India and the OIC: To join or not to join?

Just adds to my point, if there is a charter and exceptions being made and impact of this on the root credibility to begin with..... (and observers like Bosnia not wanting membership apparently though it has 50% Muslim population).

The so-called organisation can first become credible on its actual charter w.r.t membership....if its to be taken seriously, putting aside the heavy internal hypocrisies I bring up.

I'm sure there will be lot of great "interesting" stories on these exceptions made for Guyana by googling and whichever other countries on this list that have populations and economies in nominal range globally to put it mildly (and whatever KSA foreign policy outreach lubricated all that).

But India is whole different size. The charter either changes to make way for it and something of note begins anew.....or this is useless snake oil stuff from its root....and we deploy 10 bureaucrats time per year on something way more meaningful.

I suppose it depends on whether/how you want to respond Muslims. India has way too many to be ignored. All the major countries do not want Pakistan to be talking for Indian Muslims
What are the achievements of OIC which would make one want to even join it ??
OIC tries to be the collective voice of the Muslim World. It is a good platform to for social issues.
There is a lot more to it otherwise it would not be passed in through news or through connections.

Yes , illegal migration is an issue but the anti-Islam rhetoric - renamed cities, mob led attacks and mutilation along with demolished mosques don’t have much to do with illegal immigration.

This is a pseudo cultural war launched to try and use victimhood to galvanize support for political motives - and that is it.
What Aurengzeb did a thousand years ago or whether some 1000 years ago a temple was demolished and a mosque was built should not be taken out on the current generation.

On that note one could back and decide to prosecute buddhists due to what Ashoka did.
I as an individual have no beef with Muslims, irrespective of what they think about me or my religion, secondly, as you have already pointed out, the Hindu side is truly after Muslim identity and its culture in India, something that is seen as an act of revenge to what invaders did centuries ago with our identity and culture.
You do understand how the human mind works, it can traverse through time and make personal connections with the past, many people connect with their history and some feel the pain that their ancestors went through.
You do admit that whatever happened to the people of Bharat was indeed a tragedy, and now that tragedy is powering the juggernaut of BJP.
Once again - if you don’t like meat - while all the realpolitik advantages exist - joining a group where “meat eating governments would consult with a view to promoting among themselves close cooperation and mutual assistance in the economic, scientific, cultural and spiritual fields, inspired by the immortal teachings of meat eating.”

Wherin Meat eating is the operative word / means it is guided by and following that creed.

Semantical hoops are irrelevant - what is relevant is realpolitik.
Oh I see. When you repeated the same thing a second time it became very clear. Thank you
I suppose it depends on whether/how you want to respond Muslims. India has way too many to be ignored. All the major countries do not want Pakistan to be talking for Indian Muslims

a) India has not been ignored, is not ignored and will not be ignored. OIC has exactly 0 relevance regarding this to begin with. This is not a question of "whether" or "how". It's already been done. It does not even merit bringing up the trade numbers regarding India and say GCC....and far greater disparity achieved already on this w.r.t Pakistan (past the population ratio of 6)....but lets take a brief look anyway.

India exports about 25 billion USD to UAE and there is concrete plan to double this shortly.

Pakistan exports about 1 billion a year to UAE in comparison....and it will stick to this level a long while.

With KSA the figures are India exporting ~ 9 billion and Pakistan exporting 500 million.

India has concrete plan to turn KSA figures more like UAE has now.

Just one 1 hour meeting with MBS face to face, gets a ton more things done than anything OIC has done over 50+ years and will ever do for another 50 years.....i.e some basic muster of 1% conversion on putting money where your mouth is compared to how this is done has long been done in bilateral face to face way with each country.

b) No country considers Pakistan as "talking for Indian muslims". Not even Pakistan does. Don't get fooled that a minority of members (the globalist-islamist troll type) speak for all of PDF.... putting aside the microcosm that is PDF w.r.t Pakistan to begin with.

Just refer back to a). Period.

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