Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Tactical win for Israel.

The enemy succeeded in this battle; hopefully not in the war.

HE probably used. Energetic materials even in very very low quantity can be devastating.
Jews stem from 12 ancient families and jewish geneology is a topic that people can independently check. The assumption that all modern jews are converts is questionable as Jewish people moved to different locations after war with Romans. Allah Almighty have also revealed in the Holy Quran that jews will return to Palestine in the end times. So I am not sure why is this a debate? Anything goes to create a narrative? No wonder conflicts continue.

Here is but one study:

There are many studies on this topic.

Jews are jews, converts or not. Just like Muslims are Muslims, converts or not.
David Kennedy, a former US National Security Agency intelligence analyst, told CNN the explosions seen in videos shared online appear to be “too large for this to be a remote and direct hack that would overload the pager and cause a lithium battery explosion.”

I would assume also they are relatively small compared to cellphone batteries. We have seen those "explode" but never much more than a crazy flare up that may burn somebody.

Severe Phone explode

Hmm...now imagine a car with 4,000 cellphone batteries in them.
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Jews stem from 12 ancient families and jewish geneology is a topic that people can independently check. The assumption that all modern jews are converts is questionable as Jewish people moved to different locations after war with Romans. Allah Almighty have also revealed in the Holy Quran that jews will return to Palestine in the end times. So I am not sure why is this a debate? Anything goes to create a narrative? No wonder conflicts continue.

Here is but one study:

There are many studies on this topic.

Where does Quran says "Jews" will return to holy land? I did indepth research on Pakhtoon link to Bani Israel (maybe they are THE original Bani Israel), and if i remember correctly, Quran mentioned about return of "Bani Israel" to holy lands, not Jews. Two completely different things.
Where does Quran says "Jews" will return to holy land? I did indepth research on Pakhtoon link to Bani Israel (maybe they are THE original Bani Israel), and if i remember correctly, Quran mentioned about return of "Bani Israel" to holy lands, not Jews. Two completely different things.
Surah al-Isra.
Six pages and nobody has asked the main question.... Who the F carries pagers in 2024?!?!
Pager is a passive communication tool, it's a lot harder to be tracked than even brick phone.

If you want to go off grid and kept comm, pager is your friend.
Jews stem from 12 ancient families and jewish geneology is a topic that people can independently check. The assumption that all modern jews are converts is questionable as Jewish people moved to different locations after war with Romans. Allah Almighty have also revealed in the Holy Quran that jews will return to Palestine in the end times. So I am not sure why is this a debate? Anything goes to create a narrative? No wonder conflicts continue.

Here is but one study:

There are many studies on this topic.

Jews are jews, converts or not. Just like Muslims are Muslims, converts or not.

There are many Rabbis whose lineage can be traced back to post-Moses. Many of their works on the interpretation of the Torah are still read today. They are almost considered royalty within the Jewish community.
Internet tells you everything

When Israel was established , It
Just wanted peace and somehow wanted to survive

Who established it and where did they come from?
Whos land was it established on?

One moment you indians cry about muslim and british invasion 500 year ago. The next moment you support the same britsh creating another colony somewhere else in the world.

Make up your mind. Its getting messy.

But it got un ending hostility from 1945 onwards

Yeah, lets see what you do if someone foreign comes into your house one days starts evict you from your land and village. Hopefully youll have the spine to at least give some resistance.

Remember that Jews Pre DATE Islam by atleast 1000 years

False, Islam is the faith of Abraham, Isac, Noah, David and Solomon.
Judaism is a faith.. the name comes from from Yehuda a ancient jewish leader. But Judaic faith in its unadultered form is ISLAM = surrender to The Only 1 Gods' will.

Jews were evicted after 650 A.D

Nope, no historical account of eviction from Roman Palestine.
In fact Jews cooperated with Muslim armies in order to replace Roman Byzatine rule with Islamic rule. Because Roman-Byzantines were Xtians and opressed jews.

Certain Jewish tribes in Khaibar and Medina was evicted because they broke a treaty and cooperated with the enemy of nascent islamic state in Medina. But other jews didnt and was allowed to stay. Many reverted to islam willingly. Some didnt revert but still supported the muslims, some even took part in wars as warriors on muslim side.

Britain only helped them to regain their homeland

How can Britain help someone regain something which even wasnt theirs?
Did britain help europeans regain homeland when north America was invaded, colonized and repopulated with eurpeans?
Its a complete nonsensical idea.
By the same token any Italian could show up in London and start evicting londoners because London was established by Romans. Or aborigines could come from Australia start evicting indians, because entire india was once populated by dravidians and aborogines.

But they have survived and thrived against all odds

It was all US and UK help plus Soviet Russia also fully behind Israel from day 1.
Israel would never been created in the first place without western will to do so. And it certainly wouldnt last 1 single day with western millitary and economic assistance; because its a western colonial state, Israel even presents itself as a western outpost.

If Egypt , Jordan and UAE and Saudis can accept Israel's right to Exist peacefully, so too can others

can you accept a robber stealing your home?
You indians cannot even accept your own neighbors who decided willingly to convert to islam. So much that you even went and razed down a 500 year old mosque.. just to revenge yourself.
Surah al-Isra.

وَقُلْنَا مِنۢ بَعْدِهِۦ لِبَنِىٓ إِسْرَٰٓءِيلَ ٱسْكُنُوا۟ ٱلْأَرْضَ فَإِذَا جَآءَ وَعْدُ ٱلْـَٔاخِرَةِ جِئْنَا بِكُمْ لَفِيفًۭا

And We said to the Children of Israel after Pharaoh, “Reside in the land, but when the promise of the Hereafter comes to pass,1 We will bring you all together.”

where does it say jews or Yahud as Quran mentioned specifically when pointing to the faith of the people?

Do you understand the difference between "Jews" and "Bani Israel"?
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No, Hezbollah contracted that small Hungarian company (BAC) to custom build their pagers (apparently ~5,000) because they were paranoid about buying off-the-shelf ones. This is not some outsource company/country hired by Apollo.

Apparently the Israelis infiltrated BAC.
BS, filthy kike spilled out all kinds of disinfo.

There is no proof that the pager was made by 3rd party.
The exact model was on the company's website. So the owner lied blatantly "not having such model".
Since when would a hospital buy the same pagers from a nobody company in Hungary that supplies them to Hezbollah? Why would they ever need do this?

Why would these children have the gadgets otherwise meant for Hezbollah !!


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