Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Internet tells you everything

When Israel was established , It
Just wanted peace and somehow wanted to survive

But it got un ending hostility from 1945 onwards

Remember that Jews Pre DATE Islam by atleast 1000 years

Jews were evicted after 650 A.D

Britain only helped them to regain their homeland

But they have survived and thrived against all odds

If Egypt , Jordan and UAE and Saudis can accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully, so too can others

You are highly ignorant, after all you are Indian.

Those Jews who were evicted, they belong to the ethnic group called Bani Israel. What you see now, by en large, are Khazar or European/Russian origin "CONVERTED" Jews. Hell, even Pathans are more Bani Israel then these lot! They are only jews by faith, they have no ancestry or bloodline going back to the Bani Israel. So the "claim on land" doesnt even come into the picture. Even by Jewish law, Israel should not exist until their Messiha comes. Thats why you see a lot of orthodox Jews against Israel.
Jews are the Original Inhabitants of that land called Israel

They were driven out after 650 AD

Before that they lived in that area for atleast 1000 years
Worst example of revisionist history even by sanghi whatsapp university graduate standards...

Even hardcore zionist baby killers will laugh at this recounting of the events....
Jews are the Original Inhabitants of that land called Israel

They were driven out after 650 AD

Before that they lived in that area for atleast 1000 years
Don't talk shit ok? Jews originally come from southern Iraq and weren't separate nation, at time , what nation meant anyway.
They came to Phoenicians lands or Kaanan, even their history affirms that. After Babylonian sacking of Jerusalem, Persian Emperor returned them to Palestine, ok?
When someone spreads the fekalies over himself in the act of piousness , then due to shit dripping comes to his eyes and can't do anything then rage.
Do something of your own and boast, in mean time take care of your cousins in Romania.
Is it too much to ask?
Worst example of revisionist history even by sanghi whatsapp university graduate standards...

Even hardcore zionist baby killers will laugh at this recounting of the events....
Funny thing is, these Pa-jeets actually believe in all of that to be true, special place in hell for those who provided internet connections to these lot.
Iran and Hezbollah need to see of they want to play by book or not

Its pretty stupid that they think they can play by the book
Jews are the Original Inhabitants of that land called Israel

They were driven out after 650 AD

Before that they lived in that area for atleast 1000 years

Thats the biggest shameless revision of history ive ever encountered.
No serious Jew anywhere or even any decent Israeli, would accept such crackpot theory.
It goes against all historical accounts.

"Islam saved Jewry. This is an unpopular, discomforting claim in the modern world. But it is a historical truth. The argument for it is double. First, in 570 CE, when the Prophet Mohammad was born, the Jews and Judaism were on the way to oblivion. And second, the coming of Islam saved them, providing a new context in which they not only survived, but flourished, laying foundations for subsequent Jewish cultural prosperity - also in Christendom - through the medieval period into the modern world."

Written by a Jew
So why are you targeting only the legitimacy of Israel..?
Jews are a foreign import into Middle East, they would have been tolerated if they weren't a conduit of American hegemony and destabilization of the entire region.
Internet tells you everything

When Israel was established , It
Just wanted peace and somehow wanted to survive

But it got un ending hostility from 1945 onwards

Remember that Jews Pre DATE Islam by atleast 1000 years

Jews were evicted after 650 A.D

Britain only helped them to regain their homeland

But they have survived and thrived against all odds

If Egypt , Jordan and UAE and Saudis can accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully, so too can others
Jews comitted crimes and karma got them

They killed and kicked out half a million people and think karma wont get them

Its foolish to believe that jews will fight 500m arabs and mulsims and suceed..its fast moving towards end game when they will get what they sow and noone will shed a tear for them

Its hard to convince even countries whom hate Muslims for vote for this autoricity in general assembly
Iran and Hezbollah need to see of they want to play by book or not

Its pretty stupid that they think they can play by the book
No rules exist in a war, Hezbollah and Iran are still in the delusion of not being in a conflict with the Zionist state, Zionists won't rest till they have dismantled both of em
You buy your IBM PC it comes from mexico. It has been true since 80s. Welcome to globalization.

No, Hezbollah contracted that small Hungarian company (BAC) to custom build their pagers (apparently ~5,000) because they were paranoid about buying off-the-shelf ones. This is not some outsource company/country hired by Apollo.

Apparently the Israelis infiltrated BAC.
Charging can be done without cable, I think this is the enterance, I need to ask some one working in radio technology to explain it.
technically, you can charge up a device by shooting microwave at it (that's how Wifi- Charging work, and yes, I am over simplicating things) but this is no battery explosion, it's spark and no smoke, suggest it was either PETN or RDX as that suggest a detcord at works

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