Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Im surprised hezbollah doesn't target tankers to Israel. They could do something similar to the houthis.

Everything is for energy wars from Iraq-Syria to Lebanon and Eastern Mediterranean

in 2023 Turkiye-Israel agreed d to cooperate on energy in the Eastern Mediterranean and build an energy transmission line between them, linking to Europe

ERDOGAN-NETANYAHU meeting in New York 2023
ERDOGAN-PEZESHKIAN meeting in New York 2024

Iran and Russia used HAMAS to attack on Israel to destroy normalization ties between Turkiye and Israel

Now Turkiye-Israel are almost enemies ... what a stupid move by NETANYAHU and ERDOGAN
Everything is for energy wars from Iraq-Syria to Lebanon and Eastern Mediterranean

in 2023 Turkiye-Israel agreed d to cooperate on energy in the Eastern Mediterranean and build an energy transmission line between them, linking to Europe

ERDOGAN-NETANYAHU meeting in New York 2023
View attachment 66638
ERDOGAN-PEZESHKIAN meeting in New York 2024
View attachment 66639

Iran and Russia used HAMAS to attack on Israel to destroy normalization ties between Turkiye and Israel

Now Turkiye-Israel are almost enemies ... what a stupid move by NETANYAHU and ERDOGAN
Lol so how does turkey Israel normalization help the Palestinian cause?
Your Pakistan sold 155 mm Howitzer munitions to kill Palestinians

Pakistan , Egypt , S Arabia , The UAE , Indonesia , etc doing nothing against Israel while Turkiye fighting USA+Israel and their proxies FETO , PKK-YPG since 2013

and Turkiye has halted all trade with Israel

Turkiye lost over $500 billion because of supporting Palestinians since 2009 DAVOS crisis with Israel

Iran used HAMAS for terror attack on Israel and NOW Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians
The Syrian civil war was a US led joint proxy war with qatar and turkey.
Don't forget Israel they were part of the gang.
Lol so how does turkey Israel normalization help the Palestinian cause?

How does Iran backed terror attack on Israel by HAMAS help the Palestinian cause ?

Iran helped Israel to destroy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians
and HAMAS betrayed the Palestian cause for Iranian Russian interests

Now USA-Europe-Australia-Canada-etc full support Israel because of Iran backed silly terror attack on Israel by HAMAS

as always Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians

Iran is worse than Israel

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria
Biden admin running around trying to convince everyone that Bibi isn’t on a maniacal killing spree is not working out.

Oddly enough - muslims have started fundraising for Trump while forgetting that his methods will be either let bibi kill another 100000 and then stop or basically make arab states give land to make greater Israel and make Palestinians and Lebanese permanent refugees while threatening to nuke any Arab state that objects.

Rock and a hard place

Yes, I was about to post things are now getting ridiculously out of control as Lebanon seems to be the new Gaza. This isn't going to end well for all sides as the whole area turns into a wasteland of destruction and refugees.

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How does Iran backed terror attack on Israel by HAMAS help the Palestinian cause ?
Palestinians have every right to resist their occupiers. What has Turkey done?

Iran helped Israel to destroy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians
and HAMAS betrayed the Palestian cause for Iranian Russian interests
What did you do in Syria? You are not helping the FSA to help the Syrians but for your own ulterior motive.

Now USA-Europe-Australia-Canada-etc full support Israel because of Iran backed silly terror attack on Israel by HAMAS

When did they not?
as always Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians

Iran is worse than Israel

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria
Once again, you Turkey play a role in the Syrian civil war. Without the weapons and support from the West, Syria would not be destroyed.
How does Iran backed terror attack on Israel by HAMAS help the Palestinian cause ?

Iran helped Israel to destroy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians
and HAMAS betrayed the Palestian cause for Iranian Russian interests

Now USA-Europe-Australia-Canada-etc full support Israel because of Iran backed silly terror attack on Israel by HAMAS

as always Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians

Iran is worse than Israel

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria
How many of those killed in syria were committed by ISIS?
The Syrian civil war was a US led joint proxy war with qatar and turkey.

Turkiye 11 times warned ASSAD as friendly in 2010

but USA-The UK -Arab Countries threatened ERDOGAN to stop good friendship with ASSAD

And USA-Israel-France-The UK - Germany-S.Arabia-Egypt and The UEA have started civil war in Syria

Russia and Iran entered the game on the other side

in 2013 USA-The UK-France -Germany-S.Arabia and The UAE moved on to the main phase of their plan to support PKK-YPG terror Organization to destoy Syria's territorial integrity

but after USA backed failed coup attempt against ERDOGAN in 2016 , 4 Turkish Military Operations blocked American-Israeli-European plans in Syria

Turkiye fought USA-France-PKK-YPG and Russia-Iran-SAA-HZ in Syria
How does Iran backed terror attack on Israel by HAMAS help the Palestinian cause ?

