India vows to punish 'Houthi-Style' Ship Attackers; 'Even From Bottom of The Sea....'

What relevance does the parsi community have in this discussion ? ZERO. They don't carry weight in Iran nor in India.

There are no "friends" in international relationships, only interests and good/bad judgements. Iran views the world from a religious lenses, just like pakistan. And their judgement is compromised due to that.

It would be silly to consider nations with compromised judgement as "sane". Iran, pakistan, china and North Korea comes under that category.

Also no country can be "trusted", they can only the trusted to cater to their self interest. But most people tend to view other nations self interest from the prism of their own bias.

India never played Iran against pakistan. India worked with Iran to gain access to Afghanistan. But we did discuss pakistan with them, but that has stopped. We now discuss pakistan with UAE and SA.

The question then becomes, how does one deal with an irrational nation ? the answer is we don't. We isolate them like we isolate a rabid dog or a lunatic.
All your points are exactly what i wanted to convey but due to me having bad english i made a mess.
Iran is not a friend and not an enemy of india and india will definitely ditch them if there is a need arises.
Problem is that ship was going to help Israelis and Yemenis were aware of it.

Each and every ship going to Israel will be targeted. No matter it is Indian or any other country on earth. Yemen will choke Israeli economy to death.

Modi and his radical policies is the main reason for this mess. If he continues to support Israel with goods shipment, he will taste the bitter of reality.
India has not supplied Israel with weapons and has openly supported 2 state theory. It can't be considered as party to the war after this. If Yemen attacks India despite Indian non-interference, then it will be considered aggression.
A correction Russia is not main provider of missile technology to Iran.
Who supplies the guidance & seekers to missiles as they need semiconductors? Only Russia, China, India & NK have semiconductor foundries outside of NATO countries. Of this, NK foundries are old and only good for guidance, not seekers. Also, NK is not known to have major links with Iran. India does not supply these strategic items to anyone due to non-interference. That leaves only Russia & China. So, either Russia or China is supplying Iran
If Iran don't have problem in only one field it's the seeker . I assure you the seeker on our missiles are on par with Russian ones and our infrared seekers are even of higher quality.
It's a field we don't have problem with
we may not be able to produce chips and microprocessors but we have the capability to produce those sensors and radars needed for the purpose
The old C802 missiles have obsolete radar seekers with limited functionality & can easily be defeated by EW systems. If it wants latest seekers, it must have semiconductor foundries as all IIR, RF seekers are made in foundries and need silicon microchips to process data.
Fact is China wants Haifa port and China wants control of seuz canal and red sea but niether USA nor Israel nor Egypt or the saudies want to share it with China

but China has money to spare and a lots and lots of reversed engneered weapons which its dumping in Iran for miltia's like Hezbiollah, Hamas and Huthis and since Iran is getting 400 billion dollars worth inevstement and has a score to settle with both israel and Saudie's its teaming with chinese

now the vulchers/pirates like those of rawanda or huthis never had a better opportunity and its risky too cause Israel is all out to exterminate menace of Hamas and hezbollah in gaza or its border with lebnon and west bank and saudies are smoking out houthis inland in yemen while 20+ nations on NAVY is all out gunning against these pirates and they have all kinds of sattelites imagerry and UCAVs and destroyers which niether Iran nor china is going to send for help of Hamas/hezbollah or huthis
That is highly impractical as USA will never allow Israel to give port to China. Saudis have made a ceasefire with Houthis and are developing strong relation with China. China will not go and spoil relation with Saudis at this critical juncture.
All your points are exactly what i wanted to convey but due to me having bad english i made a mess.
Iran is not a friend and not an enemy of india and india will definitely ditch them if there is a need arises.

Maybe you dint mean to sound this way but let me correct it anyway.

India is not carrying Iran so there is no need for us to 'ditch" them. India will continue to do what is needed to serve Indian interest. India's behavior in the next few months will indicate who did what.

:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: India is going to have WAR with Saudi as well

Who supplies the guidance & seekers to missiles as they need semiconductors? Only Russia, China, India & NK have semiconductor foundries outside of NATO countries. Of this, NK foundries are old and only good for guidance, not seekers. Also, NK is not known to have major links with Iran. India does not supply these strategic items to anyone due to non-interference. That leaves only Russia & China. So, either Russia or China is supplying Iran
we have fabs for seekers . and the chips we use off the shelves . they are mainly western
The old C802 missiles have obsolete radar seekers with limited functionality & can easily be defeated by EW systems. If it wants latest seekers, it must have semiconductor foundries as all IIR, RF seekers are made in foundries and need silicon microchips to process data.
if i count correct we are 3 to 4 generation past c-802 in our antiship missiles
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