India and the OIC: To join or not to join?


Feb 11, 2024
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India’s relations with Islamic nations, many of which are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), have become even more prolific over the last decade. While India does not visualise becoming a member of a religious international body, many reasons militate against our formally joining the OIC.
The question of India joining the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was reportedly raised once again. This time it was at the Congress Party’s Japiur chintan shivir, at a discussion on ‘India and the World.’ It was turned down as being inconsistent with India’s secular policy which militates against joining religious organisations.

The question is nevertheless important given that it comes on the eve of the 12th Islamic Summit Conference in Cairo from February 2-7, 2013. Following the misnamed ‘Arab Spring,’ we are seeing Islamic-oriented parties taking office in Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and Libya. This trend can be expected to embrace other Arab countries in the throes of political upheaval and sectarian militancy – like Syria and Bahrain. India will have to re-calibrate its traditional policy towards these countries in a way that it continues friendly relations, trade, investments and remittances without subjecting the former to religious and sectarian considerations.

An important plank of this re-evaluation will be the question raised at thechintan shivir: Will India joining the OIC give us any particular advantage in dealing with these countries? These countries remain crucial for our energy requirements, provide employment for almost 6 million Indians, account for annual remittances of almost $ 40 billion and are a source of religious and spiritual sustenance to our large Muslim community which goes to Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria for the Haj, umra and ziyarat.

The OIC was founded mainly at the behest of Saudi Arabia which still considers the body as an instrument of its foreign policy. India, after being formally invited on the grounds of having the world’s second largest Muslim community, was ejected from the 1969 inaugural Summit of the Islamic Conference Organisation in Rabat, Morocco, due to Pakistan’s machinations. Since then the OIC has had a hostile relationship with India, once again because of Pakistani perfidy. There is a plethora of one-sided and biased OIC Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir and the ‘state’ of the Indian Muslim community, all of which have been categorically rejected by India.

Not surprisingly, over the years most OIC member-states from the Gulf and others like Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco to name a few, have told us to disregard these resolutions as they did not reflect their excellent bilateral relations with us. These relationships have become even more prolific over the last decade with our economic success and the OIC member countries’ pervasive realisation that Pakistan’s sponsorship of terror outfits has come home to roost.

It was after 9/11, when educated young Saudi men were involved in the terror attack on New York’s World Trade Center and the spread of Al Qaeda under Osama bin Laden, that the OIC was forced to look inward at its role and purpose. Clearly it had failed to promote the stated goals in its Charter of ‘promoting lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity; contribute to international peace and security; understanding and dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions; and promote and encourage friendly relations and good neighbourliness, mutual respect and cooperation.’

At the OIC meetings preceding their Summit in 2003, for the first time, the question of looking differently at India was raised when a senior Qatari official proposed that India should be invited to join the organisation – a move that is anathema to countries like Pakistan. While the proposal was quickly nipped in the bud, its point that the Indian Muslim community lived and flourished in a secular environment, continued to resonate within the larger membership of the OIC especially those which had seen an exponential growth in their economic relations with India.

India’s phenomenal economic success in the subsequent years and its growing relationship with the United States had the demonstration effect of the monarchs in the Gulf making a bee-line for India to find ways of marrying their hydrocarbon and financial resources with India’s skills, human resource talent and exponentially growing market. This effort at building asymmetric complementarities eclipsed the hitherto important religious dimension of the relationships. In this context, during his State visit to Delhi in January 2006, King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia proposed that India join the OIC as an ‘Observer’ member.

India has still to respond to this Saudi initiative. While India does not visualise becoming a member of any religiously-oriented international organisation, other reasons also militate against our formally joining the OIC in any capacity. First, it will make us party to the plethora of partisan, biased and anti-Indian OIC resolutions on India. That will bring us under pressure to abide by some of its particularly deplorable resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir, such as the unsolicited visit by an OIC fact-finding team. Second, if at all we decide to join, it must be as a founder-member, having been ejected from the inaugural conference in Rabat. Finally, it all boils down to whether the OIC has genuinely changed its view of India under the influence of a more progressive and tolerant membership. This has yet to be tested.

At the same time Saudi Arabia’s offer needs a response, given that the two countries are now looking at a strategic partnership and that Saudi Arabia is, and could become, our largest and reserve supplier of crude. A via mediawould be to propose an annual institutional-level dialogue between the OIC and an appropriate Indian organisation to work at improving the atmosphere between the OIC and India by promoting a dialogue on civilisation, culture and society.

Our bilateral relations with all the Arab and Islamic countries – including those which have seen a change towards democratic governance – have not suffered a dip so far. We will need to look at creative ways to ensure that they continue to grow without being held hostage to the Islamic factor.

