India vows to punish 'Houthi-Style' Ship Attackers; 'Even From Bottom of The Sea....'

Yemen, Gulf of Aden, horn of Africa have always been troubled pirate infested waters. 70s 80s se ye hi hisab hai..
This was not a pirate attempt to get money but a drone attack. That too on ships carrying oil from Saudi Arabia (Chem Pluto) & Russia (Sai Baba) to India. Russia is the key supplier of Iran with the technology to make missiles and countering USA. Angering it will be foolish. Saudi Arabia and Iran are patching up with Chinese mediation and its relations is key to reduce USA influence. India is already a supplier of equipments and enabler of trade to Iran. All these three countries are highly strategic in countering USA influence for Iran and Houthis. Making an attack on these countries is height of foolishness. Everyone will be pissed at Iran for this.
This was not a pirate attempt to get money but a drone attack. That too on ships carrying oil from Saudi Arabia (Chem Pluto) & Russia (Sai Baba) to India. Russia is the key supplier of Iran with the technology to make missiles and countering USA. Angering it will be foolish. Saudi Arabia and Iran are patching up with Chinese mediation and its relations is key to reduce USA influence. India is already a supplier of equipments and enabler of trade to Iran. All these three countries are highly strategic in countering USA influence for Iran and Houthis. Making an attack on these countries is height of foolishness. Everyone will be pissed at Iran for this.
Like is the case with any 'proxy' militia group, one can never exercise complete control.

I doubt the order came from high up the IRGC command.

Unless there is some sort of internal struggle where the Houthis are asserting themselves on the Iranian regime in this most cavalier fashion.
Hahah, Bollywood jokers. Bring it on!

Btw, the current range of Yemen's Samad-3 drone is close to 1,700 KM. Can easily target any and every Indian ship from afar. Not to mention their cruise missiles with 2,000+ KM range that are targeting Israel on daily basis. Israelis could only intercept a handful of them but most of them reached vital targets in the south of occupied lands.

I dare Bollywood boys to get close to Yemen at a distance of 400 KM. That could be when Yemen officially unveils its anti ship ballistic missiles.

All in all, if Yemeni army completely brings whole Yemeni territory under its control then they will be able to drone even New Delhi.
Yemeni army is nothing in front of Indian Naval force. But attacking Yemeni territory is a bit excessive as it will ruin Indian relations with Arab world. Also, Yemen has not accepted the claims that it attacked Indian ships. However, if India does enter into conflict, Yemeni defence will crumble in no time.

However, the real question is why would Yemen attack ships from KSA & Russia to India? Russia & KSA are extremely critical partners for Yemen and making them angry would be seriously bad. Even Iran is closely allied with Russia and attacking ships carrying Russian oil is far fetched. There is a chance that these were mistakes. So, India will likely issue warning in private and attack only if it continues.
But Good Hope adds how many days and dollars?

Commerce drives conflict.

Cheers, Doc
Suez is short but also slower than normal seas and narrow for ULCC & VLCC. Also, transit charges for Suez is high. So, the overall disadvantage of travelling via Good Hope is not too high. Yes, there is about 5% inefficiency but that is not a major drawback.
Indians can hope.
And India will not get what they hope for.

More likely than not, half the Indian ships will be hit and set on fire by the Houthis.

As a consolation, the Indians on board will remain forever young.
Indian ships will be hit with what? The ASh missiles with Iran is not good quality as they don't have semiconductor foundry to make high quality seekers & guidance. However, the situation is more political and complex, not just military.
There is now good indication that it was Iran behind the whole thing.

They have close to zero leverage over India so they have been stirring up trouble to get our attention.

1. Kulbushan Jadav was captured from Iran and sold to pakistan.
2. Iran is disturbed that India now has a Strategic partnership with SA and UAE.
3. Indications are it was Iran (working with partner) who was behind Jailing of 7 ex-IN officers in Qatar.
4. India no longer uses Iran to deal with pakistan. We now work with SA & UAE.
5. IME Corridor is another game changer which diminishes Iran's strategic port sharing with India.
6. Qatar gave death sentence to ex-IN immediately after India extended support to Israel.
7. Cyber trolling of Indians on world wide forums and targeted attempts at demeaning Indians and insulting Indians was traced to Iran. This appears to be in response to the unexpected Indian public support for Israel's action.
8. The attacked tanker off Indian coast seems to have come from Iran. There is evidence of Shahed 136 drone.
9. Bomb blast near Israel Embassy in Delhi following up the attack on the Ship.

