explosive device for them.

I imagine the Iran company buying the batteries with 90% discount happily.
Iranian company use Iranian battery.
By the way Gold Apollo the manufacturer of pagers admit they were from an European company named BAC that were licensed to use their branding
Indians deliberately insinuating and suggesting this started on Oct 7th. It didn’t 70 plus years of rape war crimes and genocide. 1000s of children being kept in prison without trial - women raped by soldiers. No one can say Oct 7th was acceptable but you have to accept Hamas is a resistance force as the Israeli are an occupier.
Your post is proof of how Indians view the conflict. One sided and not objectively. 40,000 innocent Palestinians slaughtered - genocide - women raped and war crimes - not a mention.
Now random pagers exploding killing children and women - and you call is collateral damage will occur? Speaks volumes. You are not a spectator on here - you are a cheerleader and that’s what’s noticeable. Look at the last 5 posts on this thread by Indians and you will see where I get my pre conceived opinions.
It didn't start on Oct 7. A classic deflection. So you're saying both sides are committing war crimes. Hamas response to war crimes is committing more war crimes which is exactly what I said. I wish I represent average Indian point of view, I have zero sympathy or support for either Israel or Hamas Israelis celebrate killing of PLs and PLs celebrate killing of ILs seem them doing it. So what's the point of all this outrage? The only thing I care about is my country my people. What I learnt from this whole fiasco is it's not black and white. You want people to support Hamas or Hezbollah on here and Indians must be all outraged about Israel, but then I took time to read Arab responses to the exploding pagers. They literally made a whole song mocking the Shia affiliate Hezbollah with footages of explotion. Same religion, same people, "supposedly" same enemies. That's how much the Arab bretherens care about them. Translating Arab twitter comments opens a Pandora's box. All protests outrage anger at people who live outside ME. Spend half the energy of convincing and admonishing Kafirs over their supposed support to Israel, and spend it on Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, to KSA, UAE et al. Israel wouldn't last a few minutes if all these countries joined hands to fight the Yahoodis instead you're here being mad at Hanoodis.
Implanted explosive and relievers at manufacturing company then send the detonaton command from a spy airplane who fly around the border . Lebanon is not that big.
Also detonation circuit is separate from the pager so unless the paging company open them they won't be aware of them

So since pagers can be programmed with multiple cap codes, just program one cap code for regular use and another to ignite explosive. This is really F K up.

Still think its marvelous amazing brilliant? Still think Mossad is the best agency in the world? Go and celebrate with your mates. Someones father - someones husband - someones child but you celebrate.

You reach a point where you realise how worthless international law is and you were conned, you need a hint of extremism to deal with extremists whether they be Zionists, hindutva or anyone else

The Israeli are trying to hold back the tide, it's the Arabs which are the weak link and that's where it has to change

The Jews have got to leave for peace in the middle east,
So since pagers can be programmed with multiple cap codes, just program one cap code for regular use and another to ignite explosive. This is really F K up.
No need for that you can build receivers and detonator and baterypack smaller than a coin that can wait for years before receiving the signal to detonate.
You just open the pager jam to circuit somewhere inside and then close package .
The pager operate normally until it recieve the signal.
I am of the opinion that they can’t find any thing even if they look inside. The explosive was embedded in the battery most likely. Triggered by sustained drain.
That don't explode the pagers all at a time only a detonator and receiving signal do that
It didn't start on Oct 7. A classic deflection. So you're saying both sides are committing war crimes. Hamas response to war crimes is committing more war crimes which is exactly what I said. I wish I represent average Indian point of view, I have zero sympathy or support for either Israel or Hamas Israelis celebrate killing of PLs and PLs celebrate killing of ILs seem them doing it. So what's the point of all this outrage? The only thing I care about is my country my people. What I learnt from this whole fiasco is it's not black and white. You want people to support Hamas or Hezbollah on here and Indians must be all outraged about Israel, but then I took time to read Arab responses to the exploding pagers. They literally made a whole song mocking the Shia affiliate Hezbollah with footages of explotion. Same religion, same people, "supposedly" same enemies. That's how much the Arab bretherens care about them. Translating Arab twitter comments opens a Pandora's box. All protests outrage anger at people who live outside ME. Spend half the energy of convincing and admonishing Kafirs over their supposed support to Israel, and spend it on Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, to KSA, UAE et al. Israel wouldn't last a few minutes if all these countries joined hands to fight the Yahoodis instead you're here being mad at Hanoodis.

