Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Not a question of beeing welcome or not.
Historicaly they were on this land before.
And once again we don't agree.

Get the jews out? It will NEVER arrived, or all the neighbors will be put in nuclear ash in the same moment. As long as you thought like that peace will never be found.
Historically jews even by jews own history were not the original inhabitants but canaanites were..and who are the Canaanites?

Dont ask me..ask google

No matter what matrix they want use the jews will loose ..we all know current hews are not genetically related..even if they were they kicked out the original arabs canaanites and the arabs before the jews entered lived their for milenia and lived for 1000 years after they were kicked out..

If you go by any logic, or any other international law jews will always loose the right or cliam to Israel..even by "we were first 2000 years ago" story

There are 500m arabs ..angry arabs..they day american empire stops caring it will be day of recokning ...

This only ends one way... a global nuclear war or genocide of jews again and the only one to blame for it would be jews for continuing genocide, ignoring international law and any decency..they spoiled far two many opportunities..being greedy has a orice
Of course it's a question if welcome,, the middle east needed peace and freedom not a colonial entity seeking to steal the land of the people already there

Hebrews 3000 years ago have next to no connection to Jews like Netenyahu who are foreign Europeans

Peace will never be found because too much blood has been spilt, you don't accept occupation and apartheid and just move on

The Jews HAVE TO GO, it will just be a case of constant conflict until they do
NO, they will never leave.
They made of a desert a Middle East silicon valley. It's not to let all now.
Same can have been made in Gaza with all the money sent from all across the word. Money use to built tunnels, rockets, and made billionairs some Hamas leaders.
Palestinian people, but mainly islamists leaders chose not to built some thing, but to stole the thing made by others. As long as it lasts, palestinians and some others will be killed.
Israelis will never surrender. Never.
How many defeats islamists leaders need to understand ?
The only thing crushed was a prosperous country,when a certain demographic takes over,prosperity goes out the window.Lebanon is a lesson into why a certain demographic can't rule ,they will only lead to poverty and suffering.

Prosperity comes and goes, remaining under occupation is intolerable

That's why to defeat Israel, you had to take Lebanon first, and it's was a gradual process until today

The average age of the Palestinians is 19, the average age of the Jews is much much higher

So you have a mass of the Palestinian population heading towards marriage and children

The Palestinian population is already the statistical majority across Gaza Israel and the west bank

What's happening in Lebanon is happening in Israel, Muslims are not native Americans that they will go into the night
NO, they will never leave.
They made of a desert a Middle East silicon valley. It's not to let all now.
Same can have been made in Gaza with all the money sent from all across the word. Money use to built tunnels, rockets, and made billionairs some Hamas leaders.
Palestinian people, but mainly islamists leaders chose not to built some thing, but to stole the thing made by others. As long as it lasts, palestinians and some others will be killed.
Israelis will never surrender. Never.
How many defeats islamists leaders need to understand ?

Israeli are already surrendering, remember they have to be a viable state, not a state under constant pressure, conflict and hatred
That impossible

Next U.N resolution is coming and will demand Israel vacate all occupied territory within 12 months

It will be used amongst multiple other resolutionss to target government, companies and boycott and isolate Israel

The Jews will eventually be forced to leave all of the middle east and even today they are become a minority
Prosperity comes and goes, remaining under occupation is intolerable

That's why to defeat Israel, you had to take Lebanon first, and it's was a gradual process until today

The average age of the Palestinians is 19, the average age of the Jews is much much higher

So you have a mass of the Palestinian population heading towards marriage and children

The Palestinian population is already the statistical majority across Gaza Israel and the west bank

What's happening in Lebanon is happening in Israel, Muslims are not native Americans that they will go into the night
You're not going to win this one by breeding habits,Israel probably has contingency plans,some very surprising as we see now.They're not going silently into the long night.
And watch your phone
they day american empire stops caring it will be day of recokning ...
American empire stop? Why do you want it stops? There are and will remains first, maybe second (?) world economy.
They are leaders in nearly all technology. Yesterday, today and tomorrow by nature.
Except numbers, you have nothing serious to oppose to America and Israel.
Try another approach, because this kind is a dead end.
You're not going to win this one by breeding habits,Israel probably has contingency plans,some very surprising as we see now.They're not going silently into the long night.
And watch your phone
Victory will be attainted through getting rid of this violent racist zionism ideology. Every nation has its time, Israel is accelerating its own demise.
In the grand scheme of things this really means nothing. Strategically its effect is minimum, it killed less then 20 people. Even if it killed all 3000 it doesn't really make a dent in the hezbos terror network. Doesn't really diminish their operation capacity in any serious way.

What the isrealis will have to contend with was whether it was worth it. Because by pulling a stunt like this they basically alerted their enemies and even allies about the crookedness and shadiness of Israeli dealings. Now everyone will be inspecting everything and being extra diligent concerning their electronic/communication devices.

I suspect the story about a hezbo finding out about it, thus forcing the isreali hand is probably true. Because playing that card/trick now seems wasted. The real trick would have been to continue supplying hezbos pagers until 50,000 of them had in their possession, then to activate say when isreal invades Lebanon.
NO, they will never leave.
They made of a desert a Middle East silicon valley. It's not to let all now.
Same can have been made in Gaza with all the money sent from all across the word. Money use to built tunnels, rockets, and made billionairs some Hamas leaders.
Palestinian people, but mainly islamists leaders chose not to built some thing, but to stole the thing made by others. As long as it lasts, palestinians and some others will be killed.
Israelis will never surrender. Never.
How many defeats islamists leaders need to understand ?
lol yes from handouts and money provided to them by western countries out of guilt for torturing them for centuries.
Yes sure, US sanctions and restrictions have nothing do with it lol. But with rise of China and other eastern countries that equation will change.
Rise of China? If they will ever be the dominant power which I doubt, your lot will be in concentration camps, with no rights to speak of .

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