Iran readily uses the "Jewish and Israel" to cover up its aggression. They know that blaming Israel will help them get support of the rest of the islamic nations.

There also appears to be tacit chinese support to Iran for such clandestine activities. SOS made by attacked ships to chinese navy has gone unresponded in directly violation of general Laws of the Sea.

THESE are the reasons India has decided to do a show of strength in the Arabian Sea. India has deployed 5 Destroyers and P8I for long range patrolling.

So the Houthies are only a distraction.
India never mediated via Iran with Pakistan. Pakistan has since long been USA & GCC ally and hostile to Iran. Also, Indian trade with GCC, especially KSA & UAE were always much higher. Iran is now developing relations with KSA with Chinese help. So, attacking a tanker from KSA is really foolish. Even the attack on Sai Baba carrying Russian oil is poor thinking as Russia has always been the key partner to Iran in helping it survive USA aggression. If it was just India being targeted by targeting ships from EU to India via Suez, then it was understandable. But targeting Saudi & Russian shipping is height of foolishness.

Most likely it was a mistake, miscalculation/misidentification.
Like is the case with any 'proxy' militia group, one can never exercise complete control.

I doubt the order came from high up the IRGC command.

Unless there is some sort of internal struggle where the Houthis are asserting themselves on the Iranian regime in this most cavalier fashion.
Yeah, it appears to have been some mistake. Proper scolding from Iran, Russia & Saudi will likely make them stop such attacks.
Yemeni army is nothing in front of Indian Naval force. But attacking Yemeni territory is a bit excessive as it will ruin Indian relations with Arab world. Also, Yemen has not accepted the claims that it attacked Indian ships. However, if India does enter into conflict, Yemeni defence will crumble in no time.

However, the real question is why would Yemen attack ships from KSA & Russia to India? Russia & KSA are extremely critical partners for Yemen and making them angry would be seriously bad. Even Iran is closely allied with Russia and attacking ships carrying Russian oil is far fetched. There is a chance that these were mistakes. So, India will likely issue warning in private and attack only if it continues.

Suez is short but also slower than normal seas and narrow for ULCC & VLCC. Also, transit charges for Suez is high. So, the overall disadvantage of travelling via Good Hope is not too high. Yes, there is about 5% inefficiency but that is not a major drawback.

Indian ships will be hit with what? The ASh missiles with Iran is not good quality as they don't have semiconductor foundry to make high quality seekers & guidance. However, the situation is more political and complex, not just military.

India never mediated via Iran with Pakistan. Pakistan has since long been USA & GCC ally and hostile to Iran. Also, Indian trade with GCC, especially KSA & UAE were always much higher. Iran is now developing relations with KSA with Chinese help. So, attacking a tanker from KSA is really foolish. Even the attack on Sai Baba carrying Russian oil is poor thinking as Russia has always been the key partner to Iran in helping it survive USA aggression. If it was just India being targeted by targeting ships from EU to India via Suez, then it was understandable. But targeting Saudi & Russian shipping is height of foolishness.

Most likely it was a mistake, miscalculation/misidentification.

Yeah, it appears to have been some mistake. Proper scolding from Iran, Russia & Saudi will likely make them stop such attacks.
A discussion, even a frank discussion, is OK.
Provoking each other with epithets like 'joker' is NOT OK.
Members are requested to exercise self-control.
Yemeni army is nothing in front of Indian Naval force. But attacking Yemeni territory is a bit excessive as it will ruin Indian relations with Arab world. Also, Yemen has not accepted the claims that it attacked Indian ships. However, if India does enter into conflict, Yemeni defence will crumble in no time.

However, the real question is why would Yemen attack ships from KSA & Russia to India? Russia & KSA are extremely critical partners for Yemen and making them angry would be seriously bad. Even Iran is closely allied with Russia and attacking ships carrying Russian oil is far fetched. There is a chance that these were mistakes. So, India will likely issue warning in private and attack only if it continues.