To say that Israelis and Palestinians are equally guilty is to create a false equivalence. It is like saying the Nazis and their Jewish victims were equally at fault.

Israel was created by an ideology of racial/religious superiority by forcibly evicting people from their homes. Everything that followed is a consequence of that root cause. No amount of revisionist sugar coating will change that historical fact.
Israel legitimised this kind of attack now and we will likely see copy cat methods with other devices.

This is the important point. Israel has opened a very nasty can of worms and created a pretext for others to retaliate in kind with indiscriminate targeting.
I wish I represent average Indian point of view, I have zero sympathy or support for either Israel or Hamas Israelis celebrate killing of PLs and PLs celebrate killing of ILs seem them doing it. So what's the point of all this outrage? The only thing I care about is my country my people. What I learnt from this whole fiasco is it's not black and white. You want people to support Hamas or Hezbollah on here and Indians must be all outraged about Israel, but then I took time to read Arab responses to the exploding pagers. They literally made a whole song mocking the Shia affiliate Hezbollah with footages of explotion. Same religion, same people, "supposedly" same enemies. That's how much the Arab bretherens care about them. Translating Arab twitter comments opens a Pandora's box. All protests outrage anger at people who live outside ME. Spend half the energy of convincing and admonishing Kafirs over their supposed support to Israel, and spend it on Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, to KSA, UAE et al. Israel wouldn't last a few minutes if all these countries joined hands to fight the Yahoodis instead you're here being mad at Hanoodis.
Look at every single poster on here wearing Indian flags. You can almost feel the glee when Muslims are being killed. You are not an "average Indian" on here and please go check last 10 indian posts on this thread. Ive had to remove patalputra from the thread as he may continue and get an infraction.
Im not interested about some idiots on other platforms talking nonsense and showing pleasure at destruction.
The Israeli have randomly blown up pagers - killing children and innocent women. Its another war crime. Accept the facts. Be it Muslim Jew or Hindu - the children of the world deserve better
It didn't start on Oct 7. A classic deflection. So you're saying both sides are committing war crimes. Hamas response to war crimes is committing more war crimes which is exactly what I said. I wish I represent average Indian point of view, I have zero sympathy or support for either Israel or Hamas Israelis celebrate killing of PLs and PLs celebrate killing of ILs seem them doing it. So what's the point of all this outrage? The only thing I care about is my country my people. What I learnt from this whole fiasco is it's not black and white. You want people to support Hamas or Hezbollah on here and Indians must be all outraged about Israel, but then I took time to read Arab responses to the exploding pagers. They literally made a whole song mocking the Shia affiliate Hezbollah with footages of explotion. Same religion, same people, "supposedly" same enemies. That's how much the Arab bretherens care about them. Translating Arab twitter comments opens a Pandora's box. All protests outrage anger at people who live outside ME. Spend half the energy of convincing and admonishing Kafirs over their supposed support to Israel, and spend it on Arabs from Egypt, Syria, Jordan, to KSA, UAE et al. Israel wouldn't last a few minutes if all these countries joined hands to fight the Yahoodis instead you're here being mad at Hanoodis.

Just becuse you have a bunch of Arab Sunni morons laughing at an act of mass terrorism, that cannot be used to deflect from Hindu Indians almost celebrating with glee at the same thing.

Focus on your own words and not that of others. A classic case of deflecting from your own actions.
When Hezbollah fire a rocket, they may target a military base, but some time it hurt a school or a football field (already seen).
War is dirty.
Terrorism againt a terrorist organisation. Laughable.
The sentiment is that was a malfunctioned air defence missile

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