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India Deploys S-400 Close To Pakistan Border !


Full Member
Jun 11, 2024
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India last month has started deploying an entire S400 Air Defence System (ADS) squadron in Adampur Air Force Station in Jalandhar, Indian Punjab, about 80 kilometres from the International border with Pakistan.

All imagery and information courtesy of the Weapon Systems and Satellite Imagery Intelligence Division, a subsidiary part of the O&S Directorate.

The S-400 system is placed 125 kilometres from Lahore’s airport.

India’s deployment plans for it’s 5 S-400 squadrons included placing two on the border with Pakistan, two on the border with China, and one in reserve at an inward air base for forward deployment if necessary.

The key for this satellite imagery intelligence product is provided below:

The geographical coordinates for the deployment’s precise location are; 31°25'43.73"N, 75°45'7.39"E.

The labelled weapon systems’s identification is,

A : Big Bird (NATO designation)/91N6E (Russian designation) Main/Primary IAF S-400 ADS Squadron Target Acquisition and Primary Combat Command and Management Radar.

B : Twin electric generators (mobile) for powering the 91N6E Radar.

C : Grave Stone (NATO designation)/92N6E (Russian designation) IAF S-400 ADS Flight, Missile Track Control and Engagement Radar.

D : Cheese Board (NATO designation)/96L6E (Russian designation) IAF S-400 ADS Flight, Targeting and Acquisition Radar.

E : S-400 ADS TEL support infrastructure and mobility/engineering logistics field structure.

F : S-400 Command and Control Module Vehicle Squadron support field infrastructure.

The Nail in the S-400 Coffin... Rolling

Combat Crew


Full Member
Jul 14, 2019
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View attachment 52475
India last month has started deploying an entire S400 Air Defence System (ADS) squadron in Adampur Air Force Station in Jalandhar, Indian Punjab, about 80 kilometres from the International border with Pakistan.

All imagery and information courtesy of the Weapon Systems and Satellite Imagery Intelligence Division, a subsidiary part of the O&S Directorate.

The S-400 system is placed 125 kilometres from Lahore’s airport.

India’s deployment plans for it’s 5 S-400 squadrons included placing two on the border with Pakistan, two on the border with China, and one in reserve at an inward air base for forward deployment if necessary.

The key for this satellite imagery intelligence product is provided below:

The geographical coordinates for the deployment’s precise location are; 31°25'43.73"N, 75°45'7.39"E.

The labelled weapon systems’s identification is,
View attachment 52474
A : Big Bird (NATO designation)/91N6E (Russian designation) Main/Primary IAF S-400 ADS Squadron Target Acquisition and Primary Combat Command and Management Radar.

B : Twin electric generators (mobile) for powering the 91N6E Radar.

C : Grave Stone (NATO designation)/92N6E (Russian designation) IAF S-400 ADS Flight, Missile Track Control and Engagement Radar.

D : Cheese Board (NATO designation)/96L6E (Russian designation) IAF S-400 ADS Flight, Targeting and Acquisition Radar.

E : S-400 ADS TEL support infrastructure and mobility/engineering logistics field structure.

F : S-400 Command and Control Module Vehicle Squadron support field infrastructure.

The Nail in the S-400 Coffin... Rolling
View attachment 52481

View attachment 52482
Just 80 kilometres. Toast 😋
Russia Ukraine war has broke a lot of myths and provided very valuable information about such systems and their countermeasures.


Elite Member
May 28, 2012
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turkey messed up more - it was consequence free for india.

Hmmm seems like it, turkey is progressing nicely but it needed more time and F35s would have covered them nicely for a few decades

Howe the positive being that they will have to put extra effort in getting KAAN ready

The S400 doesn't seem to be all that capable compared to the myths about it, Indian itself might of have been better off with its own crap or even requesting the U.S for F35S/Patriot combo, now they are stuck buying Rafaels which are just as expensive


Senior Member
May 27, 2018
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The performance of the S300/S400 has been an eye opener for sure - and shows how overrated the S400 is !!!

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