Egyptian Air Defense

Why? Not the first time that forumers here don't accept the truth (or my truth if you want).

I'm on some others forums, in Europe, in asia... and never, never I was blocked as lived on this one.

Instead of blocking me, give proofs of the contrary.
Hiding or removing facts don't destroy it !
You can be proud of being egyptian or muslim or.... but give argument and not ban the one that don't agree with your truth.

I don't have the power to block you. You obviously didn't read the exchange carefully or just didn't understand it. Read my post to @The SC below again and pay attention to the bolded parts.

@The SC , can you relocate all the above posts starting with #152 with @BP2 's reply to me to the October War thread? That's a much more appropriate thread for that specific topic discussion and not here in the Egyptian Air Defense thread. The only reason I brought up the one line he quoted is because it pertained to the Egypt's motivation to go to war which led to the setting up the SAM missile umbrella and the creation of Egypt's air defense branch.

Then we can engage him and have a more appropriate back & forth on that subject.

This is the Egyptian Air Defense thread. It's about the technical & logistical or even historical aspects of the EADF. It's not about discussing the history of the land or who you or even I think lived here back in the day. That's why I was asking @The SC (who is the moderator) to relocate it (because of off-topic rules) so we can discuss it further in the more appropriate thread which would be the October War (or Yom Kippur) thread. I don't make the rules. I was even trying to engage you politely but in the appropriate thread. I hope this makes sense to you?
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Write in arab langage it's unclear for the one, as me, not educate to this.
Tu sais que tu peux traduire les tweets sur twitter?

Demain, c'est la fete de la Forces de la défense aérienne égyptienne. Ce jour la represente la construction du SAM Wall (une lignée de defense aerienne situant tout au long de la cote ouest du Canal du Suez). Ce SAM Wall a fait beaucoup de dégât a l'IAF.
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You forget the 90 or 100 israeli nuc warheads.....

But even without using it, as said earlier, Israeli was never beaten since 1948.
You can go continue your ignorance on the other appropriate thread where you will beat yourself after you read some posts..

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lol. Well, do they seem appropriate for the October War thread to you? Let me know.

If so, I can copy/paste his reply & posts and take them over there myself, but only if you think they are appropriate. If not, then I won't take them, I'll just tag him and pick it up from there.
Yes do that..I will delete them here..
The Egyptian fly detector is the most dangerous radar network in the world. Neither “ghost” nor “ballistic” will survive in the skies of Egypt!

Why did Egypt develop the “Sabah Bird” missiles and how did Egypt succeed in possessing a very powerful, multi-tasking and dangerous missile?


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