Suez is short but also slower than normal seas and narrow for ULCC & VLCC. Also, transit charges for Suez is high. So, the overall disadvantage of travelling via Good Hope is not too high. Yes, there is about 5% inefficiency but that is not a major drawback.

Indian ships will be hit with what? The ASh missiles with Iran is not good quality as they don't have semiconductor foundry to make high quality seekers & guidance. However, the situation is more political and complex, not just military.

India never mediated via Iran with Pakistan. Pakistan has since long been USA & GCC ally and hostile to Iran. Also, Indian trade with GCC, especially KSA & UAE were always much higher. Iran is now developing relations with KSA with Chinese help. So, attacking a tanker from KSA is really foolish. Even the attack on Sai Baba carrying Russian oil is poor thinking as Russia has always been the key partner to Iran in helping it survive USA aggression. If it was just India being targeted by targeting ships from EU to India via Suez, then it was understandable. But targeting Saudi & Russian shipping is height of foolishness.

Most likely it was a mistake, miscalculation/misidentification.

Yeah, it appears to have been some mistake. Proper scolding from Iran, Russia & Saudi will likely make them stop such attacks.
Problem is that ship was going to help Israelis and Yemenis were aware of it.

Each and every ship going to Israel will be targeted. No matter it is Indian or any other country on earth. Yemen will choke Israeli economy to death.

Modi and his radical policies is the main reason for this mess. If he continues to support Israel with goods shipment, he will taste the bitter of reality.
India is the largest country in the world, a real economy that is the 3rd largest in the world, 4th largest military and 5th largest nominal GDP.

So not only Iran, but nations all over the world care about India.

If you go around making enemies and attacking people all over the world, I guarantee karma will come back to repay with interest.

China though it was being clever by releasing the CoVid virus into the world. How has that fared for them ? You think their DENIAL has convinced anyone in the word ? They blamed US t Indians for the virus, but did it work ? Just look at the consequence of that on their nation. They have tried hiding their deaths and declaring a fake vaccine, did any of that help them ? Karma's a real bitch.
Your aware that Saviz ship mentioned here is not seaworthy ant the last time it was seen at open seas was 2 years ago , accompanying by two tug
And where you learn geography , I wonder if they really teach that India is the largest country in the world or it was some mistake while typing ?
This was not a pirate attempt to get money but a drone attack. That too on ships carrying oil from Saudi Arabia (Chem Pluto) & Russia (Sai Baba) to India. Russia is the key supplier of Iran with the technology to make missiles and countering USA. Angering it will be foolish. Saudi Arabia and Iran are patching up with Chinese mediation and its relations is key to reduce USA influence. India is already a supplier of equipments and enabler of trade to Iran. All these three countries are highly strategic in countering USA influence for Iran and Houthis. Making an attack on these countries is height of foolishness. Everyone will be pissed at Iran for this.
A correction Russia is not main provider of missile technology to Iran.
Indian ships will be hit with what? The ASh missiles with Iran is not good quality as they don't have semiconductor foundry to make high quality seekers & guidance. However, the situation is more political and complex, not just military.
If Iran don't have problem in only one field it's the seeker . I assure you the seeker on our missiles are on par with Russian ones and our infrared seekers are even of higher quality.
It's a field we don't have problem with
we may not be able to produce chips and microprocessors but we have the capability to produce those sensors and radars needed for the purpose
There is now good indication that it was Iran behind the whole thing.

They have close to zero leverage over India so they have been stirring up trouble to get our attention.

1. Kulbushan Jadav was captured from Iran and sold to pakistan.
2. Iran is disturbed that India now has a Strategic partnership with SA and UAE.
3. Indications are it was Iran (working with partner) who was behind Jailing of 7 ex-IN officers in Qatar.
4. India no longer uses Iran to deal with pakistan. We now work with SA & UAE.
5. IME Corridor is another game changer which diminishes Iran's strategic port sharing with India.
6. Qatar gave death sentence to ex-IN immediately after India extended support to Israel.
7. Cyber trolling of Indians on world wide forums and targeted attempts at demeaning Indians and insulting Indians was traced to Iran. This appears to be in response to the unexpected Indian public support for Israel's action.
8. The attacked tanker off Indian coast seems to have come from Iran. There is evidence of Shahed 136 drone.
9. Bomb blast near Israel Embassy in Delhi following up the attack on the Ship.