Ambassador Rajendra Abhyankar, former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, was Director, Centre for West Asian Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He now teaches at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington.

UAE and Saudi help will be crucial for India's big for permanenent membership at both UNSC and OIC. I think India will be a full member of OIC by 2030.

The OIC charter says, only 'consitutionally Islamic' countries that promote the organisation's goals are eligible for membership. Non-Muslim countries too can have observer status, if they fulfill conditions. Turkey, despite being a secular country, is an OIC member. So there is no reason for India to become full member of OIC.
I got mentioned ?

No idea, really, not qualified to speak on the subject but it may have to do with our quite substantial Muslim population and a lot of expat workers from that group in both blue and white collar jobs in the Oil industry there.

From State concerns such as IOC and ONGC to the Likes of private public players like Reliance Industries (RIL)..

India is a huge consumer of their product.. in sab cheezon m pragmatic rehne ka, its part of statecraft.
Cost benefit. India joins OIC, so what then? It's a club of countries with significant Muslim population, and that's about it. They don't have any formal bodies, any council that makes binding decisions or dispute resolution mechanism, they meet have coffee and pass a resolution if any, then go back.
Why would India want to? If it gets embroiled in Muslim concerns as a member it won't want to be attached to the comments.

I think India just wants the discussion around being considered an oic candidate.

Maybe a benefit to quieten criticism as well about anti Muslim
Considering India has been moving to the Hindutva state and specifically targeting Islam and its muslim population as scapegoats to incite anger and support - there is no logic in wanting to be part of OIC.

That’s like a vegetarian head of household spending all their time rallying against meat, mentally and physically abusing anyone in their who eats it - ostracizing meat eaters, discriminating against them and then saying they’re considering joining a “beef lovers” facebook group because they have a meat eater in their house.
India can be an observer (in OIC) at best. Anything more will not align with Indian constitutional aim - to be a secular republic.

As for a permanent seat at UNSC, it will be more of a burden than benefit for a regional power like India. Only countries that can carry their allies against other big powers deserve a seat at the high table. India does not have either the economy or the military might to carry other countries for now. :coffee:
India can be an observer (in OIC) at best. Anything more will not align with Indian constitutional aim - to be a secular republic.
As for a permanent seat at UNSC, it will be more of a burden than benefit for a regional power like India. Only countries that can carry their allies against other big powers deserve a seat at the high table. India does not have either the economy or the military might to carry other countries for now. :coffee:
Turkey is a full member even though it is secular by constitution.

India can get the UNSC seat in coming decade and should take it. Having a UNSC permanenet seat would go a long way in solving the Kashmir crisis.
Considering India has been moving to the Hindutva state and specifically targeting Islam and its muslim population as scapegoats to incite anger and support - there is no logic in wanting to be part of OIC.

That’s like a vegetarian head of household spending all their time rallying against meat, mentally and physically abusing anyone in their who eats it - ostracizing meat eaters, discriminating against them and then saying they’re considering joining a “beef lovers” facebook group because they have a meat eater in their house.
Wild progpanda with no basis in reality. These are just conspiracy theories being thrown around. These deserve a place in the flat-earther society!!
Wild progpanda with no basis in reality. These are just conspiracy theories being thrown around. These deserve a place in the flat-earther society!!
I wish that were true.
When we have daily news of some act of blatantly One sided bias occurring, it is difficult to understand why some of us are constantly in denial.
As for the OIC, we should join it, and ensure that we are represented in all matters raised before it. Allowing our opponents' arguments to prevail by default, due to our case remaining unrepresented, may not have any immediate, direct material effect. It will, however, increasingly raise the conviction among the members of that group, that we are discriminatory towards nearly one fifth of our citizenry. Our being discriminatory in practice is a visible fact. Our allowing this to be proclaimed abroad and publicised loudly and in hostile ways will have an impact, if not today, then over time, on the numerous benefits that our citizens get from our country enjoying freedom of access to service opportunities, trade opportunities and business opportunities in countries that are members of this organisation.
As to permanent membership of the Security Council, that is not a topic that was raised for discussion here, and figures only due to a member having raised in at his Personal impulse.
India’s relations with Islamic nations, many of which are members of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), have become even more prolific over the last decade. While India does not visualise becoming a member of a religious international body, many reasons militate against our formally joining the OIC.
The question of India joining the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) was reportedly raised once again. This time it was at the Congress Party’s Japiur chintan shivir, at a discussion on ‘India and the World.’ It was turned down as being inconsistent with India’s secular policy which militates against joining religious organisations.

