Imran Khan’s proposed 21-point agenda: Mind blowing

All Regimes In The Middle East Have Survived Coups By Strengthening Their Home Ministries. Remember Back When Army Staged Coup In Turkiye It Was The Police That Fought Back

Also, the example of Iran Deserves To Be mentioned. Straight After The Islamic Revolution The Ayatollahs Setup The IRGC Or Pasdaran Funding and Equipping It Because The Standing Army Or Artash Was Seen As Loyal To The Shah.This Investment Has Paid Off For Them.
22- No one, regardless how capable will be allowed to go above Colonel rank in the army (eq Airforce/Navy/Civilian bureaucracy) if the individual got family/personal/financial interests outside the borders of Pakistan.

This is THE mother of all issues we are facing in Pakistan right now with successive COAS toeing foreign agendas due to their family residing abroad along with their financial interests and assets. Russian oligarchs are the living example how overnight their assets which they parked in western nations were seized, and that is how the western establishments manipulate these useful idiots aka COASs in Pakistan.
What have the civilians done so far?, FIA, IB are civilian lead and a big failure, full of corruption and misuse of power. ISI must stay the same but reduce their political role, instead make FIA and IB professional working agencies.
Civilians haven't done anything cause they aren't allowed to do anything by the Military Mafia. ISI needs to be restructured. Most intelligence agencies around the world are under Civilian control, CIA, MI6, RAW etc.
Will not happen, this is death for the military but a working relationship needs to be created,
Military needs to be thrown back into a the barracks, the seat of all mighty COAS abolished and power devolved betweesn different Generals heading specific theater commands. Military needs to be under strict Civilian oversight, answering to the Defence Secretary who answers to Defence Minister who answers to the PM. Right now I don't even know why we have a defence Ministry.
How will Pakistan buy J10cs, J35s, Hangors etc.
We bought them in small numbers that to on loans spanning over years. If we are buying military hardware on loans, can we fight a war on loans?
plan is to reduce the army control of Pakistan
As it should be, Military is supposed to defend a state, not to govern it and topple governments. You just lose your own military professionalism.
Imagine army controlled by Zardari and Shabaz Sharif, we will all go back to square one and encourage army to help overthrow them, start darnas and long marches again.
Well Army is the one who groomed them both and brought them into power.
points are considerable and debatable, but it is not an easy task. the opposition and resistance will be powerful. particularly, when we have sellouts among us either political personalities or entities.

democratic forces if ever come to their senses and made a strong bond against any misadventure, we would have seen a very different Pakistan.

any such suggestions are useless until these political forces sit together but not being hypocrites. there is a divide-and-rule type of system exists that not only helps the non-democratic forces play their game but will also spoil every effort if ever they come to an agreement.

these political forces need to practice a true democracy among themselves as it is lacking which not only weakens them from within but also prevents them from making big decisions.
We must agree on some points we have time to discus this.. as these suggestions go to pti as some of very close to khan read this and even people from army read these as well
22- No one, regardless how capable will be allowed to go above Colonel rank in the army (eq Airforce/Navy/Civilian bureaucracy) if the individual got family/personal/financial interests outside the borders of Pakistan.

I would include President and PM, if you want these 2 posts then you should have everything in Pakistan.

Other top ministries should be included as well.
Well if the Phapoo's sat in GHQ do not interfere in politics,
then that will be the end for Zardari and Showbaz.

The Army themselves rigged the election to bring these
guys in. what does this tell you about the generals?

What about after Imran Khan? Who will be the head of PTI, SMQ, Pervez Ellahi? Think long term. Army and ISI were 100% behind IK until his removal, due to major disagreements afterwards etc. Army should declare what they want, what kind of power they need and then allow the government's to function properly, allow major reforms etc. Bilawal is already waiting to be PM, the Badsha of Sindh.
Agree on all except 5 & 12.

Would add,
2) Ban PM, President, senate chairman, general, opposition leader and every political party head from possessing foreign property and/or nationality.

they will burn every square inch of this country and hang us all for treason before they let #10 happen.
What about after Imran Khan? Who will be the head of PTI, SMQ, Pervez Ellahi? Think long term. Army and ISI were 100% behind IK until his removal, due to major disagreements afterwards etc. Army should declare what they want, what kind of power they need and then allow the government's to function properly, allow major reforms etc. Bilawal is already waiting to be PM, the Badsha of Sindh.

Let the people decide, it is not upto Duffers to decide
who rules the Country.

They should go and do their job. Which is something
they always fail at.
Disagree heavily on 5. prime minister should only be guarded by a separate secret service esque organisation. Let the Navy and Airforce worry about flying and sailing.
Order changed during Ayub Khan. Number 1 was Navy, 2 Air force and 3. Army.
What about after Imran Khan? Who will be the head of PTI, SMQ, Pervez Ellahi? Think long term. Army and ISI were 100% behind IK until his removal, due to major disagreements afterwards etc. Army should declare what they want, what kind of power they need and then allow the government's to function properly, allow major reforms etc. Bilawal is already waiting to be PM, the Badsha of Sindh.
Imran khan is not Pakistan… he is just a member of country and sign of Continuity, To progres. Do you think that the mothers of Pakistan are barren and they cannot give birth to children who can lead Pakistan after us… do you think it is Divine right for butoo and shrif family and army
What about after Imran Khan? Who will be the head of PTI, SMQ, Pervez Ellahi? Think long term. Army and ISI were 100% behind IK until his removal, due to major disagreements afterwards etc. Army should declare what they want, what kind of power they need and then allow the government's to function properly, allow major reforms etc. Bilawal is already waiting to be PM, the Badsha of Sindh.
This sums up everything

Seems Imran Khan is the way forward for Pakistan.
Either way it’s equally beneficiary for us in India, considering IK’s history 😂
There is a proverb in Hindi language….”Aage Khaayi, peeche kuwa” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Perfectly portrays the political circus within Pakistan
Seems Imran Khan is the way forward for Pakistan.
Either way it’s equally beneficiary for us in India, considering IK’s history 😂
There is a proverb in Hindi language….”Aage Khaayi, peeche kuwa” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Perfectly portrays the political circus within Pakistan
He will remind you guys modi the hitler and 27 feb. Don’t jump init, it is our own matter
He will remind you guys modi the hitler and 27 feb. Don’t jump init, it is our own matter
You guys are very delusional…..having worked in Indian side of Punjab I can understand where this attitude/culture comes from.
IK was a laughing stock, though people respected him as a cricketer but unless IK has real power nothing is going to change in the ground.
You lot started an uprising with IK’s jailterm. You should have continued it.

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