Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Stop overflating the capabilities of the Zionist settlers.

This is just a mass blunder and incompetence from Hezbollah.

The silver lining is this is a one-time event that can never be repeated and Hezbollah would need to look at its security procedures across the board after this monumental simple security failure.

If you understood the basics of physics, you would know that it is impossible to make thousands of batteries explode simultaneously remotely like that. Physics would say no.

What 'overinflating' of Israel caabilties?
- scared that mobiles explode so buy pagers. Turns out they explode on a mass scale
- throw 200 missiles at Tel Aviv, they interpret 180
-they kill hamas operatives in Iran
-They know where top hamas/ hezbolla operatives are and routinely eliminate them

What exactly is overinflating here? They're the real deal. Hamas is just a rag tag bunch of neighborhood boys playing superhero.
it is blunder, no discussion about that, security protocols exist with reason and this terrorist attack could have been prevented if there were such regarding electronic devices, now you need to update those and rectify mistake. full control and inspection over bought devices or you are exposed, there is no third option beside your own production of trust to the friendly country which could supply electronics.
I have heard stories about old samsung phones randomly catching fire 🔥
Never thought something like this could be coordinated and weaponised
Good thing about this, Taiwanese will now know what its like to be friends with these monsters. Enjoy while it hits your bank and reputation.
Or they will just wait for it to blow over. Heck, how many people remember United Airlines? Or look at that before boarding. Just check their wiki, it has no mention of event in its history.
Never bothered any of you when thousands of innocent non Muslims have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists.

But still never saw any Muslim society electing those terrorists as their Prime minister and member parliament

Guess which society is sick, depraved and rotten enough to do that again and again and again???

Hint: They are top cheerleader of Israel today
Never bothered any of you when thousands of innocent non Muslims have died at the hands of Islamic terrorists. All you guys do then is to offer excuses, reasons why you think that is valid. Suddenly you guys care about innocent lives?
Why are you generalizing? I am viewing Indian members salivating on here when deaths are registered - quoting brilliant fantastic etc when deaths are happening on the world. No normal person celebrates death.
Once again look at the orgasmic behaviour on here when Muslims are harmed by Indian posters. When i step in - indian tears flow.
Now if you havent got anything to say on topic i would respectfully ask you to not post on this thread.
The Hungarian prime minister, Victor Orban is one of the Islamophobic monsters of Europe. He’s also a pal of Netanyahu.

Firmware is present in too many places. Sometimes you are not even aware of firmware. It could be one microcontroller with a burnt firmware which you have not access to read. You may not even be aware if there is a firmware in that chip.

And radio circuits often have parts which require a large solonoid or a large capacitor which can not be fabricated on chip because of power reasons.
It could be like you say, but it's unlikely.

The likely scenarios is one SoC and one firmware of 4 MB or less.
If devices are produced on different countries for example that's very unlikely.
And now a days these small devices are shipped by airplanes not ships how long it take to do that.
And let say 5 people team that is more than two day non stop work . And they had to bring packaging equipment with themselves. Not possible on move even if they are shipped by ship
The missed was done by manufacturer no way around it
They manufacture one batch twin in the outside, different in the inside, in another different unrelated factory.

Just take the batch of 5k explosive devices and change in any point of the path by the original batch. One single person can do the change.
F-16 kill switches is definitely a thing now. Time for the Islaimic world to wake the F up, and become self sufficient in Tech/hardware etc....

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