Discussion: Electronic devices based attack in Lebanon


Then let me ask it this way.
Hizbollah is fighting Israel: a colonial legacy of Europe. South Asians including hindus fought for freedom against european colonialism. Many thousands were killed in the struggle.
Hizbollah or Hamas have neither fought, killed or even had any public animosity against india or hindus.

Then why cheer?

I dont hate Japanese, because Japan never invaded or killed neither Bangladeshi or Norwegian. But i can understand why Koreans and Chinese hate the Japs. Its logical.
See where i am getting?
Good , let me ask you with the same logic. Russia never invaded you, but we saw Muslims from every where coming and fought in Afghanistan. Or for that matter someone draws a cartoon on the otherside of the globe and you see some lunatics going bonkers here.

Life is not fare, boundaries have been drawn, there is no excuse for killing incorrect on both sides. Sad part is I see even small kids not being spared either by killing them or brain washing them.
How many you know who use pagers.
Surprisingly quite a few people. I work in a hospital, and most of the doctors I know still use pagers. I know older people in my company who still use pagers.

Most people have moved on, but pagers haven't stopped being relevant.
You can't really communicate much on pager , only few symbols or letters

It is not a effective tool for communication
Surprisingly quite a few people. I work in a hospital, and most of the doctors I know still use pagers. I know older people in my company who still use pagers.

Most people have moved on, but pagers haven't stopped being relevant.
I have not seen anyone using pager in the near past, it was I think when i was in school.
Surprisingly quite a few people. I work in a hospital, and most of the doctors I know still use pagers. I know older people in my company who still use pagers.

Most people have moved on, but pagers haven't stopped being relevant.

Pager are liked because it preserves your privacy , from big corporations

Also it is simple way to know , if you need to call home for anything
so parents also use it and give it to their family members

The smart phone devices specially ones which are connected with Google are pretty much a backdoor into your personal life in hand of big corporations to steal what ever they want
  • Phone numbers
  • contact list
  • which apps you use often
  • what music you listen to
  • your habits like workout time
  • locations you visit
  • Who do you talk to often etc
  • Of course accessing images of your family or friends

The theft is also inter connected with devices active in car as well
which are always trying to get access to your contact list in your phone when you connect your phone to your car

The big corporations in America are constantly stealing user info
Most recently , a Investment firm bought DNA of all the folks who ever used a company called Ancestry (Ancestory.com) who know doing some witch hunt based on DNA for future or use DNA data for Bio weapon. Most Americans were quite shocked to know their data was being bought by some Financial firm (wonder who owns the financial firm?)

Pakistan's embassy use google email obviously
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Bosniaks, Serbs and Croats are all south slavic ie whites. Are you even a native or someone from Bangladesh living there? I have a very strong suspicion that it is later.

Anyhow, killing whites is an achievement? How old are you? 13?

Indians are know to be one of the very very few nations that have sent a rover to moon.

Yup 13 year old.

The difference between you Hindus and Bosnians is that you were ruled by outsiders for the last 1,000 years. Bosnians were part of the Ottoman Empire that ruled half of Europe for 5-600 years.

Big difference.
Where does this hate come from?
Any logical reason… at all?

My questioned to indians on this forum.
Why are you cheering for death of middle eastern muslims when no one from Lebanon, Syria or Palestine ever did anything bad to you indians or hindus?
A lot of them are Hindu extremists that believe in the extremely popular conspiracy theory that Mecca and Medina were Hindu cities. They also believe that by helping Israel take over the entire region, they'll get help from Israel to take all of South Asia for their dream of Akhand Bharat.

They're fascist fools that also believe they're white Aryans, and tend to have fond ideas of Hitler.

They don't have like Jews, they just see Israel as a natural ally.

Funnily enough, most Israelis think of them as subhuman, and useful idiots.
Imagine entire Hezbollah using pagers supplied by Israel, even Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon was using Hezbollah pager and got hurt.

They were 24/7 tracking location of entire Hezbollah using these pagers, reading all their messages and hit all of them at the same time.

Hats off to Israel, they are a class apart.

Some pagers are 1-way devices
The difference between you Hindus and Bosnians is that you were ruled by outsiders for the last 1,000 years. Bosnians were part of the Ottoman Empire that ruled half of Europe for 5-600 years.

Big difference.
Part of the Ottoman or conquered by Ottoman and got converted unlike Hindus ..ya big difference there..
Now you're being silly. Fascism doesn't allow diversity of opinions the way Israel does. There are Israelis that argue for dismantling the State of Israel - and yet Israel protects them, along with its other citizens.

Try to stay on-topic.
Israel does not protect them, and there is no diversity of opinion allowed in Israel.

This is a myth that you constantly perpetuate.

A lot of critics of Israel either find themselves in jail or deported, or in many cases attacked by regime goons.

If you're an Arab citizen of Israel, it's even worse for you, because you're guaranteed ending up in prison.

Also, you posted a non-sense article from a questionable source (you didn't link it for a reason), and I called you out on it. This is sticking to the subject.
The difference between you Hindus and Bosnians is that you were ruled by outsiders for the last 1,000 years. Bosnians were part of the Ottoman Empire that ruled half of Europe for 5-600 years.

Big difference.
Here comes another guy with identity crisis. Part of ottoman empire 😁
The average IQ of Hindus is 76, barely above retarded. Still they come here and act as if they're smart.

Low IQ coupled with a cowardly nature makes them perpetual slaves of others. They're happy to see Muslims being killed by others, and think that they're on the winning side.

However, this is a long term war for control of the world and and will be decided after a loing time. When its over the Hindus will be back to their old status of being a colony.
They use pagers as security measure and nobody open the case of a device to see anything inside?
No who told you we cheer for innocents being killed, some of the guys you might see cheering think all the killed are Hezbollah.
I have lost count of how many hindus I have seen parading photos of dead children and making memes "Why won't Allah protect them" etc. Sick of semantics.
I have not seen anyone using pager in the near past, it was I think when i was in school.

Not every one is rich , lot of people can't afford Data plan on cell phones

Smartphones were and are a luxury
For any smart Parent , Smart phones are Big No if you have kids

A lot of old people also don't smartphone they prefer simpler phones

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