Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Hezbollah has been far too passive.

Their best chance was to go all in with Hamas straight after October 7th.

US carriers and a few ships would have made no difference, and there was a good chance of causing enough destruction and damage to the Zionist entity that the genocide in Gaza would have been stopped by end of 2023.
Lebanon is led by Christians dear friend. There are considerations.
You folks need to come out of the twilight zone and rationally Annalise the situation .....ground is being prepared for 2 state solution ......why do you think the Arab world is quiet ? Shia dominance of Syria and Lebanon is nearing it's end ..... Iran was getting too big for his shoes , it's being shown her place .....Arab are not sentimental morons like Pakistanis , they know what side of the toast is buttered....peace and prosperity will come after this high drama ....I wouldn't even it a war
There will be no two state solution. U think Israel will give up it's land to the Palestinians? Arab leaders are complicit in the genocide and they don't have a backbone to fight. They are only good at killing each other.if u really think Iran will give up without a fight then u are fooling yourself lol. There will be a big war before peace ever come.
Hezbollah has been far too passive.

Their best chance was to go all in with Hamas straight after October 7th.

US carriers and a few ships would have made no difference, and there was a good chance of causing enough destruction and damage to the Zionist entity that the genocide in Gaza would have been stopped by end of 2023.
Agree they're been passive. Don't think all in would have been a good idea. But 3-4 months in is when something needed to change to keep power balance, keep Hamas functioning at a high level in Gaza. Now Gaza is like in 2006-era state of fighting off a occupation. But it's destroyed and ruined beyond belief and nothing can get in. So Israeli's are overreaching by making demands for Hezbollah to end fire and move forces out of South Lebanon.

Would Hezbollah agree to that? Idk. If they won't, they should prepare to respond in kind before Israeli's embark on a air and ground campaign.
Lebanon is led by Christians dear friend. There are considerations.

And what exactly has passivity led to?

Lebanon is now being terrorised by thousands of explosive devices in communications and electronic equipment. Men, women and children are being indiscriminately killed, maimed and injured and Zionists and their bootlickers are celebrating.

Genocidal Zionist maniacs will accept nothing less than total servitude - Jordan is a model example.
Agree they're been passive. Don't think all in would have been a good idea. But 3-4 months in is when something needed to change to keep power balance, keep Hamas functioning at a high level in Gaza. Now Gaza is like in 2006-era state of fighting off a occupation. But it's destroyed and ruined beyond belief and nothing can get in. So Israeli's are overreaching by making demands for Hezbollah to end fire and move forces out of South Lebanon.

Would Hezbollah agree to that? Idk. If they won't, they should prepare to respond in kind before Israeli's embark on a air and ground campaign.
Israel will definitely invade. They are just buying time.
Gold Apollo denied producing the devices and instead pointed the finger at its Budapest-based partner BAC Consulting KFT.

But Hungarian government spokesman Zoltan Kovacs said the company "is a trading intermediary, with no manufacturing or operational site in Hungary".

"The referenced devices have never been in Hungary," Kovacs said on X, formerly Twitter.

He added the case "poses no national security risk" and Hungary was cooperating "with all relevant international partner agencies and organisations" in further investigations.

Earlier on Wednesday, Gold Apollo head Hsu Ching-kuang said the pagers were "100 per cent not" made in Taiwan.

"They are not our products from beginning to end. How can we produce products that are not ours?" Hsu told reporters in Taipei.

So Israel made them and supplied them using some shell companies.
Look like Taiwan's Electronic sector faces doom

TV sets

One Maniac Israeli Nation destroyed whole of Taiwan's electronic sector reputation

What kind of Terrorist country puts explosives in consumer electronics and ships it to another country ?
I dunno, may be same type who puts explosives in vehicles?
Don't talk shit ok? Jews originally come from southern Iraq and weren't separate nation, at time , what nation meant anyway.
They came to Phoenicians lands or Kaanan, even their history affirms that. After Babylonian sacking of Jerusalem, Persian Emperor returned them to Palestine, ok?
When someone spreads the fekalies over himself in the act of piousness , then due to shit dripping comes to his eyes and can't do anything then rage.
Do something of your own and boast, in mean time take care of your cousins in Romania.
Is it too much to ask?
The jews in Israel currently are overwhelmingly eastern europeans. They have no connection to the ancient israelites. In fact Palestinians have a better claim to be descendant of ancient jews and genetic analysis supports this claim. There is a reason why genetic testing is banned in Israel.
Jews stem from 12 ancient families and jewish geneology is a topic that people can independently check. The assumption that all modern jews are converts is questionable as Jewish people moved to different locations after war with Romans. Allah Almighty have also revealed in the Holy Quran that jews will return to Palestine in the end times. So I am not sure why is this a debate? Anything goes to create a narrative? No wonder conflicts continue.

Here is but one study:

There are many studies on this topic.

Jews are jews, converts or not. Just like Muslims are Muslims, converts or not.
Ashkenazi jews that dominate Israel and are prevalent in the West and the real source of zionist power are all converts. Stemming from the Eastern European/Central Asian Khazars that converted to Judaism in the 12th century.
And what exactly has passivity led to?

Lebanon is now being terrorised by thousands of explosive devices in communications and electronic equipment. Men, women and children are being indiscriminately killed, maimed and injured and Zionists and their bootlickers are celebrating.

Genocidal Zionist maniacs will accept nothing less than total servitude - Jordan is a model example.
Hezbollah will take action bro. No worries, step by step.
Well Lebnoon's Port for import/export was destroyed in a unexplained attack few years ago, the video of massive explosion was documented and displayed across the globe

It may have weakened country's (Lebnoon's) control over import/export of goods or ability to examine the goods coming into country

The computers / the data history of past reliable import export vendors established 20-30 years ago all was lost

Weakened security measures and background checks may have lead to Israeli taking advantage and slipping in containers of rigged goods into Lebnoon
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