The question is nevertheless important given that it comes on the eve of the 12th Islamic Summit Conference in Cairo from February 2-7, 2013. Following the misnamed ‘Arab Spring,’ we are seeing Islamic-oriented parties taking office in Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and Libya. This trend can be expected to embrace other Arab countries in the throes of political upheaval and sectarian militancy – like Syria and Bahrain. India will have to re-calibrate its traditional policy towards these countries in a way that it continues friendly relations, trade, investments and remittances without subjecting the former to religious and sectarian considerations.

An important plank of this re-evaluation will be the question raised at thechintan shivir: Will India joining the OIC give us any particular advantage in dealing with these countries? These countries remain crucial for our energy requirements, provide employment for almost 6 million Indians, account for annual remittances of almost $ 40 billion and are a source of religious and spiritual sustenance to our large Muslim community which goes to Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Syria for the Haj, umra and ziyarat.

The OIC was founded mainly at the behest of Saudi Arabia which still considers the body as an instrument of its foreign policy. India, after being formally invited on the grounds of having the world’s second largest Muslim community, was ejected from the 1969 inaugural Summit of the Islamic Conference Organisation in Rabat, Morocco, due to Pakistan’s machinations. Since then the OIC has had a hostile relationship with India, once again because of Pakistani perfidy. There is a plethora of one-sided and biased OIC Resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir and the ‘state’ of the Indian Muslim community, all of which have been categorically rejected by India.

Not surprisingly, over the years most OIC member-states from the Gulf and others like Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco to name a few, have told us to disregard these resolutions as they did not reflect their excellent bilateral relations with us. These relationships have become even more prolific over the last decade with our economic success and the OIC member countries’ pervasive realisation that Pakistan’s sponsorship of terror outfits has come home to roost.

It was after 9/11, when educated young Saudi men were involved in the terror attack on New York’s World Trade Center and the spread of Al Qaeda under Osama bin Laden, that the OIC was forced to look inward at its role and purpose. Clearly it had failed to promote the stated goals in its Charter of ‘promoting lofty Islamic values of peace, compassion, tolerance, equality, justice and human dignity; contribute to international peace and security; understanding and dialogue among civilizations, cultures and religions; and promote and encourage friendly relations and good neighbourliness, mutual respect and cooperation.’

At the OIC meetings preceding their Summit in 2003, for the first time, the question of looking differently at India was raised when a senior Qatari official proposed that India should be invited to join the organisation – a move that is anathema to countries like Pakistan. While the proposal was quickly nipped in the bud, its point that the Indian Muslim community lived and flourished in a secular environment, continued to resonate within the larger membership of the OIC especially those which had seen an exponential growth in their economic relations with India.

India’s phenomenal economic success in the subsequent years and its growing relationship with the United States had the demonstration effect of the monarchs in the Gulf making a bee-line for India to find ways of marrying their hydrocarbon and financial resources with India’s skills, human resource talent and exponentially growing market. This effort at building asymmetric complementarities eclipsed the hitherto important religious dimension of the relationships. In this context, during his State visit to Delhi in January 2006, King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia proposed that India join the OIC as an ‘Observer’ member.

India has still to respond to this Saudi initiative. While India does not visualise becoming a member of any religiously-oriented international organisation, other reasons also militate against our formally joining the OIC in any capacity. First, it will make us party to the plethora of partisan, biased and anti-Indian OIC resolutions on India. That will bring us under pressure to abide by some of its particularly deplorable resolutions on Jammu and Kashmir, such as the unsolicited visit by an OIC fact-finding team. Second, if at all we decide to join, it must be as a founder-member, having been ejected from the inaugural conference in Rabat. Finally, it all boils down to whether the OIC has genuinely changed its view of India under the influence of a more progressive and tolerant membership. This has yet to be tested.

At the same time Saudi Arabia’s offer needs a response, given that the two countries are now looking at a strategic partnership and that Saudi Arabia is, and could become, our largest and reserve supplier of crude. A via mediawould be to propose an annual institutional-level dialogue between the OIC and an appropriate Indian organisation to work at improving the atmosphere between the OIC and India by promoting a dialogue on civilisation, culture and society.

Our bilateral relations with all the Arab and Islamic countries – including those which have seen a change towards democratic governance – have not suffered a dip so far. We will need to look at creative ways to ensure that they continue to grow without being held hostage to the Islamic factor.

Ambassador Rajendra Abhyankar, former Secretary, Ministry of External Affairs, was Director, Centre for West Asian Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. He now teaches at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington.

Other than beating up on Pakistan (which maybe a good reason in itself) why would India want to be a member of OIC ?
Other than beating up on Pakistan (which maybe a good reason in itself) why would India want to be a member of OIC ?
To prevent Pakistan beating up on her? And getting away unchallenged?
To prevent Pakistan beating up on her? And getting away unchallenged?

When was the last time OIC beat up on anybody ?

For some reason all these guys love Modi


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