India planning to have 80% indigenous fleet by 2050

Stop being an arsehole. You come back after a shafting and a ban and you have to bring Pakistan into this thread. Park the obsession and focus on the topic before you get shafted permanently and have to create a new ID
Brother ignore him he's not even Indian and is here to troll India...
The only service that actually had it's shit together partially is the navy
The army ha. Too few icva and too few mbrl. And mobile artillary
The air force is a joke
It's actually a joke.... when it comes to air power we are by the standards of asia are like Argentina or Mexico..... if it wasn't our nuclear weapons and ICBMs and off course a large land army.... our map by now today would be different....
It's actually a joke.... when it comes to air power we are by the standards of asia are like Argentina or Mexico..... if it wasn't our nuclear weapons and ICBMs and off course a large land army.... our map by now today would be different....

I have always said this ....The air chiefs do not have the vision and understanding of modern air ware and how fast if is changing
Im not singling one out they are all
Guilty because the problems has been there for two
I have always said this ....The air chiefs do not have the vision and understanding of modern air ware and how fast if is changing
Im not singling one out they are all
Guilty because the problems has been there for two
They all have vision and understanding of modern warfare..... let's not fool ourselves..... in Pakistan military needs Indian scarecrow to remain in power and in India government and top brass needs Pakistan scarecrow to keep eating funds..... they will keep cut to cut balance no matter what... they need to do this for survival....

China understood but what's stopping to surpass Pakistan? A big big scam I can make a web series on this...
China understood but what's stopping to surpass Pakistan? A big big scam I can make a web series on this...

I find that hard to believe
India has capex budget so it's harder to scam than say in china or Pakistan's audited
No way would indian air chiefs risk losing a war on scamming the tax payers money
I find that hard to believe
India has capex budget so it's harder to scam than say in china or Pakistan's audited
No way would indian air chiefs risk losing a war on scamming the tax payers money
If they keep delaying things mark my words we will have a rude awakening one day on the battle field.... homemade weapons will guaranteed come after 2 or 3 decades but there is no guarantee that war won't start tomorrow..... our enemies on both west end east are equipped with best BVR (AMARAAM AND PL15) capability and lethargic IAF and government still confused......
You guys are funny, when China was at Indian level of the economy, China put the defence sector on hold for decades. China's priority is always economic development and improving people's standard of living, never wars.
If they keep delaying things mark my words we will have a rude awakening one day on the battle field.... homemade weapons will guaranteed come after 2 or 3 decades but there is no guarantee that war won't start tomorrow..... our enemies on both west end east are equipped with best BVR (AMARAAM AND PL15) capability and lethargic IAF and government still confused......
Dude there will be no war maybe some small skirmishes here and there from time to time. Lol
Indians are just paraniod, instead of making effort to improve their people's wellbeing like China did in the past 30 years, they are just obsessed with wars and aggression.
You guys are funny, when China was at Indian level of the economy, China put the defence sector on hold for decades. China's priority is always economic development and improving people's standard of living, never wars.
China had the luxury to put it aside because from 90s itself they were armed with ICBMs.... apart from this its China who keeps claiming territories, islands and in fact whole SCS as its own so China herself is not under a threat of being invaded whereas India is always under a threat of invasion by Pakistan for kashmir and China for Arunachal Pradesh and ladakh...
Dude there will be no war maybe some small skirmishes here and there from time to time. Lol
So?? I want my India to win even those skirmishes smoothly..... am I wrong to wish that??
China had the luxury to put it aside because from 90s itself they were armed with ICBMs.... apart from this its China who keeps claiming territories, islands and in fact whole SCS as its own so China herself is not under a threat of being invaded whereas India is always under a threat of invasion by Pakistan for kashmir and China for Arunachal Pradesh and ladakh...
South China sea? PRC inheritted if from ROC ( Taiwan). it's not even a PRC creation.


Indians are just paraniod, instead of making effort to improve their people's wellbeing like China did in the past 30 years, they are just obsessed with wars and aggression.
For people wellbeing discussions there are other platforms to discuss.... this is DEFENSE forum and we joined here to discuss defense and not other nonsense..... you should actually leave this forum if you want to discuss anything other than defense..... or atleast stop being hypocrite....
For people wellbeing discussions there are other platforms to discuss.... this is DEFENSE forum and we joined here to discuss defense and not other nonsense..... you should actually leave this forum if you want to discuss anything other than defense..... or atleast stop being hypocrite....
I post to tell you guys stop obsessed with matching China in everything, China never considers India a worthy rival. You guys started to talk about China right after the OP post.
I post to tell you guys stop obsessed with matching China in everything, China never considers India a worthy rival. You guys started to talk about China right after the OP post.
Don't know what your commie propaganda feeds you on daily breakfast but stop making China sound like some hyperpower of universe that don't even consider India a nuclear power with ICBMs and SSBNs a worthy rival with fastest growing economy.... your brave China will keep intruding here and there but will never have guts to provoke India beyond a limit..... this is where you guys can feel like world War winners on PDF.... so respect this platform and discuss defense and defense only... I am not here to discuss people wellbeing....

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