Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

If that's the case all the pager of the company will be affected not a certain shipment
Batteries supply require some kind of deal between the company and the attacker, some contract.

Firmware modification can be done remotely anonymously through hacking the company network, and affect only the batch you want.

Or devices can be unmounted/mounted and modified in any step of the path from factory to customer.

That is laughable.

Jewish blood is corrupt as it stands now. Jews are no longer the original Bani Israel. Its now more to do with the Khazars of central Asia/Russia region then holy lands. Jews are Jewsih by faith now not by ethnicity which was once Bani Israel.
Batteries supply require some kind of deal between the company and the attacker, some contract.

Firmware modification can be done remotely anonymously through hacking the company network, and affect only the batch you want.

Or devices can be unmounted/mounted and modified in any step of the path from factory to customer.
Opening at least 5000 pager encounter?
If it take only 3 min to open package , open device , implant the explosive device and then close device and then repackage them . And on top of that install new firmware. And do it in a manner that no one become aware of any change to the device that would be 250h , more than 10 day of nonstop work

Still think its marvelous amazing brilliant? Still think Mossad is the best agency in the world? Go and celebrate with your mates. Someones father - someones husband - someones child but you celebrate.
They celebrate terrorism and want condemnation when a socalled muslim does it. Then all of a sudden its only a muslim problem this terrorism yet the biggest terrorist either sit in the west or are backed by them.

Opening at least 5000 pager encounter?
If it take only 3 min to open package , open device , implant the explosive device and then close device and then repackage them . And on top of that install new firmware. And do it in a manner that no one become aware of any change to the device that would be 250h , more than 10 day of nonstop work
It depends of the amount people involved.

Also it can be manufactured twin devices in other unknown factory, and change the batch in the shipment in any step.
I’m not. They just attacked the civilians of Lebanon. I don’t know how many were actual Hezbollah members or just innocence. What will it take for a massive retaliation?
Brother, unfortunately I think that many of these games were played badly from day 1. In many of my posts I tried to point it out but to no avail. I passed through certain things and i know a thing or two.
Anyway, Sabur and what possibly you can do around you, then do it.
May Allah SWT bring you relief

It depends of the amount people involved.

Also it can be manufactured twin devices in other unknown factory, and change the batch in the shipment in any step.
If devices are produced on different countries for example that's very unlikely.
And now a days these small devices are shipped by airplanes not ships how long it take to do that.
And let say 5 people team that is more than two day non stop work . And they had to bring packaging equipment with themselves. Not possible on move even if they are shipped by ship
The missed was done by manufacturer no way around it
I’m not. They just attacked the civilians of Lebanon. I don’t know how many were actual Hezbollah members or just innocence. What will it take for a massive retaliation?
There is a etiquette and rules on how muslims wage war. One thing is blind revenge, other is correct retaliation against those who carried it out. Muslims are not told to turn the other cheek but revenge can not target the innocent.
Not motorola a Taiwanese company called Golden Apollo give the license to an European company named BAC to use its name in its pager and the pager were bought directly from them no interception happened there.
3rd party from Europe manufactures this batch.
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Hungry is known to be close to Israel. Seems like a front company used in Hungry for this operation. Both Taiwan and Hungry now will be treated with extreme suspicion. And China will be laughing all the way to bank. Another self goal by west in their stupid support to Israel.

Dumb operation if you ask me. All it has done is maim few Hizb cadres if they were such to begin with, made a lot of innocent every day citizens going about their lives suffer, a classics terrorist operation by all accounts.

this kind of simple modern devices are just buttons, one SoC (System On a Chip), a battery, and a lcd.

just examining each line of the little firmware it would be impossible to do this thing.
Firmware is present in too many places. Sometimes you are not even aware of firmware. It could be one microcontroller with a burnt firmware which you have not access to read. You may not even be aware if there is a firmware in that chip.

And radio circuits often have parts which require a large solonoid or a large capacitor which can not be fabricated on chip because of power reasons.
Good thing about this, Taiwanese will now know what its like to be friends with these monsters. Enjoy while it hits your bank and reputation.
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