In China, demons rampant. Signs of the collapse of the CCP dynasty.

It's not a matter of ideology, it's a matter of sovereignty.

CCP is sovereign.

You're like the Germans who went happily to tear down Berlin wall, they were thinking We will be rich like the West.

30 years later, East Germany is still a big piece of shit.

USA doesnt give anything for free.

It only develops your country if you are useful to destroy USA enemies.

So pray to a long live to CCP if you want Taiwanese politicians keep receiving bribes from USA.

Because without CCP, USA will want nothing from Taiwan.
Why do you think the Chinese people support CCP? Make me look like a Taiwanese. Can it solve the current problems in China?

I remember I said it. The biggest contradiction in China now is that the Chinese people want the rule of law and fairness . ~ I remember I didn't even talk about democracy.

Is it appropriate to try to prove that only Taiwan and US are anti-CCP

Why do Chinese people hate CCP?

Let's talk about one thing first. ~ Family Planning(The Chinese call it "Han family planning”. Because this policy only targets Han people).

Because of this policy. CCP officials can force induced abortion at will. Even many pregnant women who are 9 months pregnant... The official slogan of CCP is "Better to let blood flow all over the earth. Never allow you to have another child".

PS: 1980s to 2000s. The most powerful department in China is the Family Planning Commission. They can do anything they want to do. For example, arresting pregnant women, demolishing their homes, and seizing their property...

This is one of the many CCP atrocities we are facing. Let the Chinese people support the CCP. First, let the Chinese people live. isn't it?

You shift the focus of the issue to Taiwan and the US. Did it really allow the CCP to dictate China for more than 100 years?
CCP has been crazily attacking the Chinese economy for over 40 years (1949-1992). But China has still developed into the world's second-largest economy. It can be imagined what great achievements China would have made without CCP.

All are under CCP. Taiwan under democracy can't defeat South Korea in term of economy and technology.

It prove otherwise that your accusation to CCP is simply slender, because finally China economy has been booming.
All are under CCP. Taiwan under democracy can't defeat South Korea in term of economy and technology.
It prove otherwise that your accusation to CCP is simply slender, because finally China economy has been booming.
You guys don't have to pay any attention to him. He's a “1450.”

It's a term used in Taiwanese politics. There's a story behind it.

In March 2019, while reviewing a government report, Taiwan discovered that a budget of NT$14.5 million had been set aside to recruit people at a salary of more than NT$40,000 per month to work on online forums and other social media platforms for “message exchanges.”
These individuals are under the full control and direction of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, and they mainly engage in public opinion work against the KMT and the CCP on online platforms.

In Chinese-speaking society, these individuals are known as “1450”. A group of government-funded professional Spammers.

Therefore, there is no need for you to pay any attention to them. The more you react, the more it earns. Any fact or idea you say means nothing to them.

You can just ignore him.
All are under CCP. Taiwan under democracy can't defeat South Korea in term of economy and technology.

It prove otherwise that your accusation to CCP is simply slender, because finally China economy has been booming.
You guys don't have to pay any attention to him. He's a “1450.”

It's a term used in Taiwanese politics. There's a story behind it.

In March 2019, while reviewing a government report, Taiwan discovered that a budget of NT$14.5 million had been set aside to recruit people at a salary of more than NT$40,000 per month to work on online forums and other social media platforms for “message exchanges.”
These individuals are under the full control and direction of the Democratic Progressive Party of Taiwan, and they mainly engage in public opinion work against the KMT and the CCP on online platforms.

In Chinese-speaking society, these individuals are known as “1450”. A group of government-funded professional Spammers.

Therefore, there is no need for you to pay any attention to them. The more you react, the more it earns. Any fact or idea you say means nothing to them.

You can just ignore him.
Answer me. Make me look like a Taiwanese. Can we solve the current problems in China?
Avoiding history and shirking responsibility cannot conceal the crimes of CCP. On the contrary, CCP fans will only amplify CCP's crimes.

At present, I will only discuss these 12 issues.

1, Why did CCP brutally crack down on Chinese private enterprises?

2, Why CCP cruelly killed Chinese scientists 姚桐斌 周华章 周寿宪等?

3, Why does CCP open all markets to foreign private enterprises?

4, Why does CCP make Chinese suffer from hunger. And then provide massive and unpredictable aid to foreign countries?

5, Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, and Russia?

6, Why can't CCP officials disclose their assets?

7, CCP creating large-scale wrongful legal cases. is there any CCP judge responsible for this?

8, CCP condones low-level officials to bully civilians. Are any CCP officials responsible for this?

9, How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?

10, How is the high local debt caused by CCP?

11, Why are CCPs now obsessed with imposing fines on the people?

12, Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?

