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Indian Air Force News & Discussions


Aug 4, 2015
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@MirageBlue do you know if Tejas Mk1A is to be delivered soon (in march) as stated earlier in 2023?


Full Member
Feb 20, 2024
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@MirageBlue do you know if Tejas Mk1A is to be delivered soon (in march) as stated earlier in 2023?

Yes it will be. CEMILAC had only to certify 3-4 LRUs as we know it in December 2023. Now that the DFCC has flown on a Tejas Mk1A prototype (LSP8?) it's only a matter of time before the first serial production Tejas Mk1A has it's first flight and is then readied to be handed over to the IAF for customer acceptance flights.


Senior Member
Jan 6, 2021
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Wasn’t first delivery of Tejas MK IA supposed to take place by Feb end?
Fingers crossed.


Senior Member
Apr 28, 2010

something doesnt add up

IAF has around 60 Mig29UPG,

These aircrafts had received new RD33 engines as part of Upgrades between 2013-2020.
So the oldest 2 squadrons received new engines about 7-11 years ago
why will they require engine replacement so quickly .
considering the fact that IAF took 23-25 years to replace their first set of engines

Mig29UPG are suposed to retire between 2032-35, and HAL will probably take atleast 3 years to upgrade these 40 Mig29UPG with new engines.

These aircrafts will barely serve 5 years after engine upgrade


Full Member
Feb 20, 2024
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something doesnt add up

IAF has around 60 Mig29UPG,

These aircrafts had received new RD33 engines as part of Upgrades between 2013-2020.
So the oldest 2 squadrons received new engines about 7-11 years ago
why will they require engine replacement so quickly .
considering the fact that IAF took 23-25 years to replace their first set of engines

Mig29UPG are suposed to retire between 2032-35, and HAL will probably take atleast 3 years to upgrade these 40 Mig29UPG with new engines.

These aircrafts will barely serve 5 years after engine upgrade

They don't require engine replacement.

This is simply the IAF ordering as many RD-33 Series 3 engines as it figures it needs till the MiG-29UPG fleet is going to be in service (which is another decade).

Engines get rotated around the fleet. Regularly.

They'll be taken off one fighter, maintained, repaired or overhauled and then while they're in MRO, there will be spare engines that will be used in it's place. Then that engine which went through MRO is ready to be used on the next fighter that has it's engines taken out.

These are the same RD-33 Ser.3 engines that are on the existing MiG-29UPG fleet. Just that HAL is license building the new ones to be able to support the fleet for another decade.


Dec 20, 2023
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End of 2026..... I'm done with Russia now.....this is highly crucial system and this time line is not at all acceptable...... Ukraine is Russia problem not ours...... anyone here from India camp to still advocate Sukhoi 57 or 75 as a stop gap????


Dec 20, 2023
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Fuckin clowns...
What is the status of LRSAM/XRSAM

@Guynextdoor Akash ng will be outranged by some of standoff JF17 weapon. But It's really good against Bekar- Baykar / Israeli drones.
If Az buys Jf17, Armenia will need s300 tier SAM , or our LR-XR SAM.
I was always in favor of going for Arrow, THAAD or David Sling types but no we will face delays, pay up higher maintenance costs but we love Russia who never deliver on time..... pathetic nation should be completely blacklisted from Indian military.....


Dec 20, 2023
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Russians ate our money..... I am now afraid by 26 end or somewhere in 27-28 they will give us used S400..... third class ally.....


Dec 26, 2023
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Fuckin clowns...
What is the status of LRSAM/XRSAM

@Guynextdoor Akash ng will be outranged by some of standoff JF17 weapon. But It's really good against Bekar- Baykar / Israeli drones.
If Az buys Jf17, Armenia will need s300 tier SAM , or our LR-XR SAM.
I was always in favor of going for Arrow, THAAD or David Sling types but no we will face delays, pay up higher maintenance costs but we love Russia who never deliver on time..... pathetic nation should be completely blacklisted from Indian military.....



Dec 20, 2023
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Russians will loose all business in future.... this is a writing on the wall.... they ate hard earned money of poor Hardworking nation which they will never be able to digest....

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