Iran readily uses the "Jewish and Israel" to cover up its aggression. They know that blaming Israel will help them get support of the rest of the islamic nations.

There also appears to be tacit chinese support to Iran for such clandestine activities. SOS made by attacked ships to chinese navy has gone unresponded in directly violation of general Laws of the Sea.

THESE are the reasons India has decided to do a show of strength in the Arabian Sea. India has deployed 5 Destroyers and P8I for long range patrolling.

So the Houthies are only a distraction.
THe parsi community the old persians were friend of india and the new iran is definetely not an enemy of india but is also not a friend of india as with all muslim majority countries there faith and support lies in pakistan they deal with india only for personal benefits and profits . The best thing for india is mutual differences between muslim countries and their lust for war within themselves. India is pretty sure a hyper islamic ideological iran is not a country to be trusted for so we are playing iran for our own benefits against pakistan.
SO similar way iran knows india is not a friend and will do whatever it wants to do to show its strength on a global scale.
Too many conspiracy theories floating here. Better wait to see what develops. Aparthied Israeli bound or owned ships are clearly the target in and around the red sea.
Fact is China wants Haifa port and China wants control of seuz canal and red sea but niether USA nor Israel nor Egypt or the saudies want to share it with China

but China has money to spare and a lots and lots of reversed engneered weapons which its dumping in Iran for miltia's like Hezbiollah, Hamas and Huthis and since Iran is getting 400 billion dollars worth inevstement and has a score to settle with both israel and Saudie's its teaming with chinese

now the vulchers/pirates like those of rawanda or huthis never had a better opportunity and its risky too cause Israel is all out to exterminate menace of Hamas and hezbollah in gaza or its border with lebnon and west bank and saudies are smoking out houthis inland in yemen while 20+ nations on NAVY is all out gunning against these pirates and they have all kinds of sattelites imagerry and UCAVs and destroyers which niether Iran nor china is going to send for help of Hamas/hezbollah or huthis
Problem is that ship was going to help Israelis and Yemenis were aware of it.

Each and every ship going to Israel will be targeted. No matter it is Indian or any other country on earth. Yemen will choke Israeli economy to death.

Modi and his radical policies is the main reason for this mess. If he continues to support Israel with goods shipment, he will taste the bitter of reality.
You may well be right.
Thing is, none of us can affect the situation on the ground.
Second, calling each other names will also not affect the situation on the ground. All it will do is create lasting bad blood, and driving down the quality of the forum.
Under the circs, as we have all become aware of the underlying issues, and can't affect decision making, why not agree to wait and see?
Your aware that Saviz ship mentioned here is not seaworthy ant the last time it was seen at open seas was 2 years ago , accompanying by two tug
And where you learn geography , I wonder if they really teach that India is the largest country in the world or it was some mistake while typing ?

I don't know what the Saviz is nor do I care. I don't know why are you give me its life story.

Also people make nations, not geography. Nobody considers Russia as the largest nation in the world.
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THe parsi community the old persians were friend of india and the new iran is definetely not an enemy of india but is also not a friend of india as with all muslim majority countries there faith and support lies in pakistan they deal with india only for personal benefits and profits . The best thing for india is mutual differences between muslim countries and their lust for war within themselves. India is pretty sure a hyper islamic ideological iran is not a country to be trusted for so we are playing iran for our own benefits against pakistan.
SO similar way iran knows india is not a friend and will do whatever it wants to do to show its strength on a global scale.

What relevance does the parsi community have in this discussion ? ZERO. They don't carry weight in Iran nor in India.

There are no "friends" in international relationships, only interests and good/bad judgements. Iran views the world from a religious lenses, just like pakistan. And their judgement is compromised due to that.

It would be silly to consider nations with compromised judgement as "sane". Iran, pakistan, china and North Korea comes under that category.

Also no country can be "trusted", they can only the trusted to cater to their self interest. But most people tend to view other nations self interest from the prism of their own bias.

India never played Iran against pakistan. India worked with Iran to gain access to Afghanistan. But we did discuss pakistan with them, but that has stopped. We now discuss pakistan with UAE and SA.

The question then becomes, how does one deal with an irrational nation ? the answer is we don't. We isolate them like we isolate a rabid dog or a lunatic.

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