India inks 10-year deal to operate Iran's Chabahar port

Every nation should work for their own benefit, so does India. Why would India risk its own interests by over siding with Iran ? India took a risk for Russia because Russia offers not just oil, but military hardware, UNSC veto power, unambiguous support to India on all its conflicts barring that against China. If Iran can fulfill such mariad interests of India, then India will also risk more for Iran.
The only one who appears to be "over siding" here is india.
But then I imagine that is just a part of the price that india has had to pay for abandoning non-alignment for western vassalage.
Ultimately india,just like pakistan back in the 50s,has made its choice,and it may well find out just as pakistan did that the overlords "unambiguous support" comes with a lot more strings attached than it realized.
To be honest at this point I dont think iran and india even have that much in common anymore,indeed politically from irans perspective there doesnt look to be much difference between india and pakistan.
will see that , talk is not that important , what matters is actions
The only one who appears to be "over siding" here is india.
But then I imagine that is just a part of the price that india has had to pay for abandoning non-alignment for western vassalage.
Ultimately india,just like pakistan back in the 50s,has made its choice,and it may well find out just as pakistan did that the overlords "unambiguous support" comes with a lot more strings attached than it realized.
To be honest at this point I dont think iran and india even have that much in common anymore,indeed politically from irans perspective there doesnt look to be much difference between india and pakistan.
I don't think you understand what over siding means from Indian perspective. For India, Iran is one out of the hundreds of countries that we partner with. The goal of any partnership is mutual benefit.

If the costs of partnering with Iran are greater than the benefits, India will not accept the costs and there will be limited partnership. If the benefits are greater than costs, we will be happy to bear the costs.

A case in point is Russia. Despite all sanctions, India has not just continued to trade with Russia but signed multiple new deals after the sanctions were initiated and supported Russia's war economy. This is because our partnership with Russia yields not just cheaper oil but also technology (military mostly as we move towards co-production and export). We are happy to go against the West because it is in Indian interests. That means the interests are strategic and commercial.

On the other hand, with Iran the primary benefits are cheaper oil and a transit for goods to Afghanistan, which is important minor for strategic reasons but not commercial. What India is looking for right now in its developmental path is commercial benefits primarily around high technology, manufacturing, and exports. You seem to think that supporting or partnering with Iran is inherently a good activity and India should do it regardless of costs or benefits from other countries. It might seem right from your POV, not from ours.

Our interests with the US are wide-ranging. Having Apple manufacture from India is 10x more valuable to India than buying cheaper oil. Apple's exports from India in 4 years of starting pilot manufacturing has gone up to over $1B every month, not to mention the jobs created, manufacturing ecosystem created and managerial experience gained. It is likely to go up to $5B every month in the next 5 years. Our goal is to now move into manufacturing semicondors. As you can see our interests are better served in cooperating with the US than with Iran.

Talking about 'vassalage' and Pakistan just means you don't understand India or Indians. There's a reason why we are fast emerging as an economic and (hopefully) technological anchor of the world. It doesn't matter to us what you label us for your internal/domestic consumption. India will partner more with whoever supports India's goal of being a developed country by 2047. India and Iran will partner for initiatives where it is mutually beneficial for both and the benefits outweigh the costs for both.