Again, warn ⚠️ if CCP fans say I'm Taiwan again. I will untie all self-restraints. Talk about 75 years. CCP all atrocities
Brothers. Me or CCP. See on the guillotine!
Avoiding history and shirking responsibility cannot conceal the crimes of CCP. On the contrary, CCP fans will only amplify CCP's crimes.

At present, I will only discuss these 12 issues.

1, Why did CCP brutally crack down on Chinese private enterprises?

2, Why CCP cruelly killed Chinese scientists 姚桐斌 周华章 周寿宪等?

3, Why does CCP open all markets to foreign private enterprises?

4, Why does CCP make Chinese suffer from hunger. And then provide massive and unpredictable aid to foreign countries?

5, Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to North Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar, Pakistan, India, and Russia?

6, Why can't CCP officials disclose their assets?

7, CCP creating large-scale wrongful legal cases. is there any CCP judge responsible for this?

8, CCP condones low-level officials to bully civilians. Are any CCP officials responsible for this?

9, How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?

10, How is the high local debt caused by CCP?

11, Why are CCPs now obsessed with imposing fines on the people?

12, Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?

Again, warn ⚠️ if CCP fans say I'm Taiwan again. I will untie all self-restraints. Talk about 75 years. CCP all atrocities

  1. Why did CCP crack down on private enterprises?
    The CCP has cracked down on certain private enterprises, especially in sectors like tech, finance, and real estate, citing concerns about excessive power concentration, monopolistic practices, and national security. Some analysts believe that the CCP aims to retain control over the economy and reduce the influence of wealthy business figures who could challenge the state’s authority.
  2. Why did CCP allegedly kill scientists like 姚桐斌, 周华章, 周寿宪?
    During politically tumultuous periods such as the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), many intellectuals, including scientists, were persecuted, imprisoned, or killed. These events were often driven by internal political struggles, ideological fervor, or accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. However, not all specific cases are well-documented publicly, and differing narratives exist depending on sources.
  3. Why does CCP open markets to foreign private enterprises?
    Since the 1980s, China has pursued economic reforms to modernize and grow its economy, which involved opening markets to foreign investments and private enterprises. This has brought technology, capital, and expertise into the country, boosting economic development. However, foreign companies often face stringent regulations, and sectors deemed strategically important remain under state control.
  4. Why does CCP provide massive aid to foreign countries while some Chinese still face hardships?
    China provides foreign aid as part of its diplomatic strategy to build influence and strengthen alliances, particularly in developing regions like Africa and Southeast Asia. While economic inequality and poverty persist in China, the government emphasizes its efforts to lift millions out of poverty domestically through various programs and long-term strategies.
  5. Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to other countries?
    Territorial disputes and agreements are complex. China has settled borders with some neighboring countries, including territorial concessions, to avoid prolonged conflicts. However, many of these agreements are seen as pragmatic efforts to secure stable borders, even if nationalistic sentiments disagree with the outcomes.
  6. Why can’t CCP officials disclose their assets?
    The CCP has historically resisted asset disclosure for top officials, likely to maintain control over power dynamics and prevent public scrutiny of potential corruption. However, anti-corruption campaigns led by Xi Jinping have targeted many officials, though asset transparency remains limited.
  7. Is there any CCP judge responsible for wrongful legal cases?
    While large-scale wrongful legal cases have occurred, particularly during political campaigns like the Cultural Revolution, accountability for judges and officials has been rare. Judicial independence in China is limited, as courts are often seen as an extension of Party control.
  8. Are CCP officials responsible for low-level officials bullying civilians?
    Cases of abuse of power by low-level officials have been reported, and while there are mechanisms in place for accountability, including anti-corruption campaigns, the centralized nature of the Party's governance means that some misconduct goes unpunished unless it attracts significant attention.
  9. How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?
    There have been allegations of Chinese elites transferring wealth abroad through complex networks, using methods like offshore bank accounts, shell companies, and real estate purchases in foreign countries. These actions have been criticized both domestically and internationally, though the Chinese government has tightened regulations to curb illegal capital flight.
  10. How is high local debt caused by CCP policies?
    Local governments in China often take on large debts to fund infrastructure projects and economic growth initiatives. The central government encourages development but has struggled with managing the balance between growth and debt. Many localities have taken on unsustainable levels of debt, leading to concerns about financial stability.
  11. Why is CCP now imposing more fines on the people?
    The imposition of fines can be seen as a way for local governments to raise revenue, particularly in the context of slowing economic growth or reduced central funding. Some critics argue that this is an indication of financial strain at the local level.
  12. Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?
    China has sought to improve its organ donation system in response to global criticism of past practices, including the use of organs from executed prisoners. Promoting voluntary organ donation is part of efforts to normalize the practice and increase the number of legally donated organs. However, some critics remain concerned about transparency and consent in China’s organ donation system.
