Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon

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  • Tuesday, September 17, 2024
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    Elder of Ziyon

Hezbollah pagers explode all over Lebanon; Hezbollah claims they were used by "civilians"

From the Wall Street Journal:

Some potential victims said they felt the pagers heat up beforehand and got rid of them before the explosion.

So far, according to Lebanese health authorities, is 8 killed, 200 critically injured and 2,750 injured to some degree. 7 more were said to be killed in Syria.

When I first saw the story, I assumed that "somebody" had found a vulnerability in the pager software and fond that a set of commands could cause them to heat up and explode. But the WSJ report makes it sound more like a supply chain attack -"somebody" knew about this shipment and sabotaged it, perhaps even installing small explosives inside the devices that could be triggered by commands or heat, or more likely replacing the batteries with versions that would explode when exposed to a certain stimulus like a series of signals.

Almost certainly, and ironically, Hezbollah demanded that its many members communicate only with pagers because they felt that they were more secure than cell phones that could be hacked or eavesdropped on. One can be certain that everyone who had one of these pagers in their pocket or their belt was a Hezbollah member, making this attack as perfectly aligned with international law as is possible.

Hezbollah predictably is pretending that they were killing civilians - as if normal people would walk around with pagers instead of phones.

Hezbollah is only claiming that civilians were killed - claiming the death of a girl. What they don't say is that her terrorist father with the pager was next to her at the time, or whether he is alive.

Other details are coming out - a Hezbollah MP who was killed, a son of a Hezbollah leader said to have been killed.

One can be certain that the only people using that brand of pager in Lebanon are Hezbollah members. While there are still some some pager manufacturers, they re only for niche markets.

Like terrorists.

Here are two videos apparently of explosions.

[videos in original]

And photos of victims:

To no one's surprise, every photo and video that have been published show the victims are military aged males. Not nurses.

This may be the first truly fatal cyberattack.
Guess what? Military age male is anyone over 18, including civilians. This was used for years by the US administration to pump up numbers of terrorists killed by drone strikes in Pakistan, when in reality up to 80% were civilians with no links to those said terrorists.

The fact that you're using a well known fascist source "Elder of Ziyon" who actively has called for the ethnic cleansing of non-Jews, is shameful and isn't the flex you think it is.

You have a history of posting fascist propaganda. Have some shame.
Hisbullah is still a militant level armed force. Only militant level who uses hand phone or pager during war times
We saw Russia extensively use handphones and pagers in Ukraine in the beginning of the war, and a LOT of Russian units STILL use pagers and handphones.
Just notice the Hindutva monkeys jumping in hapiness from Israeli murder of muslims in Lebanon in this thread.

Wherever you find something ill happening to muslims anywhere you will find the same wankers getting relief.
Not surprised. Indian-units in the IDF are known to be FAR MORE brutal than their Jewish counterparts.
When you are living side by side with a terrorist cancer, you need to be careful. They do not care whether civilians would get hurt in the process or not.

Most of casualties were from civilians. Surely, Hezbollah will respond in kind and better than ever before.
You have a history of posting fascist propaganda. Have some shame.
Now you're being silly. Fascism doesn't allow diversity of opinions the way Israel does. There are Israelis that argue for dismantling the State of Israel - and yet Israel protects them, along with its other citizens.

Try to stay on-topic.
Israel has taken out a good chunk of high ranking hezbo commanders including their #2 and now thousands of hezbo soldiers or battlefield leaders will be sideline for days or weeks if Israel decides to invade in the coming days. What a brilliant strategy.
Except that Israel is not mobilized for such. Hence my doubt as to whether Israel is the instigator of these pager explosions.

Why do Indians enjoy these stories so much?

Giddy with happiness
But why would civilians use pagers instead of smartphones? Hezbollah members have families too and these people move around the country like others. Exploding devices can injure or kill anybody in close proximity of-course.

Let's admit that this is an embarassing episode for Hezbollah. Israeli even mocked that Apple is better and reliable.

Keep in mind that the same pagers are used widely by civilians in Lebanon, INCLUDING DOCTORS.

This almost certainly led to civilian casualties.

I want to highlight @That_Guy post that civilians still use pagers; even within the hospital network in the U.S., pagers are still used, from mid-level to high-level trauma emergencies; once you get the page, you drop and run to the operation theater. I have had doctors in the Caribbean who had to get the flight out and leave family behind cutting short their vacation. This attack injured a lot of civilians who were standing next to Hezbollah individuals, but I'm sure many non-Hezbollah were using these pagers.

By far, it was a disgusting attack and unethical.
Asymmetric warfare is wild. So, setting off explosive devices knowingly in random and often civilian locations, isn't that a terrorist act?
Israel has taken out a good chunk of high ranking hezbo commanders including their #2 and now thousands of hezbo soldiers or battlefield leaders will be sideline for days or weeks if Israel decides to invade in the coming days. What a brilliant strategy.

Israel needs to act before winter

They will not attack during winter I believe

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