India vows to punish 'Houthi-Style' Ship Attackers; 'Even From Bottom of The Sea....'

The Iranians might well have thrown someone under the bus.

Cheers, Doc
The Iranians might well have thrown someone under the bus.

Cheers, Doc

Who has the ability to give location information of the ship in the middle of the Arabian sea ?

A nation with Spy satellite capable of keeping an eye on sea vassals. China comes to mind.

But why ?

Disrupt Oil supplies and thereby disrupt economy ?
Force India to pick a side ?
Warning ?

But its an indirect message to India to boost its Naval assets.
Who has the ability to give location information of the ship in the middle of the Arabian sea ?

A nation with Spy satellite capable of keeping an eye on sea vassals. China comes to mind.

But why ?

Disrupt Oil supplies and thereby disrupt economy ?
Force India to pick a side ?
Warning ?

But its an indirect message to India to boost its Naval assets.

We were discussing this on another thread.

Disrupt our competing trade route to the BRI.


Or maybe behti Ganga mein haath dhoing closer to home.

Cheers, Doc
So it was Iran trying to discourage India from becoming too close to Saudi Arabia.

Wrong move. They will end up making a permanent enemy of India.
Makes no sense, Iran and KSA are closer than they were before.

Who has the ability to give location information of the ship in the middle of the Arabian sea ?

A nation with Spy satellite capable of keeping an eye on sea vassals. China comes to mind.

But why ?

Disrupt Oil supplies and thereby disrupt economy ?
Force India to pick a side ?
Warning ?

But its an indirect message to India to boost its Naval assets.
Iranians use a vessel named the MV Behshad as a staging base and spy ship to keep their eyes on the Bab el Mandeb. The same ship coordinates with Houthis and sends them details about which ships to target.
I'm no conspiracy theorist but we can't rule out the fact that it could've been either the US or Israel forcing india to take a side and to pull them in to the conflict.
Makes no sense, Iran and KSA are closer than they were before.

Iranians use a vessel named the MV Behshad as a staging base and spy ship to keep their eyes on the Bab el Mandeb. The same ship coordinates with Houthis and sends them details about which ships to target.

At this point its an open investigation.

The attackers were careful not to attack the vessel when it was inside Indian EEZ.

But they did target an Israeli ship carrying Saudi Oil to India.

Could very well be the US too, but they don't have to make such a desperate move for leverage. They have plenty of other safe options to leverage India.


So incredibly funny and amusing!

America is hapless and proved herself to be impotent against Yemen Houthis

Even the usual brown nosing Europeans recognised that and decided to pull their noses from the brown stuff coating American backside and leaving America to stew in her own 💩

And India now decided India mightier than America and standing up to Houthis

I'm no conspiracy theorist but we can't rule out the fact that it could've been either the US or Israel forcing india to take a side and to pull them in to the conflict.
looks more like iran on chinese persuation and funding & wepons supplies enticed houthis to fight the last stance and attack israeli interests but they got too faar and iran sensing it could backfire there interests with india in longer term threw houthis under the bus and backtracked from the chinese plan and spilled the beans with indian NSA who went there to meet iranian counterpart few weeks ago and now houthis are in line of fire and all those muslim nation including Turkiye , arabs and soth east asian and african muslim nation who houthis thoght will support it against israel have backtracked to help houthis and now they are solelly in the line of fire ;) :P


So incredibly funny and amusing!

America is hapless and proved herself to be impotent against Yemen Houthis

Even the usual brown nosing Europeans recognised that and decided to pull their noses from the brown stuff coating American backside and leaving America to stew in her own 💩

And India now decided India mightier than America and standing up to Houthis

billi ke khwaabon me chichhrre ;) :P

houthis are in line of fire and even saudis and bahrain sending there naval assests against them and iran has backtracked to help houthis so has turkiye or any african muslim nation and almost all NATO Nations with british and US navy with Indian navy hunting them .... bakrre ki amma kabb takk khair manayeggi .... zameen se saudis nahi chorrengge aur samundar me 22 deshon ki navies ... KAAND HOGGA KAAND ;) :P

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