Hindutva Lobby Flexes its Muscle in California by Brofessor Riazul Haq sb

let me tell you a story my mausi & mausa (a chemical engineer from IIT Khaagpur)used to live in chicago in 1980s and i vistited them there in late 1988 guess who was there land lord an EX PA kurnol ;) :P

Pakistanies always had good repo and power in USA ever since 1960s thats that they had 25 years head start of Indian techies and prfessionlas and almost all of east cost cities like Chicago , jersey , Philaelphia, Boston or New York & washington had very good Pakistani presence with them having very very good number of high end real estate

tell me why dint they educate there children and made them into main stream jobs or media or polictics ?

what was Indian power in Europe or UK or USA prir to 2014 well we just were in numbers but it takes someone to unite and show stregnth through proper guidence and purpose MODI JI gave Indian in India and aborad that which your present and past ex miltarry & civil beurocray rich land owners in west failed to give despite all that backup think about it where and how you lost despite all that
It was happening before Modi. It’s the Indian education system that gave time for enough high quality people to work their way into the R&D world of US industry. By the time Modi came, it was just a matter of ask those already in key positions to unify.

The IIT backgrounds made the difference, not so much the political leader in India.
Heh Many Pakistanis would also become Republican if they are born there, that's kinda how South Asian immigrants and their kids act. I don't know if Kamala will win or not. It largely depends on the ability of her to give out speeches at this point. Trump fumbled the last debate so another debate is not possible.

Vivek is a smart guy, went to Harvard and Yale, runs a business. He still got a long road ahead of him. IMO his appeal inside the republicans is only increasing. Although he may not be presidential material he got a good chance to get some lucrative positions.
Pakistanis were always republican until the party got hijacked by zionist lobbyists. Now Democrats are preferred, because they at least have to pretend to not be bloodthirsty war criminals.
That’s why they swapped him out.

The issue will be that as Modi said Indian Americans are the brand ambassadors of India. Many Indian Americans are decent and hardworking people, but many, especially on the Republican side, that get into politics, drink the “kool-aid” and know tow to bigots. Should Kamala win, especially considering she is running against Trump, she and the diaspora will face the brunt of racism many think doesn’t exist anymore in America.

Remember the interview between Vivek and Ann Coulter.

I was living in the south when Obama won, and the kind of racism and seething stoked by talk radio was there more prominently in the background.

If you go past all the headlines, geopolitics and red meat political issues a good section of the immigrant communities will find the GOP agenda appealing
If you go past all the headlines, geopolitics and red meat political issues a good section of the immigrant communities will find the GOP agenda appealing
I’m not saying it isn’t, but what is your personal experience with many of the current hardcore republican voters. Many are following Trump and taking his words seriously. He’s riling up enough of the crazies, on both sides. This isn’t normal politics. He literally gave an antisemitic speech to a gathering of Jewish people he was trying to convince to vote for him, but said it would be their fault if he lost, considering the Jewish vote goes historically 60-70% for democrats.

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