In China, demons rampant. Signs of the collapse of the CCP dynasty.

He's Taiwanese.

That's not a Qing map, that's a map of China declared by the Taiwanese government. The Taiwanese government does not recognize the independence of Mongolia and other regions.

The USSR did coerce the KMT to recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia, and later they regretted after getting ousted by CPC.

Chairman Mao also wanted to reclaim Outer Mongolia, even Outer Manchuria, but USSR was simply too strong for China.
The USSR did coerce the KMT to recognize the independence of Outer Mongolia, and later they regretted after getting ousted by CPC.

Chairman Mao also wanted to reclaim Outer Mongolia, even Outer Manchuria, but USSR was simply too strong for China.
Mongolia was used as a buffer zone between china and Soviet Union.So the sequence of events is that Chiang Kai-Shek recognized Mongolian independence in 1945 in return for Soviet support in the Chinese civil war. Once it became clear that the Soviets were helping Mao, then Chiang reversed his recognition.
Mongolia was used as a buffer zone between china and Soviet Union.

USSR did take advantage on a weak China.

As a victor nation in WWII, China still got exploited by others because of weakness.

That's why justice can only be manifested with strength.
There's a brief history of china Russian relation if anyone is interested from 1:06:00 Carl talks about Mongolia.
I wouldn't blame it on the KMt
USSR did take advantage on a weak China.

As a victor nation in WWII, China still got exploited by others because of weakness.

That's why justice can only be manifested with strength.
If the KMT won the civil war the Soviets would most likely put more troops in Mongolia. There might even be a breakaway state in xinjiang. what I don't understand is how did the KMT lose the civil war when they had a numerical advantage.
I wouldn't blame it on the KMt

If the KMT won the civil war the Soviets would most likely put more troops in Mongolia. There might even be a breakaway state in xinjiang. what I don't understand is how did the KMT lose the civil war when they had a numerical advantage.

Exactly, KMT was/is still pitifully weak and corrupt.

USSR would engulf Xinjiang and Dongbei, and India would have annexed Xizang.

Not sure even the Han territory would still be intact under KMT.

The foreign powers/invaders love KMT, but we don't.
and India would have annexed Xizang.
India stole South Tibet when China was at the Korean war, and they still want to annex the whole of Xizang now. That's why there won't be peace with India until China settles all scores with them. Very sick, greedy and delusional bunch.
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Watch this excellent documentary from CNA. It is all but still relevant and why is CCP still popular in China, narrated by Prof Wang Gungwu an expert on overseas Chinese. I like that at the end of the episode he says that through the vicissitude of history, the Chinese people's dream of revival is still intact and that helps them overcome all those trials and tribulations over time. A very sympathetic view of China

China has come a long way since the establishment of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. From a poor agrarian society, it has now emerged as an industrial powerhouse, contributing nearly 30 percent of the world's economic growth. It has even overtaken Japan as the world’s second-largest economy and lifted 800 million people out of poverty within just a single generation. But 70 years on, the Communist Party of China under the leadership of its strongman President Xi Jinping is facing the greatest test of its leadership. The continuing social unrest in Hong Kong, a slowing economy and the escalating trade war with the United States threaten his China dream. Can the tremendous progress that China has achieved so far simply falter from now on? Or will China continue to prevail as a force to be reckoned with in spite of all these challenges 70 years after its birth?
India stole South Tibet when China was at the Korean war, and they still want to annex the whole of Xizang now. That's why there won't be peace with India until China settles all scores with them. Very sick, greedy and delusional bunch.

Yep, China today is unbelievable powerful, but it is still very restrained with its power.

If other nations possess such power, it would have already gone on full rampage mode across the world.

The world is very lucky that China is now controlling the greatest power.
I wouldn't blame it on the KMt

If the KMT won the civil war the Soviets would most likely put more troops in Mongolia. There might even be a breakaway state in xinjiang. what I don't understand is how did the KMT lose the civil war when they had a numerical advantage.
It is because the Afghan people supported the Taliban that they were able to thrive and take power after 20 years of repression by the United States.

