India and the OIC: To join or not to join?

I absolutely agree - but it goes contrary to the domestic and regional(by that neighborhood) stance the current government of India has taken specifically w.r.t history of Muslims in the subcontinent.

There is precedent to try and right the wrong of history - but to squarely blame one party -manipulate and inflate historical events for political purposes just for feeding it as opium to masses in trying to cover up what were systemic failures to address issues - that goes against the idea of then trying to use a community as the entry point for an organization.

That is what I will leave it at.

The benefits of joining OIC are there - but then again smarter elements looking to sabotage it could exploit it and spread social media rumors on how this goes against Hindu tva ideals and basically lay it dead before it begins.

I really do not think right wing Hindu nationalist groups want India to be part of the OIC even though Modi might exactly do that.

Is the OIC the forum to address the abuses (real & perceived) towards Indian Muslims ? The only problem is that most of the governments are really bad abusers of human rights.

It is much less conflict for India to setup separate entities to conduct business with key OIC members. It saves Saudi Arabia and Pakistan a lot of the embarrassment.

I personally think Saudi Arabia & Gulf Arabs see threat of Indian membership to keep Pakistan in line.
I really do not think right wing Hindu nationalist groups want India to be part of the OIC even though Modi might exactly do that.

Is the OIC the forum to address the abuses (real & perceived) towards Indian Muslims ? The only problem is that most of the governments are really bad abusers of human rights.

It is much less conflict for India to setup separate entities to conduct business with key OIC members. It saves Saudi Arabia and Pakistan a lot of the embarrassment.

I personally think Saudi Arabia & Gulf Arabs see threat of Indian membership to keep Pakistan in line.

The whole OP article and this whole thread is ultimately meaningless, it says right in the OIC charter:

2. Any State, member of the United Nations, having Muslim majority and abiding by the Charter, which submits an application for membership may join the Organisation if approved by consensus only by the Council of Foreign Ministers on the basis of the agreed criteria adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers.

So membership is out of the question to begin with. So are we talking about observer role and all that hmmm-haawwing gesticulating and whinging done in tier-C way last few decades by whichever side (in-OIC out-OIC vis a vis India).

Before we can get into any kind of actual debate about the eroded utterly nominal value of observer role to begin with.....given countries like Iran and Iraq sit side by side in their uneasy long term embrace given the Iran-Iraq war and subsequent wars in the region involving them.

Forget about the Uighur thing, Gaza thing, European islamophobia, other islamophobias, "Muslim-majority" countries own islamophobias (sectarian-based or secular-based).....some countries recognising Israel, the others not (and way this is made to be a be all end all issue in other groupings or uniquely).....all illustrating the value of this grouping to begin with.

If India wants to move something along with KSA or another muslim-majority "member" country in the world....there are direct avenues and conduits for that.

A waste of Indian taxpayer resources to send some team of 10 bureaucrats to whatever yearly meeting to blab something into a mic and put on a headphone to listen to the others of the same there. Hey we observed things!

Some watered down Muslim UN....complete with "observers" (that can't be members because some panties get in a twist).....yeah no thanks....given what I think of the UN to begin with.

The whole point of this topic-space in general is to ruffle feathers and bring out toxicity.... press on throttle and brake at same time and use up fuel and produce fumes. You get somewhere in your mind in the end I suppose (my hypocrisies are non-existent or lesser than yours), buttressed by the noise.
The whole OP article and this whole thread is ultimately meaningless, it says right in the OIC charter:

2. Any State, member of the United Nations, having Muslim majority and abiding by the Charter, which submits an application for membership may join the Organisation if approved by consensus only by the Council of Foreign Ministers on the basis of the agreed criteria adopted by the Council of Foreign Ministers.

So membership is out of the question to begin with. So are we talking about observer role and all that hmmm-haawwing gesticulating and whinging done in tier-C way last few decades by whichever side (in-OIC out-OIC vis a vis India).

Before we can get into any kind of actual debate about the eroded utterly nominal value of observer role to begin with.....given countries like Iran and Iraq sit side by side in their uneasy long term embrace given the Iran-Iraq war and subsequent wars in the region involving them.

Forget about the Uighur thing, Gaza thing, European islamophobia, other islamophobias, "Muslim-majority" countries own islamophobias (sectarian-based or secular-based).....some countries recognising Israel, the others not (and way this is made to be a be all end all issue in other groupings or uniquely).....all illustrating the value of this grouping to begin with.

If India wants to move something along with KSA or another muslim-majority "member" country in the world....there are direct avenues and conduits for that.

