Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Christian churches always open the door for everybody where problems happen.

But I dont think a priest will take guns and militate in Hezbollah to support the fight. :ROFLMAO:
nobody wants priests to fight. but other Christian groups who usually oppose Hezbollah are calling on their followers to donate blood to help Shia Lebanese. they are putting differences aside. as usual, war unites people.
Of the 11 scheduled US aircraft carriers, only 4 (four) are present at work, i.e. 36% of the total aircraft carrier power of the US Navy:
CVN-71 Theodore Roosevelt (1986)
CVN-72 Abraham Lincoln (1989)
CVN-73 George Washington (1992)
CVN-78Gerald R. Ford" (2017)
A lot of US carriers are old and rusty. Now is not a bad time for Iran to strike.
Iran is very aware they are next in line.

But they are in bed with USA since Iran Deal 2015.

And only God knows what kind of pacts they have.

e.g: Iranian giving information about Hezbollah to USA, and USA giving information about GCC to Iran in exchange.

Dumbfucks dont understand that Israel is just a tiny corrupt puppet of USA interests.

And USA interests in the richest oil zone in the world, Middle East, it's to burn everything.

Dumbfucks have forgotten USA and vassals pressure against Iran in the 2010-2013 Hormuz tension, when Iran war seemed inevitable and imminent.

It's not a religion issue, it's not a friendship or allies issue.

It's just a entropy, energy and raw materials issue.

Raw materials are not endless. Crude oil is not endless. And population, spending keep growing, it's unacceptable from USA interest point of view, unnecessary, unacceptable and dangerous, it's time to drop useless slaves vassals.

Libya and Iraq American wars were due to oil, and dumbfucks keep staring religion and nonsenses, instead what is only one USA interest: PURE MATERIAL.

Uncomfortable reading
Since the pager operation hezbo has launched hundreds maybe even thousands of rockets.... what exactly has it accomplished strategically? Have they been able to hit airbases and slow down IDF sorties? Have they managed to destroy sitting fighters?

See where I'm going? It hasn't accomplished a thing while IDF air force has already leveled a whole town where rockets were stored. Since pager operation Israel has taken out many high ranking hezbo commanders. Is it really that hard to hit an Israeli airbase or military facility rending it inoperative? 🤔

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