Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

Looking at this...Abu R has got to be sweating .

Both because the Israelis are coming for him AND because everyone in Hezbollah can't help but look at this and think "oh, he's the mole."
View attachment 67924
Looking at this...Abu R has got to be sweating .

Both because the Israelis are coming for him AND because everyone in Hezbollah can't help but look at this and think "oh, he's the mole."
nice israeli propaganda you have here with cherry picked units

and Ali Karaki is not killed
It is the entire military industrial complex and technological might of the entire west against a few militias.

Not to mention, the treacherous Arab states along with Turkey.

This will never be forgotten and these states will be damned by history.

Absolutely disgusting to betray your own against enemies of Palestinians and Muslims.
Hezbollah cannot fight a war of attrition. Like Hamas can't. They can deregulate themselves to guerilla warfare to fight a long term occupation.

I hope Iranian leadership isn't thinking like you. To just have Hezbollah absorb these major strikes without responding. If end result is same, make Israel suffer with you. Lebanese people are being killed. Hezbollah commanders and members are too. They want to avenge these murders. Hezbollah will be done if they're taking orders from Iranian senior leadership.

And assuming US has been planning this for a long time. Iran is going to be next even without Iran having provoked anything. Israel cannot 'change the face of the region'. If it says that, it means it's executing a US war plan to eliminate all threats to Israel in the region so it can divert resources to China and Europe against Russia.

Iran and the "Axis of Resistance" have two options:

1. Either fight an all out war and have a chance of destroying the entity and expelling the US from ME, albeit at the cost of massive destruction and deaths.

2. Be meek and do little/nothing and be destroyed anyway, killed in mass and then be made vassals of Zio-US.

There is no "live to fight another day" anymore option.
Who tf said anything about Taliban?

100 times more than these bombs were poured on Yemen and mullah waited and waited and waited.

Wedding were hit in Yemen. 100 killed.
Then their burial was attacked another 200 killed.

All schools were bombed in Yemen just five years ago.

More bombs were dumped in Yemen than all WWII bombs combined.

All Hamas and Lebanon bombing is nothing next to Yemen.

Now you expect a mullah to do different than Yemen???
Iran and the "Axis of Resistance" have two options:

1. Either fight an all out war and have a chance of destroying the entity and expelling the US from ME, albeit at the cost of massive destruction and deaths.

2. Be meek and do little/nothing and be destroyed anyway, killed in mass and then be made vassals of Zio-US.

There is no "live to fight another day" anymore option.

Netanyahu wants a "total war" because this window is closing... Because of this, he killed the Iranian president, a Hamas guy in Iran, exploded the Iranian embassy in Syria, and killed hundreds of civilians in Palestine and Lebanon. What he wants is that Iran, the hezb, or anyone destroys Israel with capable arms, so zionist media will say it is a "new holocaust" and that Netanyahu is a good guy who fights against "nazis," and that the US and Europe must create a military coalition to confront Iran, etc. That's the plan of Zionism; alone they cannot win; they can kill one, two, or one million, but always will show up a new leadership to confront them and increasingly with more military capacity. See that in the 70's there was no IRGC, Hezbollah, Houthi nothing, but today there is and more capable than weak Arab countries from the 60's and 70's. What will we have in 2050, for example? Do you understand what I mean? For Zionism, the only way to win this war is killing everyone over there (and destroying Islamic religion), and to achieve this goal, they need a total war and US and Europe.
troops. For this reason, the CIA, Mossad, and MI6 created Isis and Alqaeda to sell Muslims as terrorists and create wars to kill Muslim civilians, destroying Islamic countries: oil is a spoil of war. All lies are being told only for that final goal...So Iran should not go to a total war now, only in the future.
And don't be surprised if the Statue of Liberty or Empire State is destroyed and the media says it was Iran, Hezb, Palestine, Houthis... CIA and Mossad are masters of false flag operations.
100 times more than these bombs were poured on Yemen and mullah waited and waited and waited.

Wedding were hit in Yemen. 100 killed.
Then their burial was attacked another 200 killed.

All schools were bombed in Yemen just five years ago.

More bombs were dumped in Yemen than all WWII bombs combined.

All Hamas and Lebanon bombing is nothing next to Yemen.
The bombings in Gaza are much worse than Yemen or anything else. It's documented. There has never such ferocious bombing in such a short period of time.

Bombing in Lebanon is also bad, not quite Gaza bad yet but getting very close.

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