@Oscar @Quwa @Nilgiri
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The only one who appears to be "over siding" here is india.
But then I imagine that is just a part of the price that india has had to pay for abandoning non-alignment for western vassalage.
Ultimately india,just like pakistan back in the 50s,has made its choice,and it may well find out just as pakistan did that the overlords "unambiguous support" comes with a lot more strings attached than it realized.
To be honest at this point I dont think iran and india even have that much in common anymore,indeed politically from irans perspective there doesnt look to be much difference between india and pakistan.
India did non-alignment during Cold War era as it did not want to be drawn in the power competition games of Western or Soviet bloc. But when Soviet bloc collapsed in 1990, India had no choice but to tilt more towards West for its own benefit. And lately, Chinese aggression against India on the borders is further pushing India towards the west. India is still not strong enough to completely reject western pressure on every issue. India has to do a careful trade-off on issues.
Similarly, Iran has to decide whats best for Iran. They have inked the 10 year deal with India because it is beneficial for them too. You say there is no difference between India and Pakistan. That is upto Iranian leadership to decide. The world chooses India for business. Even China does. Hope Iran does too, but no one is forcing Iran.
Pakistan does not make too many of those items
Pakistan hardly makes any of these items and which of these it makes are of real bad quality or very expensive and for export to european nations only so India is a better options as its products are of very decent quality but great price aswell hence be it Russia or be it Iran both preffer Indian goods over costly yet low quality pakistani products for barter trade ... hope you get the point .... SIR
You should probably be asking your leadership that very question,not me.
After all they`re the ones who decided to go along with western sanctions against iran,indeed one only has to look at what iran-india trade was back in the 2000s and what it is now.
Ultimately indias western overlords very much believe in the zero sum game when it comes to not just diplomatic relations but pretty much everything else as well
there is a thing called balancing act and immidiate priorities which makes nations take temporarry steps but dose that means it changes there forign policy ...... you really thing your foriegn office also thinks about the way you think ...... what can i say ;) :P
So, is this Indian contract to develop and operate the Iranian port an Indian debt trap on Iran as Indians all like to call China's involvement in Gwadar port in Pakistan and Hambantota port in Sri Lanka as such ? Lol.
So, is this Indian contract to develop and operate the Iranian port an Indian debt trap on Iran as Indians all like to call China's involvement in Gwadar port in Pakistan and Hambantota port in Sri Lanka as such ? Lol.
NO its not a debt trab as Iran is nor seeking a Loan from India but has taken a Leas /rent fees from India to oparate Chabhara port for 10 years .... there is a difference between a LOAN & RENT FEES


rather pakistan should also have taken a Rent fees like this from China for CEPC but they did not .... Iran is smarter than Pakistan as same thing USSR wanted from Pakistan but they went to war with it and destroyed both Afghanistan and Pakistani nations over so called "soviet obsession with HOT WATERS"
NO its not a debt trab as Iran is nor seeking a Loan from India but has taken a Leas /rent fees from India to oparate Chabhara port for 10 years .... there is a difference between a LOAN & RENT FEES

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rather pakistan should also have taken a Rent fees like this from China for CEPC but they did not .... Iran is smarter than Pakistan as same thing USSR wanted from Pakistan but they went to war with it and destroyed both Afghanistan and Pakistani nations over so called "soviet obsession with HOT WATERS"
Lol, what's wrong with borrowing money from someone to develop the port if the owner country itself doesn't have the money, you think China should do the work for free eh ? It's only you Indian sour grapes call China lending money to others as debt traps. Iran has money from oil for the development of the port, so they don't have to borrow money from you, but, people can readily argue that Iran got ripped off by India in the contract no matter what according to you people's logic.
Lol, what's wrong with borrowing money from someone to develop the port if the owner country itself doesn't have the money, you think China should do the work for free eh ? It's only you Indian sour grapes call China lending money to others as debt traps. Iran has money from oil for the development of the port, so they don't have to borrow money from you, but, people can readily argue that Iran got ripped off by India in the contract according to you people's logic no matter what.
You are saying Iranian got Ripped off cause they are charging Rent for there Port when india is building the infra and also oparating it where both Iran and India will be using it for commerrcial services ... seriously ????

and on the other hand China is great when it is charging Pakistan for making the infra that only china is going to use that too on pakistani land and pakistan wont be getting any rent or taxes form it rather paying for next 20 years in loan instalemnts for it ;) :P
You are saying Iranian got Ripped off cause they are charging Rent for there Port when india is building the infra and also oparating it where both Iran and India will be using it for commerrcial services ... seriously ????

and on the other hand China is great when it is charging Pakistan for making the infra that only china is going to use that too on pakistani land and pakistan wont be getting any rent or taxes form it rather paying for next 20 years in loan instalemnts for it ;) :p
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Lol, I can argue that Iran got ripped off because you Indians charged too much for the construction, simple as that.

