Imran Khan’s proposed 21-point agenda:Mind blowing

I dont think this this list is real. Can someone please post the original source? No 12 does not make any sense...50% reduction? also 5 does not make any sense. Also, I would have expected this "CJCSC will rotate every 3 years across three services equally; end army's unjust rule over JSHQ"
All these things are good but when IK was in power he wanted to extend faiz Hameed tenure as DG ISI and he gave Bajwa extension.
It’s a nice list, but he himself oversaw more or less the opposite on points 1-4, 8, and 13. There’s no guarantee that any of these parties will band together to fight the establishment, or even allow each other to fight the establishment without leg pulling and boot licking.
3, 6, 7 are hogwash.
Why ban military officers retiring from military to take any job for 10 years?
How will they survive?

Military run businessess are a good thing as the Fauji foundation who runs these businesses also caters for veterans, CMH and many other benefits for serving and retired military personnel. All that from own effort without burdening national budget.
Over 9.5 million Pakistani citizens benefit from these "Military businesses".

Government arranged benefits and pensions are already equal for both civilians and military, as both are classed as federal government employees,cand get same pensions.

I doubt such I'll informed points are even written by Imran khan.

Seems more of a propaganda
Definitely have their impact - how much of that impact is at the expense of true organic businesses that could not thrive due to preferential treatment given to these ventures?

What’s the performance of these businesses compared to other commercial entities?

If we take their preferred status away?

If we remove any subsidy from taxpayers?
Imran Khan has been such a disappointment. He is neither politician, businessman, or sports player who can show his political and business acumen. He had one chance and blew it. Imran Khan never understood the real situation and lost due to his own stubbornness. I don't think he will ever be elected to any higher office.
Someone shared his wish list / expectation from IK on social media and became IK's proposal. BTW just making most senior COA isn't solution this raga taga militia need total reforms and must be brought under law and constitution of country.

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