IFX Indonesian Fighter Experiment (KF21/IFX program)

Does Indonesia’s work share include making the Thermoplastic skin of the Aircraft?
Does Indonesia’s work share include making the Thermoplastic skin of the Aircraft?

I dont know about the detail, but Indonesian Aerospace work share for the mass production stage include the production of airframe including the wing, pylon, and other fuselage.

This is for all KF21 produced in Korea and Indonesia. For example all of the KF21 prototypes uses some of Indonesian made fuselage that currently only for metal part, including all Pylons used in current KF21 prototypes

We need to wait the completion of Composite production hangar first before we start producing wings and other fuselage. The composite is similar like F35
IFX Production Hangars (Assembling + Composite Manufacturing). Metal parts will use current production facility. For composite hangar and assembly facility still need more investment.


For PTDI work shares (main wing, tailplane, pylon and after fuselage parts) which have composites. Joining the KFX program is also to improve the capabilities of composite aerostructure technology in the form of CFRP. So there is a possibility that the IFX composite hangar will be used for composite other aircraft too

PT Dirgantara Indonesia: Government Negotiates Funding Portion for KF-21 Boramae Fighter Jet Program

Saturday, September 28, 2024

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta - President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Gita Amperiawan said that the government is negotiating with South Korea to discuss adjustments to the funding sharing of the KF-21 Boramae fighter jet manufacturing program in collaboration with Indonesia and South Korea (KFX/IFX).

"For KFX, the government is already negotiating with South Korea," said Gita on the sidelines of the Media Gathering with the Indonesian Ministry of Defense at the PTDI Hangar in Bandung, Friday, September 27, 2024.

Gita said that one of the things discussed was reducing Indonesia's portion of funding to 7 percent. "The seven percent is the government's workshare for the KFX program with Korea," he said.

In the discussion, PTDI was asked to compile the achievements that Indonesia has obtained in the program. "This is what we are preparing as a form of our accountability to the nation from the budget spending from KFX," he said. Gita said that the KFX program is strategic.

He gave an example, through the KFX program, PTDI can participate in developing composite technology which is one of the key technologies for developing future aircraft. "This is very important," he said.

Gita said that sharing 7 percent of the KFX program funding was considered appropriate. "Because 7 percent is talking about IDR 7 trillion, that's not a small amount of money. So we have to convince our government that with this 7 percent there will be a significant impact on the aerospace industry," he said.

Gita said that by participating in the KFX development program, PTDI must be able to build its capabilities so that when the time comes it can play a role in its development in the commercial phase.

"PTDI must fight to get a portion during its commercialization, during its mass production," he said. There is a lot that can be gained from this collaboration. "The first is of course we can master (the ability in) final assembly, and the second is how flight tests and certification, how operations and air maintenance.

Furthermore, of course, it is not only from one, but also from various sources, we must be able to upgrade (independently) further because military products are never static," said Gita.

According to news reported by Antara, Indonesia's current contribution to the fighter jet development program is 600 billion won or around Rp. 6.95 trillion from an initial commitment of 1.6 trillion won or around Rp. 18.5 trillion.


Ministry of Defense: Support to PT DI contributes to industrial progress​

Friday, September 27, 2024 21:43 WIB

Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Brigadier General Edwin Adrian Sumantha (right) received a miniature of one of the aircraft made by PT Dirgantara Indonesia from the President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Gita Amperiawan (left) during a media meeting and tour of PT DI's facilities in the city of Bandung, West Java, Friday (27/9/2024). ANTARA/Genta Tenri Mawangi.

Bandung City (ANTARA) - The Indonesian Ministry of Defense emphasized that the government's support for PT Dirgantara Indonesia contributes positively to the progress of the domestic aerospace industry.

Government support to PT Dirgantara Indonesia (DI), including aircraft purchase contracts for the Indonesian Air Force and Indonesian Navy, as well as support to develop the N219 multipurpose aircraft currently being built by PT DI.

"The Ministry of Defense, in this case the TNI Headquarters and the force headquarters, contribute positively to the development and progress of Indonesia's aerospace," said Head of the Public Relations Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Brigadier General Edwin Adrian Sumantha when met on the sidelines of a media gathering and tour at the PT DI production complex in Bandung, West Java, Friday.

Edwin said the support was absolute because PT Dirgantara Indonesia is currently the leading sector in the development of the domestic aerospace industry.

"We carry out a lot of contracts, where there is a transfer of technology (ToT), including offsets," said Edwin.

Also read: PTDI introduces N219 to build North Bali

The Ministry of Defense a few years ago ordered nine units of NC212i aircraft from PT Dirgantara Indonesia to strengthen the Indonesian Air Force and several units of CN235 aircraft for the Indonesian Navy.

This year, PT DI is in the final stage of production of the sixth unit of the NC212i aircraft for the Indonesian Air Force.

President Director of PT Dirgantara Indonesia Gita Amperiawan on the same occasion explained that thanks to the support of the government, the company managed to book a contract of more than 1 billion US dollars.

"This is the first time in PT DI's history to achieve such a large contract," said Gita.

Also read: PTDI signs contract for sale of five N219 aircraft to Congo

He continued that PT DI is currently in the process of completing aircraft purchase contracts, which include several units of NC212i, restoration of several units of CN235, and also completing anti-submarine aircraft for the Indonesian Navy, as well as modernization of several units of C-130 Hercules of the Indonesian Air Force.

"The effective contract, CN235 for the Navy, then the restoration of the Air Force is effective, then there is also the NC212 contract for the Philippine Air Force," Gita said, mentioning several purchase contracts that are effective throughout 2024.

The Indonesian Ministry of Defense and PT Dirgantara Indonesia held a tour of aircraft production facilities made by PT DI in Bandung, West Java, Friday.

In the activity, a number of journalists from the national media and the Bandung region toured to see firsthand the final assembly facilities of the NC212i, CN235, and N219 aircraft.


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