Hezbollah-Israel Conflict 2024 - Lebanon & Occupied Palestine Territories

It's not totally out of the question. Erdogan has expressed an interest in forming an alliance, we don't know exactly what extent. What we do know both Turkey and Iran do not want to see Israel expanding its borders and territorial waters, so the aligned interest is there. Israel is an ally of Greece and Greek Cyprus.

It wouldn't be the first time the region's countries have joined forces against Israel.

I doubt Turkey will ever help to stop Israeli border expansion. Israelis are fighting a " HOLY WAR" . Every move against Muslim and killing Muslims is counted as a religious duty. The holiness needs to be countered with Israeli religious set rules. But yes, Arab leaders failed to defend their countries or nations.
it seems some people think that a big beard means holiness, goodness and patriotism.

But really a big beard just means a big beard.

e.g: Khamenei is a traitor to the axis of resistance in the daylight, doing nothing as Israel pounds ruthlessly and without rest to all Iran pawns.
Well, at least he holds back Israeli expansion. Otherwise, Lebanon and Syria were cakewalks for Israelis after the Turkish West backed ISIS uprising in Iraq and Syria. Iran is alone and taking everyone's heat. But still, stand tall and confront everyone's criticism. Truth is always in the minority.
What is the most likely scenario for Iran militarily? Even if there's acquisition of advanced military hardware, how are they expected to fight against the superior technology of Israel/USA combined?

It's plausible they can target IDF by BMs once they enter Lebanon? But then again, no major superpower backs Iran militarily at this time.
What superpower backing? Look at Russia struggling in Ukraine. Humbled daily no? China got diddly and scared to use or show anything no? or they'd get severely humbled too......EU are a bunch of low tech toady. India is just laughable.

Who's left man other than Iran?

Lets get real.
that's your comeback 🤣 I'm as much of an internet warrior as Iran is all bark no bite come on man
You need to come on out as a Bungali muslim dude.

Stop the drama.

Thank you.
Israel has proven itself to be the top dawg in the region. Everyone just keeps talking and barking while Israelis continue to massacre hundred of civilians on a daily basis. Eventually there will be no one else left to oppose them.
Its easy to be "Top Dawg" when you have the U.S and "the West" on a leash!
Yeah sure, as soon as they see an Arab man they will otherwise run away, as if without US money Hizbolla and Hamas will actually win against Israel.

1)They work hard, build industry, have a great economy that supporrts them, have an expert foreign policy team that keeps them strategically aligned to the most powerful countries in the world.
2) ISraeli weapons are bought around the world. India paid a billion a piece for Phalcons. How many high end systems did Hizbolla/ Hamas/ Lebanon sell?
3) Israel build their own F 16 equal the LAVI which China copied in the Jet you so proudly show off - the J10C. Hamas 'air atatck' was with paragliders

As for the rest, you lost all wars so shut it.

😂😂😂 Are you not reading properly???

The U.S and west has given them over 100 billion in terms of funds and weapons to wage war on local countries who don't have air defences

The U.S supplied the bombs and weapons

Then gave Israel diplomatic cover

Without these things Israel would collapse and be unable to wage war without destroy itself

They are not taking on Israel but the entire western order

And EVEN then resistance for freedom and independence is essential,,, you have to under why people in our region historically have thought Hindus are coward's, because to you all you can think is Why fight? Why take them on?
Just accept it.
Shahi and Jewish Iranian brah. Did you see the Pahlavi and Ijira-heeli flags? This is in LA, not in Punjab bhai.
jo bhi hai, OG Iranis are happy

mind you, unki many grievances with Israel wrt Palestine may still stand\

but they happy to see the mullah regime destroyed

MBS and Sunni crescent are full khush

oo hi ka marg ba hui gava, as they say in Bihari @vsdoc
😂😂😂 Are you not reading properly???

The U.S and west has given them over 100 billion in terms of funds and weapons to wage war on local countries who don't have air defences

The U.S supplied the bombs and weapons

Then gave Israel diplomatic cover

Without these things Israel would collapse and be unable to wage war without destroy itself

They are not taking on Israel but the entire western order

And EVEN then resistance for freedom and independence is essential,,, you have to under why people in our region historically have thought Hindus are coward's, because to you all you can think is Why fight? Why take them on?
Just accept it.
Israel is America's hold on Middle East similar to how Ukraine is now a leash on Russia.
America wants to make India a "partner" against China in Asia in a similar manner. America wants to encircle China and they have had varying degree of effectiveness here, Phillipines is technically under American umbrella now.

They are not helping Israel and Ukraine out of the goodness of their hearts or cos Jews control America. It is about national policy and interests. America's policy is indirect intervention in international affairs, why face domestic criticism for dead soldiers fighting on foreign soil when you can just support a 3rd party to fight for you. Monetary support hardly matter for the US they can keep printing dollars.

Considering current world geopolitics the day USA directly joins a war against a adversary it's over for them. They don't trillions of dollars on their military and build bases and alliances over the world for nothing. What weapons you see 15-20yrs later in news is what USA discarded long back.
😂😂😂 Are you not reading properly???

The U.S and west has given them over 100 billion in terms of funds and weapons to wage war on local countries who don't have air defences

The U.S supplied the bombs and weapons

Then gave Israel diplomatic cover

Without these things Israel would collapse and be unable to wage war without destroy itself

They are not taking on Israel but the entire western order

And EVEN then resistance for freedom and independence is essential,,, you have to under why people in our region historically have thought Hindus are coward's, because to you all you can think is Why fight? Why take them on?
Just accept it.

I don't know about the rest but this will not happen. Israel will prevail
1) If America didn't give 100 billion, Israel will find other ways to remian strong
2) Even if America gives 100 Billion to Hamas Hizbolla, they will eat up the cash and remain the militia.
3) Rest of it is f***ing trash. 24 hrs a day talking nonsese- 'ohhh they are cow', 'ohh they are yahhodi as mentioned by elders said'...and that's how you go attack by 'air , sea, and land' ie- paraglider, motorbike and rubber dinghy'.
Israel is America's hold on Middle East similar to how Ukraine is now a leash on Russia.
America wants to make India a "partner" against China in Asia in a similar manner. America wants to encircle China and they have had varying degree of effectiveness here, Phillipines is technically under American umbrella now.

They are not helping Israel and Ukraine out of the goodness of their hearts or cos Jews control America. It is about national policy and interests. America's policy is indirect intervention in international affairs, why face domestic criticism for dead soldiers fighting on foreign soil when you can just support a 3rd party to fight for you. Monetary support hardly matter for the US they can keep printing dollars.

Sure, but I would say with Israel it's Jews doing their usual mischief that they got killed or expelled for, for thousands of years
And it's crazy American evangelical Christians with their own extremism

Either way, hundreds of billions for a tiny state of 9 million people, 2 million of who are Arab/Muslims

And a constant supply of weapons and bombs to carry out the action

Apart from isolated strikes, all actions has been in occupied Palestinians and tiny Lebanon

Iran has pulled the strings for the resistance but the U.S is backing America
And I will say again,Is FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE not worth fighting for that these people should cower

Even with all the U.S support a Palestinian state may be forced in Israel because of international law, and even the lackey Arabs are getting annoyed and pushing for a Palestinian state using pressure whilst they sit back watching everyone else fight

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