Iran helped Israel to destroy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians
and HAMAS betrayed the Palestian cause for Iranian Russian interests

Now USA-Europe-Australia-Canada-etc full support Israel because of Iran backed silly terror attack on Israel by HAMAS

as always Iran only watching on TV how Israel destroyed GAZA and killed over 50.000 Palestinians

Iran is worse than Israel

Iran+HZ+SAA with Russian Military helping killed hundreds of thousands of innocent muslims in Syria
Given how intelligent Isreal’s Mossad is to carry out such a complicated and coordinated operation to take out hezbollah leaders, how the hell did they not know about October 7 beforehand?
Turkiye 11 times warned ASSAD as friendly in 2010
View attachment 66641

but USA-The UK -Arab Countries threatened ERDOGAN to stop good friendship with ASSAD

And USA-Israel-France-The UK - Germany-S.Arabia-Egypt and The UEA have started civil war in Syria

Russia and Iran entered the game on the other side

in 2013 USA-The UK-France -Germany-S.Arabia and The UAE moved on to the main phase of their plan to support PKK-YPG terror Organization to destoy Syria's territorial integrity

but after USA backed failed coup attempt against ERDOGAN in 2016 , 4 Turkish Military Operations blocked American-Israeli-European plans in Syria

Turkiye fought USA-France-PKK-YPG and Russia-Iran-SAA-HZ in Syria
Together the US and Turkey instigated the ‘civil war’.

Turkey buys the oil that the Syrian and Iraqi Kurds steal from their countries. It goes in a pipeline from N Iraq, sweeping right by the E Syrian border, on into S Turkey, and runs all the way to the coast.

Turkey helped the US to create the ‘Syrian civil war’ with the goal of regime change in mind. They may disagree about how to keep Syria and Iraq broke up into failed states or on how to handle the Kurdish terrorists that they have armed, but they agree on the main goal—regime change in Syria, keep Syria and Iraq as failed states. The silly Kurdish terrorist ‘nationalists’ are just pawns for the US, Turkey, and Israel
Turkey is the biggest beneficiary of isis oil trade.
The US and Israel have long-standing ties with the Kurds dating back to the 1991 Gulf War. During the war US special operations worked with the Kurdish Peshmerga, the forerunner to the YPG to destabilize Saddam Hussein.

Following the war, the US set up a “No Fly Zone” in Northern Iraq. Effectively, the US pledged to shoot down any Iraqi aircraft operating over Kurdish airspace. This move prevented the Iraqis from being able to mount any large scale offensives against the Kurds and grant them autonomy. Again the US’s aim here above all else was to undermine Saddam.
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Given how intelligent Isreal’s Mossad is to carry out such a complicated and coordinated operation to take out hezbollah leaders, how the hell did they not know about October 7 beforehand?

Israel allowed Iran backed HAMAS terror attack on october 7

-- Israel has taken on the role of victim in the eyes of the Western Block

-- Now USA-Europe-Canada-Australia even S.Arabia and The UAE support Israel against Iran backed HAMAS terror attack on Israel

-- Iran has given Israel a perfect opportunity to occupy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians

-- also NETANYAHU freed from political pressures and He came back stronger
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Turkey is the biggest beneficiary of isis oil trade.

I reported you for lies and terror propaganda ...
Shame on PDF who allows trolls like you to open a fake account in 2024 and doing terror ğropaganda on PDF

Only Turkiye fought against ISIS in Syria and killed over 3.000 ISIS terrorists

And Turkiye cleaned Syrian cities Dabiq , Rai , Jarablus , Al Bab , etc from ISIS

Turkish Armed Forces fought all of you in Syria from USA-France-PKK/YPG-ISIS to Russia-Iran-SAA-Hezbollah
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Israel allowed Iran backed HAMAS terror attack on october 7

-- Israel has taken on the role of victim in the eyes of the Western Block

-- Now USA-Europe-Canada-Australia even S.Arabia and The UAE support Israel against Iran backed HAMAS terror attack on Israel

-- Iran has given Israel a perfect opportunity to occupy GAZA and to kill over 50.000 Palestinians

-- also NETANYAHU freed from political pressures
So u admit Israel knew about the attack beforehand. And what does turkey do for the Palestinians? and why would u put the blame on Iran when Hamas was fighting alongside the free Syrian army in the Syrian civil war.hamas was no ally of Iran lol
Hamas did it on their own to stop Arab Israel normalization. It has nothing to do with Iran lol Hamas leaders reside in qatar not Iran and guess who qatar supported in the Syrian conflict. Hezbollah did it for Palestine not really for Hamas remember they were rivals in Syria.this conflict is more complicated than you think
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Iran played a game to use HAMAS to ottack on Israel


Palestine lost
Lebanon lost
Iran lost

As always Israel wins in the region like 2 big Wars against Egypt , Syria , Iraq , Jordan , etc
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Palestine lost
Lebanon lost
Iran lost

As always Israel wins in the region like 4 Wars against Egypt , Syria , Iraq , Jordan , etc
Turkey will lose too bro if they fight Israel.

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