India and the OIC: To join or not to join?

I think Pakistanis take a very righteous view when it comes to India and Islam. Yet,when it comes to China the views change completely. Pakistanis vehemently oppose any India activity which is remotely perceived to be anti Muslim but China openly destroying mosques and turning them into mosques as well state-sanctioned de-Islamisation of the Uighyrs. That's why ko one takes this objection seriously.

If the argument was moral or ethical it treat all accused equally.
I agree - again, realpolitik since with China or the GCC Pakistan dare not say a peep. We saw all the sheepish tangents IK had to take during the high time of attention on the Uighur issue - hence my assertion is that this isn’t so much a Pakistani throwing dirt than someone with direct links to India talking to the current situation there.
I agree - again, realpolitik since with China or the GCC Pakistan dare not say a peep. We saw all the sheepish tangents IK had to take during the high time of attention on the Uighur issue - hence my assertion is that this isn’t so much a Pakistani throwing dirt than someone with direct links to India talking to the current situation there.
I think decades of propanganda will take in washing off. Some people equate Pak Fauj with Islam and believe anyone who speaks against Fauj is anti-Muslim!! The truth is very compplicated with every nation having a different aim.

Imran Khan wanted to created a new Islamic block with Turkey and Malaysia? These are are the most moderate and secular countries in the OIC. Turkey is less Islamic than India and India has one one fifth Muslim population.
I think decades of propanganda will take in washing off. Some people equate Pak Fauj with Islam and believe anyone who speaks against Fauj is anti-Muslim!! The truth is very compplicated with every nation having a different aim.

Imran Khan wanted to created a new Islamic block with Turkey and Malaysia? These are are the most moderate and secular countries in the OIC. Turkey is less Islamic than India and India has one one fifth Muslim population.
While off topic - I see more and more reason to see the early passing of Jinnah as the greatest disaster to fall Pakistan.

IK is an idealistic buffoon - but the team that joined him was gathering support and participation from the best in Pakistan that would have bode well for India in the long run too from both a security and opportunities standpoint… but the usual suspects ended that - let leave it there.
While off topic - I see more and more reason to see the early passing of Jinnah as the greatest disaster to fall Pakistan.

IK is an idealistic buffoon - but the team that joined him was gathering support and participation from the best in Pakistan that would have bode well for India in the long run too from both a security and opportunities standpoint… but the usual suspects ended that - let leave it there.
Imran Khan is too childish and narcisstic to have any long-term impact. He makes too many U-turns.

You saw how Modi didn't even bother replying to his jabs such as "small men in big offices". It was like talking to IK was below Modi's dignity. That kind of mature and statesman-like conduct comes from decades of practise and patience. IK's flame burned too bright, too soon and he burned out. Unlike you, I tend to talk about IK in the past tense nowadays as I think IK is finished.
While off topic - I see more and more reason to see the early passing of Jinnah as the greatest disaster to fall Pakistan.

IK is an idealistic buffoon - but the team that joined him was gathering support and participation from the best in Pakistan that would have bode well for India in the long run too from both a security and opportunities standpoint… but the usual suspects ended that - let leave it there.
Today I lost whatever little respect I had for him after he nominated the dictator's grandson as PM.
Correction, The action is being taken on illegal immigrants who have trespassed and captured land in other states where they were brought in to help certain parties consolidate their position during the election. Eg millions have got access to documents like aadhar, PAN and passports and have entered India after 2000's via west bengal, Indian muslims being targeted is a byproduct of what these immigrants do when they are forced to abandon captured land.
There is a lot more to it otherwise it would not be passed in through news or through connections.

Yes , illegal migration is an issue but the anti-Islam rhetoric - renamed cities, mob led attacks and mutilation along with demolished mosques don’t have much to do with illegal immigration.

This is a pseudo cultural war launched to try and use victimhood to galvanize support for political motives - and that is it.
What Aurengzeb did a thousand years ago or whether some 1000 years ago a temple was demolished and a mosque was built should not be taken out on the current generation.

On that note one could back and decide to prosecute buddhists due to what Ashoka did.
There is a difference. OIC is not a "Muslim lovers" group - It was formed to (quoting wiki)

"Muslim governments would consult with a view to promoting among themselves close cooperation and mutual assistance in the economic, scientific, cultural and spiritual fields, inspired by the immortal teachings of Islam."

WIth the world's 2nd largest muslim population, India would be right to be interested in participating in OIC. Economic, Scientific, Cultural and Spiritual - which if these do not apply to Indian muslims?

Secondly the OIC member states will benefit tremendously learning from India (not saying this egotistically) aspects of development, diversity management and diplomacy

From India's pov, while they already have close soperations with almost all muslim countries of substance, OIC membership will help rectify some very wrong perceptions some ill-informed muslims have

BUT and it is big BUT ! - I am not sure if India will actually seek OIC membership. Congress coalition may see it as a minor addition to their weak election arsenal
Once again - if you don’t like meat - while all the realpolitik advantages exist - joining a group where “meat eating governments would consult with a view to promoting among themselves close cooperation and mutual assistance in the economic, scientific, cultural and spiritual fields, inspired by the immortal teachings of meat eating.”

Wherin Meat eating is the operative word / means it is guided by and following that creed.

Semantical hoops are irrelevant - what is relevant is realpolitik.
Once again - if you don’t like meat - while all the realpolitik advantages exist - joining a group where “meat eating governments would consult with a view to promoting among themselves close cooperation and mutual assistance in the economic, scientific, cultural and spiritual fields, inspired by the immortal teachings of meat eating.”

Wherin Meat eating is the operative word / means it is guided by and following that creed.

Semantical hoops are irrelevant - what is relevant is realpolitik.
The global Muslims community needs Indian Muslims.
India is behind Pakistan in multiple indexes

Your confusing India for a developed state, it is not, not even close

Hundreds of millions of Indian muslims cannot get representation through a state and government that is hostile to them
India is much richer than Pakistan!!
Pakistan can be compared to Bihar, which is the least developed of India's 31 states
India is much richer than Pakistan!!
Pakistan can be compared to Bihar, which is the least developed of India's 31 states

Yet India is behind Pakistan in the hunger index, what's the point of being much richer and not being able to feed your people?
Please, what's this endless propaganda against China??? If anything China is quite equal amongst its people and be harsh on everyone, and has helped Muslim countries immensely shake some of fbe influence of the west
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India is behind Pakistan in multiple indexes

Your confusing India for a developed state, it is not, not even close

Hundreds of millions of Indian muslims cannot get representation through a state and government that is hostile to them
Hunger index is not officially peer reviewed data .
It's a research paper released by some two penny organisations which you can't even name without googling.
Hunger index is not officially peer reviewed data .
It's a research paper released by some two penny organisations which you can't even name without googling.

Yeahhhhhh, its probably largely accurate, many indexes point to the same thing, India is 1.4 billion and growing

Just because it has had some development, it can't and hasn't and won't be able to bring development to hundreds of millions who will remain poverty stricken

If anything India has tried to manipulate date to make itself look better then it is and currently is offended at anyone pointing out India is in many ways as overpopulated, backwards, communal and dangerous as ever

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