Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Look like Taiwan's Electronic sector faces doom

TV sets

One Maniac Israeli Nation destroyed whole of Taiwan's electronic sector reputation

What kind of Terrorist country puts explosives in consumer electronics and ships it to another country ?
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The 2 billion Muslims of the world should boycott Taiwanese products
What's the substitute ?
Taiwanese products offer very reliable quality.Its HZ's own failure to rely on foreign equipment for internal communication.This happens when you are a proxy of some other state instead of working for the technological & economic advancement of your own people.
By this logic all the exports from middle East should be sent back to middle East ? How and when turks from Eastern Asia arrived in their current state ?
Turks converted to Islam, why fellow Muslims wouldn't be welcome?Jews would be too if they didn't acted as superior to everyone and their wetdreams of greater Israel on the expense of all others. Jews aren't even the Bani Israel of old, they are mix breeds who consider your kind to be the lowest of the low, don't know why my Pa-jeet friends here are sucking up the Jews wildly.
I'm also thinking this explains why Pak Army uses pigeons. You can't hack or explode them and they're quite cheap.

We don't need to take such measures when our adversary has zilch intelligence.


In Wednesday’s attacks, several blasts were heard at a funeral in Beirut for three Hezbollah members and a child killed by exploding pagers the day before, according to Associated Press journalists at the scene. An AP photographer in the southern coastal city of Sidon saw a car and a mobile phone shop damaged after devices exploded inside of them. A girl was hurt in the south when a solar energy system blew up, the state news agency reported.

The second wave also deepens concern over the potentially indiscriminate casualties caused in the attacks, in which hundreds of blasts went off wherever the holder of the pager happened to be — in homes, cars, at grocery stores and in cafes, often with family or bystanders nearby.
The attack in Lebanon started Tuesday afternoon, when pagers in their owners’ hands or pockets started heating up and then exploding — leaving blood-splattered scenes and panicking bystanders.

It appeared that most of those hit were members or linked to members of Hezbollah — whether fighters or civilians — but it was not immediately clear if people with no ties to Hezbollah were also hit.

The Health Ministry said health care workers and two children were among those killed. In the village of Nadi Sheet in the Bekaa Valley, dozens gathered to mourn the death of one of the children, 9-year-old Fatima Abdullah.

Her mother, wearing black and donning a yellow Hezbollah scarf, wept alongside other women and children as they gathered around the little girl’s coffin before her burial.

What's the substitute ?
Taiwanese products offer very reliable quality.Its HZ's own failure to rely on foreign equipment for internal communication.This happens when you are a proxy of some other state instead of working for the technological & economic advancement of your own people.

You have a very valid point regarding relying on foreign equipment, but that's for everyone. The issue here is an international company intentionally tampered with products in a dangerous way to cause harm. This sets a dangerous precedent; what if a few of those were later sold to civilians for personal use? The poster above posted an article where devices in a computer shop were exploding, and an innocent bystander would get killed or grievously harmed.

I will say this: the Islamic World will most likely have to cut Taiwan and certain nations out of the cycle of technology acquisition or ask for a separate production facility within their boundary to produce products.

At this point, Lebanon should respond and level a school, apartment building, or hospital as an eye for an eye.
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You folks need to come out of the twilight zone and rationally Annalise the situation .....ground is being prepared for 2 state solution ......why do you think the Arab world is quiet ? Shia dominance of Syria and Lebanon is nearing it's end ..... Iran was getting too big for his shoes , it's being shown her place .....Arab are not sentimental morons like Pakistanis , they know what side of the toast is buttered....peace and prosperity will come after this high drama ....I wouldn't even it a war
Israel's declared war on Lebanon with these consecutive terror attacks. They're going to do more, potentially wide scale aerial bombardment campaign. Hezbollah will need to fight back and others should assist them.

Meengla mindset of don't fall in their trap led to this.
Turks converted to Islam, why fellow Muslims wouldn't be welcome?Jews would be too if they didn't acted as superior to everyone and their wetdreams of greater Israel on the expense of all others. Jews aren't even the Bani Israel of old, they are mix breeds who consider your kind to be the lowest of the low, don't know why my Pa-jeet friends here are sucking up the Jews wildly.
They love Israeli women sar
What's the substitute ?
Taiwanese products offer very reliable quality.Its HZ's own failure to rely on foreign equipment for internal communication.This happens when you are a proxy of some other state instead of working for the technological & economic advancement of your own people.

Muslim countries are capable of producing everything. The only thing holding them back are the rulers who are puppets of the Anglo-Zionists. Every Muslim country is ruled by someone who’s like Zardari, Nawaz Sharif, or Asim Munir. They need to be removed before any progress can be made. But the enemy knows that as well, which is why they do everything to keep their puppets in power.

The real Islamic world seems to exist on cyberspace. There, most Muslims are united.
Israel's declared war on Lebanon with these consecutive terror attacks. They're going to do more, potentially wide scale aerial bombardment campaign. Hezbollah will need to fight back and others should assist them.

Meengla mindset of don't fall in their trap led to this.

Hezbollah has been far too passive.

Their best chance was to go all in with Hamas straight after October 7th.

US carriers and a few ships would have made no difference, and there was a good chance of causing enough destruction and damage to the Zionist entity that the genocide in Gaza would have been stopped by end of 2023.
This is nothing new to us. Once European electronic products used in missiles such as faulty connectors were discovered in Iran.


Mostly foiled and put on display.

Problem with Lebanon is that the government is not ready for terrorist attacks hence fails to defend citizens from terrorism.

Lebanese government needs an anti terror ministry for its own sake. This way they trust west, they will always suffer. They have listen to leader of Hezbollah carefully and take care of their nation.

5th column is hard to deal with but faulty devices can be recognized by arranging an anti terror team in Lebanon.

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