  1. Why did CCP crack down on private enterprises?
    The CCP has cracked down on certain private enterprises, especially in sectors like tech, finance, and real estate, citing concerns about excessive power concentration, monopolistic practices, and national security. Some analysts believe that the CCP aims to retain control over the economy and reduce the influence of wealthy business figures who could challenge the state’s authority.
  2. Why did CCP allegedly kill scientists like 姚桐斌, 周华章, 周寿宪?
    During politically tumultuous periods such as the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), many intellectuals, including scientists, were persecuted, imprisoned, or killed. These events were often driven by internal political struggles, ideological fervor, or accusations of counter-revolutionary activities. However, not all specific cases are well-documented publicly, and differing narratives exist depending on sources.
  3. Why does CCP open markets to foreign private enterprises?
    Since the 1980s, China has pursued economic reforms to modernize and grow its economy, which involved opening markets to foreign investments and private enterprises. This has brought technology, capital, and expertise into the country, boosting economic development. However, foreign companies often face stringent regulations, and sectors deemed strategically important remain under state control.
  4. Why does CCP provide massive aid to foreign countries while some Chinese still face hardships?
    China provides foreign aid as part of its diplomatic strategy to build influence and strengthen alliances, particularly in developing regions like Africa and Southeast Asia. While economic inequality and poverty persist in China, the government emphasizes its efforts to lift millions out of poverty domestically through various programs and long-term strategies.
  5. Why did CCP cede Chinese territory to other countries?
    Territorial disputes and agreements are complex. China has settled borders with some neighboring countries, including territorial concessions, to avoid prolonged conflicts. However, many of these agreements are seen as pragmatic efforts to secure stable borders, even if nationalistic sentiments disagree with the outcomes.
  6. Why can’t CCP officials disclose their assets?
    The CCP has historically resisted asset disclosure for top officials, likely to maintain control over power dynamics and prevent public scrutiny of potential corruption. However, anti-corruption campaigns led by Xi Jinping have targeted many officials, though asset transparency remains limited.
  7. Is there any CCP judge responsible for wrongful legal cases?
    While large-scale wrongful legal cases have occurred, particularly during political campaigns like the Cultural Revolution, accountability for judges and officials has been rare. Judicial independence in China is limited, as courts are often seen as an extension of Party control.
  8. Are CCP officials responsible for low-level officials bullying civilians?
    Cases of abuse of power by low-level officials have been reported, and while there are mechanisms in place for accountability, including anti-corruption campaigns, the centralized nature of the Party's governance means that some misconduct goes unpunished unless it attracts significant attention.
  9. How do CCP officials transfer Chinese assets to foreign countries?
    There have been allegations of Chinese elites transferring wealth abroad through complex networks, using methods like offshore bank accounts, shell companies, and real estate purchases in foreign countries. These actions have been criticized both domestically and internationally, though the Chinese government has tightened regulations to curb illegal capital flight.
  10. How is high local debt caused by CCP policies?
    Local governments in China often take on large debts to fund infrastructure projects and economic growth initiatives. The central government encourages development but has struggled with managing the balance between growth and debt. Many localities have taken on unsustainable levels of debt, leading to concerns about financial stability.
  11. Why is CCP now imposing more fines on the people?
    The imposition of fines can be seen as a way for local governments to raise revenue, particularly in the context of slowing economic growth or reduced central funding. Some critics argue that this is an indication of financial strain at the local level.
  12. Why is CCP promoting "voluntary organ donation" in schools?
    China has sought to improve its organ donation system in response to global criticism of past practices, including the use of organs from executed prisoners. Promoting voluntary organ donation is part of efforts to normalize the practice and increase the number of legally donated organs. However, some critics remain concerned about transparency and consent in China’s organ donation system.
I'm trying to understand what you're saying. You answered every question. But it seems like you haven't answered any questions.
I'm trying to understand what you're saying. You answered every question. But it seems like you haven't answered any questions.

Things seem to you must be just illusion.

Things seem to you must be just illusion.


CCP judge believes. It is a criminal act for you to use a pole to strike an alcoholic intruder in your home. you will face a six-month sentence.

CCP educational style: CCP schools provide teachers with fresh beef. But give Chinese students expired frozen food.

CCP fans command Chinese people to love CCP. But first, the CCP should let Chinese people live.

CCP recruits city managers from gangs. Then give them unlimited law enforcement powers. These CCP gang members are crazily targeting Chinese merchants.

Infinite power. Terrifying communism.
Now let's look at the 1980s - 2000s. The most powerful violent department in China - the Family Planning Commission. They issued such a notice in 1991.

"Zhang Jianfeng, you have violated the family planning policy. You are required to pay a fine of 5000 yuan within 5 days. If you fail to process it on time. We will demolish your house, confiscate your land, cancel your registered residence, and make you bankrupt. Make you homeless."

CCP's questioning of victims: Why do you resist?


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