And where do you Indians get this foolish idea that the infra and port build by China in Pakistan will only be used by Chinese and not Pakistanis ? I see you repeatedly saying such lies only you Indians are capable of even after the Pakistanis on the forum have refuted your such nonsense accusation, LMAO.

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Lol, I can argue that Iran got ripped off because you Indians charged too much for the construction, simple as that.

And where do you Indians get this foolish idea that the infra and port build by China in Pakistan will only be used by Chinese and not Pakistanis ? I see you repeatedly saying such lies only you Indians are capable of even after the Pakistanis on the forum have refuted your such nonsense accusation, LMAO.

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how is Iran getting Ripped off when India is not charging anything from Iran for making that port or rail infra as its a partnership deal where India and Iran both get to use it for commercial use

1. Iran has a right over it cause its on Iranian Land

2. India has a Right over it cause India Built it and paying Rent or leas money for 10 years for it

but how is this same to CEPC where China has Built CEPC infra for carrying Chinese Goods from Kashghar to Gawadar/nad beyond or from Gawadar to kashghar as Pkaistan has nothing that it manufacturers which is of any importence to China or euorpe or west asia ... that its already not sending wia karachi port where its port capcity is lying idle deu to non usage as there is hardly any buissness ;) :P

tell me SIR what is Pakistan exporting to the world or plans to export to China other than Donkies or dogs or rice and mangoes ..???? did you even made a proper didecated industrial zone along side CEPC route or Oil rifinarry on your own with your own money so your people get employment there ....???

but your worried that Iran is getting ripped off by India..... this is called WRONG Priorities that why your nation is where it is today and no one has any mercy for it and your still clueless ;) :P
how is Iran getting Ripped off when India is not charging anything from Iran for making that port or rail infra as its a partnership deal where India and Iran both get to use it for commercial use

1. Iran has a right over it cause its on Iranian Land

2. India has a Right over it cause India Built it and paying Rent or leas money for 10 years for it

but how is this same to CEPC where China has Built CEPC infra for carrying Chinese Goods from Kashghar to Gawadar/nad beyond or from Gawadar to kashghar as Pkaistan has nothing that it manufacturers which is of any importence to China or euorpe or west asia ... that its already not sending wia karachi port where its port capcity is lying idle deu to non usage as there is hardly any buissness ;) :p

tell me SIR what is Pakistan exporting to the world or plans to export to China other than Donkies or dogs or rice and mangoes ..???? did you even made a proper didecated industrial zone along side CEPC route or Oil rifinarry on your own with your own money so your people get employment there ....???

but your worried that Iran is getting ripped off by India..... this is called WRONG Priorities that why your nation is where it is today and no one has any mercy for it and your still clueless ;) :p
Stop talk nonsense gibberish. Iran charge you rent too cheap, simple as that.
Pakistanis can use the highways and port both personally and commercially as much as they want, if they are not using the infra and facilities to the fullest capacities now, they will. You Indians need not get butthurt on this all the time, lol.
Well as they say Pakistans political History is a sad tale of BLUNDERS , PLUNDERS and SURRENDERS as per HASSAN NISAR though i do not agree with what most of he says specially his racist and narrow views .... but some are really hard to ignoare

Pakistan or its establishment wanted ro confront USSR and greeted USA into Afghanistan against then King Zaheer Shah who invited soviets to help against radical islamists backed by pakistani establishment

then 40 years later after they had milked USA & NATO till the point all there games were exposed to USA & NATO policy makers they tried every trick to evict USA & NATO from afghanistan forgetting there economy was running on there war remittences @coilation support funds but Taliban was also wairy of Pakistani double gamings and help Pakistani establishment responsible for there mess ... and to make matters worse Pakistanies forced all afghan refugees back after wester aid money stopped and treated those so called "Guests " as "criminals"

and now niether Russia or USA or Afghanistan no one trusts Pkaistan as a nation or its establishment and all of them were dependent on Pakistan as they only had the land route from sea to land locked afghanistan but now Chahbahar is providing a new route hence all this shor gull ;) :P

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