Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

This explains the two sides, one side is talking about AI and will they take over in the future and the other side is taking about angels protecting.

The Israelis have built their whole justification for occupying Palestine on religious texts going back 3,000+ years and Evangelical Christians in America support Israel for the same reason.

No one will understand this conflict if you don’t know the religious undertones.
When US invaded Afghanistan or Azerbaijan fought with Armenia, it was not Christians Vs Muslims war right ?

Now also, Muslims and Jews are not fighting. It's Iran-Israel that are fighting.

No need to get emotional about everything and see everything under lense of religion.
This is not a religious war foo….are you a teenager? Harryaanrra Kanpur?

Nothing but nonsense outta you?
While other so called muslims advocates - UAE, Saudi, Pakistan, turkey etc , doing only fake crocodile cries, but Iran is indirect fighting with israel for Palestinians.
Who said they're advocates for Muslims? Ram Lal Shabalabadingdong Gobar Singh? Ordinary Muslims from those countries have been consistently criticizing their governments for decades and we still have vile Hindutve saying fake Mujlim adwocate saaaaar like they've picked up on a trick no one has ever caught.
This explains the two sides, one side is talking about AI and will they take over in the future and the other side is taking about angels protecting.
And then there's the side which is represented by animals who regularly chimp out, bulldoze centuries-old heritage Muslim sites and in their place, erect hideous temples for either demonic freaks or braindead cows.
What we see before us has nothing to do with religion or God. Anyone claiming some sort of divine logic here is mentally ill and does not belong on military forums but rather some other amateur gossip platform.
It's backwards justifications and excuses from a defeated people. There needs to be a change of mindset otherwise there'll be another century of heinous war crimes and absolutely nothing productive in terms of resistance.
which leaders are better in the Muslim world?
Every single one. None of them have lost this many high ranking officials without returning some pain on the enemy. Soleimani, Haniyeh, Nasrallah all gone and can you name one zionist pig the Iranians got?
The copium is real. We've seen Muslims fight by exploding in markets and killing women and children just as much ad the west does. There is no line that Muslims don't cross either. It's not laws or frameworks why you're losing. You're just out matched in every way.
Radical Hindus see all this carnage and when it's time to weigh the scales of justice, they think that suicide bombings by terrorist outfits is supposed to be an equivalent to hundreds of thousands of civilian deaths. Not surprising, since they will rape and murder innocent human beings for stupid cows, just think how many humans they'd watch die if they could get a crumb of **** from a holy Wedic Ijraeli voman.
I also think that the Israeli leadership has concluded this. But I think that the attack is still a long way off, at least as long as Hezbollah still has some response capabilities.

A reasonable position. But was thinking that because they've become suddenly aggressive and seem to be using Blitzkreig+ Shock and Awe type tactics by killing so many top guys in a short time, they may try to push their psychological advantage.

Let's wait and watch.
Third, ethnic Indians are doing fine in the west. Infact better than the most other people, including native whites too.
An Indian Hindu delivered my Uber order. The same Indian Hindu freak would try to lynch me for ordering the beef burger if I dared make that order in Bharat, so the fact that he can't do so, tells me he is not doing fine and is probably living in humiliation.
A reasonable position. But was thinking that because they've become suddenly aggressive and seem to be using Blitzkreig+ Shock and Awe type tactics by killing so many top guys in a short time, they may try to push their psychological advantage.

Let's wait and watch.
There's no psychological advantage. They're trying to finally win this landgrab by committing a genocide against Arabs and slaughtering them because there's no other way. But that is also their mistake, because they have identified themselves even to neighbours who might have been amenable to normalization as genocidal freaks. Palestinians already knew this from '48 - they experienced the ethnic cleansing and genocide from the Nakba, and that memory has lived on to this day - that's why Hamas and Fatah exist. Now add the carnage of Gaza, Israel will be seen as a rogue, unstable, terrorist state. It cannot have a functional relationship with any Arab country - they will always be marked by the same tension, fear and resentment Palestinians have carried from the Nakba.
When US invaded Afghanistan or Azerbaijan fought with Armenia, it was not Christians Vs Muslims war right ?

Now also, Muslims and Jews are not fighting. It's Iran-Israel that are fighting.

No need to get emotional about everything and see everything under lense of religion.

Are Iranians not Muslims? You are a false flagger and I had my suspicions about you. Especially since you couldn’t answer @Falcon29 simple question. You are a stain.
Are Iranians not Muslims? You are a false flagger and I had my suspicions about you. Especially since you couldn’t answer @Falcon29 simple question. You are a stain.
Bhartis are so stupid and uneducated that one of them decides to false flag and roleplay as a Pashtun Afghan nationalist but names himself "HeratKabul", a part of Afghanistan known to be primarily inhabited by Persian-speaking Tajiks. I don't know if they're born geniuses or if they develop this unique form of intelligence after spending countless hours sitting on the godis of their pracharaks, assimilating their Vatsapp knowledge.
And all the Indians, I just want to say one thing to you all, you are salivating at the death of innocents and being more loyal to Israel than israeli themselves and then bitch about how Muslims get all the rights in those shitty threads of yours. That is a very scummy thing in my opinion. We all know most of you lest a few are enjoying what’s happening. Don’t bitch about it when it starts happening you
Our religion is very clear, it tells us to be against oppressors, oppression and against injustice. So Indians don’t need to infect this thread over how israel did the right thing saaaaaar. Complexed idiots.

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