The Chinese Communist Party was able to win the civil war for the same reason; the Chinese people chose it and the Chinese people supported it.
CCP fans call me Taiwanese/Green Frog. I'm not surprised at all. This is what CCP is best at ~ Not going to solve the problem. But the proposer of the problem will be rigorously addressed...

From this thread. We can see. How CCP fans avoid history. Evading responsibility. Change the topic. Personal attacks.

Our question still hasn't been answered. Maybe CCP fans think it makes me look like a green frog. Can they avoid these issues?

1, Why did CCP brutally crack down on Chinese private enterprises?

2, Why CCP cruelly killed Chinese scientists 姚桐斌 周华章 周寿宪等?

3, Why does CCP open all markets to foreign private enterprises?

4, Why does CCP make Chinese suffer from hunger. And then provide massive and unpredictable aid to foreign countries?

5, Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, and Russia?

6, Why can't CCP officials disclose their assets?

7, CCP creating large-scale wrongful legal cases. is there any CCP judge responsible for this?

8, CCP condones low-level officials to bully civilians. Are any CCP officials responsible for this?

9, How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?

10, How is the high local debt caused by CCP?

11, Why are CCPs now obsessed with imposing fines on the people?

12, Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?

There are still many issues. as 城管,农管,毒教材,转基因,人口失踪,青岛代孕。etc。

CCP fans call me Green Frog here. This is meaningless. It has no impact on me either. But if CCP cannot take these issues seriously. We find it hard to believe. CCP can continue to exist.
CCP fans call me Taiwanese/Green Frog. I'm not surprised at all. This is what CCP is best at ~ Not going to solve the problem. But the proposer of the problem will be rigorously addressed...

From this thread. We can see. How CCP fans avoid history. Evading responsibility. Change the topic. Personal attacks.

Our question still hasn't been answered. Maybe CCP fans think it makes me look like a green frog. Can they avoid these issues?

1, Why did CCP brutally crack down on Chinese private enterprises?

2, Why CCP cruelly killed Chinese scientists 姚桐斌 周华章 周寿宪等?

3, Why does CCP open all markets to foreign private enterprises?

4, Why does CCP make Chinese suffer from hunger. And then provide massive and unpredictable aid to foreign countries?

5, Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, and Russia?

6, Why can't CCP officials disclose their assets?

7, CCP creating large-scale wrongful legal cases. is there any CCP judge responsible for this?

8, CCP condones low-level officials to bully civilians. Are any CCP officials responsible for this?

9, How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?

10, How is the high local debt caused by CCP?

11, Why are CCPs now obsessed with imposing fines on the people?

12, Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?

There are still many issues. as 城管,农管,毒教材,转基因,人口失踪,青岛代孕。etc。

CCP fans call me Green Frog here. This is meaningless. It has no impact on me either. But if CCP cannot take these issues seriously. We find it hard to believe. CCP can continue to exist.

The issues you mentioned are basically rumors propagated by the Falun Gong organization.

We ordinary Chinese are not interested in answering such stupid questions.
The issues you mentioned are basically rumors propagated by the Falun Gong organization.

We ordinary Chinese are not interested in answering such stupid questions.
Please elaborate. Which is the Falun Gong rumor?

For now, I only want to talk about these 12 issues. If there is no reasonable response. I will consider discussing other things. 比如,计划生育强制堕胎草菅人命。城管扬言调兵镇压平民,农管农村打砸抢,中共情妇殴打PLA退役军人,青岛代孕,强制器官捐献,等等。当然。你要是开心一概说它们是法伦功谣言就好。
CCP official's mistress assaulted PLA veteran, CCP police announced the detention of the mistress for 10 days and a fine of 1000 yuan.


The CCP official's mistress uploaded a video again yesterday.


CCP law has become a joke.

@MH.Yang @Hendarto @Beijingwalker @flowerfan

PLA veterans responded to this.

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