A waste of Indian taxpayer resources to send some team of 10 bureaucrats to whatever yearly meeting to blab something into a mic and put on a headphone to listen to the others of the same there. Hey we observed things!

Some watered down Muslim UN....complete with "observers" (that can't be members because some panties get in a twist).....yeah no thanks....given what I think of the UN to begin with.

The whole point of this topic-space in general is to ruffle feathers and bring out toxicity.... press on throttle and brake at same time and use up fuel and produce fumes. You get somewhere in your mind in the end I suppose (my hypocrisies are non-existent or lesser than yours), buttressed by the noise.

There are quite a few countries that do not have a Muslim majority
Côte d'Ivoire

In fact Chad was not when they joined

In a previous post I addressed the politics of it
There are quite a few countries that do not have a Muslim majority
Côte d'Ivoire

In fact Chad was not when they joined

In a previous post I addressed the politics of it

Just adds to my point, if there is a charter and exceptions being made and impact of this on the root credibility to begin with..... (and observers like Bosnia not wanting membership apparently though it has 50% Muslim population).

The so-called organisation can first become credible on its actual charter w.r.t membership....if its to be taken seriously, putting aside the heavy internal hypocrisies I bring up.

I'm sure there will be lot of great "interesting" stories on these exceptions made for Guyana by googling and whichever other countries on this list that have populations and economies in nominal range globally to put it mildly (and whatever KSA foreign policy outreach lubricated all that).

But India is whole different size. The charter either changes to make way for it and something of note begins anew.....or this is useless snake oil stuff from its root....and we deploy 10 bureaucrats time per year on something way more meaningful.
I wouldn't mind India joining OIC since India has 200 million Muslims. BUT India has a conflict with a key OIC member which is Pakistan.

So there you go. India cannot be a member of OIC at this time as long it is in a conflict with Pakistan.
And what makes Pakistan a "Key" OIC member? Pakistan is irrelevant to the global Muslim community.
And what makes Pakistan a "Key" OIC member? Pakistan is irrelevant to the global Muslim community.
That was a rather stupid thing to say.

Pakistan has 250 million Muslims and is the second largest Muslim country in the world.
That was a rather stupid thing to say.

Pakistan has 250 million Muslims and is the second largest Muslim country in the world.
Yes, but it's a Chinese colony with a bankrupt economy. Having a quarter billion people is of no use if there is no money to feed them.
Yes, but it's a Chinese colony with a bankrupt economy. Having a quarter billion people is of no use if there is no money to feed them.
An Ban me, I am idiot pretending to be a Canadian. Why don't you show your true flags? lol.

I have never met a Canadian who is so anti-Pakistani or anti-Muslim.

China is an ally, not a colonizer like USA is.
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An Ban me, I am idiot pretending to be a Canadian. Why don't you show your true flags? lol.

China is an ally, not a colonizer like USA is.
The Lankans wer also allies, but when they defaulted on the loan China forcibly took Hambantota port.
Pak is already feaulting on CPEC loans.
The Lankans wer also allies, but when they defaulted on the loan China forcibly took Hambantota port.
Pak is already feaulting on CPEC loans.
Don't worry Ban me, I am idiot. Saudi Arabia and China will not let Pakistan fail. We can do certain agreements with them.

Also with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.
The Lankans wer also allies, but when they defaulted on the loan China forcibly took Hambantota port.
Pak is already feaulting on CPEC loans.
Instead of badmouthing Pakistan with a False Canadian identity, why don't you say something nice about Pakistan on a Pakistani forum.
Don't worry Ban me, I am idiot. Saudi Arabia and China will not let Pakistan fail. We can do certain agreements with them.

Also with countries like Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.
Which country introduced India as an observer member at OIC? SAUDI ARABIA!!!

In this context, during his State visit to Delhi in January 2006, King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia proposed that India join the OIC as an 'Observer' member. India has still to respond to this Saudi initiative.

Saudis are an India ally now. China has a slave-master relationship with Pak. I don't even know what you're talking about in relation with Japan, SK and Taiwan.
Which country introduced India as an observer member at OIC? SAUDI ARABIA!!!

In this context, during his State visit to Delhi in January 2006, King Abdulla bin Abdul Aziz of Saudi Arabia proposed that India join the OIC as an 'Observer' member. India has still to respond to this Saudi initiative.
Haha, Ban me, I am idiot hiding behind Canada flags.

Then why isn't India even an Observer nation in OIC?
Haha, Ban me, I am idiot hiding behind Canada flags.

Then why isn't India even an Observer nation in OIC?

What are the achievements of OIC which would make one want to even join it ??

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