India’s far-right Hindus seek to drive Muslims out of ‘holy land’


Feb 9, 2024
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A year after extremists forced Muslim neighbours from their homes in India, victims live in despair as their tormentors seek to drive Islam from what they consider a Hindu “holy land”.

Mohammad Salim shudders when he remembers the campaign that erupted in May 2023 against his Muslim minority community in Purola, a seemingly sleepy town surrounded by forested hills in the northern state of Uttarakhand.

“If I had not escaped that day, they would have killed me along with my family,” said Salim, 36, a married father of three young daughters.

Salim, whose clothes shop was looted, now lives in basic accommodation with his family around 100 kilometres away in the city of Haridwar, struggling to make ends meet.

But months of online hate speech had divided old friends. “I was threatened with death,” Salim said, adding his shop was looted and the building vandalised — losing assets he totalled at some $60,000. “People said, ‘You should leave the town quickly or these people will kill you’.”

He and his family fled that night, among some 200 other Muslims driven out. Only a few have returned.

Tomar, a full-time activist who heads a self-described anti-Islam “army” of several hundred men, believes his Muslim neighbours are conspiring to seize Hindu women, land, and businesses — none of which he can provide evidence to justify.

He spoke to AFP on a break from a meeting of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), whose millions of members conduct paramilitary drills and prayer meetings.

The RSS campaigns for India to be declared a Hindu nation — rather than a secular one, as enshrined in its constitution — and is the ideological parent of Modi’s BJP. “If a Hindu nation is to be created, it is only possible under the BJP,” Tomar said.

More moderate voices say some of the hatred is driven by jealousy at the perceived business acumen of Muslim traders, with extremists seeking a scapegoat for failing finances.

Indresh Maikhuri, a Hindu and civil society activist based in Dehradun, said political leaders saw benefit in boosting their popularity by sowing division. “Some people want to create a rift between Hindus and Muslims,” he said, warning the “humiliating and segregated treatment” would have “dire consequences”.

As for Salim, he dreams of home. “This is my motherland,” he said. “Where will I go, leaving this land where I was born? “

Atleast post Indian source.
Slow, gradual but inevitable process of partition of India

Hundreds of MILLIONS of people, with no political representation to counter the hindutva extremist government, a worthless bias police force and a state targeting Indian Muslims

The process will be simple, Indian Muslims will move from areas where they are small minorities of 0-5% and then as a community coalesce into larger population centers where they can form majorities or bigger populations

Hundreds of millions of people is enough to have a your internal economy and even prepare a military or militia that can be called upon to defend the community against the enemy

I know this is happening in some areas but now it must be increased
Radical hindu terrorism in full display.
I know this is happening in some areas but now it must be increased
that needs coordination and organization on a massive scale. who is going to do that?
Not a single condemnation from the Indian members here. Take notice.
Same lot go around in every topic «islamist GaGa».
Slow, gradual but inevitable process of partition of India

Hundreds of MILLIONS of people, with no political representation to counter the hindutva extremist government, a worthless bias police force and a state targeting Indian Muslims

The process will be simple, Indian Muslims will move from areas where they are small minorities of 0-5% and then as a community coalesce into larger population centers where they can form majorities or bigger populations

Hundreds of millions of people is enough to have a your internal economy and even prepare a military or militia that can be called upon to defend the community against the enemy

I know this is happening in some areas but now it must be increased
Have you saved this wall of text on your device? You just copy and paste this everytime
Terrible. This is not how you treat people irrespective of creed difference.
I agree.

Pakistanis and Bangladeshis should heed your advice.
I agree.

Pakistanis and Bangladeshis should heed your advice.

Luckily Pakistanis and BD are now good allies. Of course to the dislike of some.
Luckily Pakistanis and BD are now good allies. Of course to the dislike of some.
I support reunification

I will be honest. Indian Muslims, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis all same to me
Not a single condemnation from the Indian members here. Take notice.
Same lot go around in every topic «islamist GaGa».
Oh please, Spare us the rabble rousing,

it is not our job to deny, condemn or take responsibility about every piece of bigoted statements coming from politicians, they're meant to appeal and incite to the lowest denominator of intelligence and character amongst us, and the sad fact is there are many

If silence on vileness posted online is your measuring stick, I've got a long list of it from any creed, any age, any region you want to choose from, let us see your condemnation for each and every one of them
Oh please, Spare us the rabble rousing,

it is not our job to deny, condemn or take responsibility about every piece of bigoted statements coming from politicians, they're meant to appeal and incite to the lowest denominator of intelligence and character amongst us, and the sad fact is there are many

If silence on vileness posted online is your measuring stick, I've got a long list of it from any creed, any age, any region you want to choose from, let us see your condemnation for each and every one of them

Must have been a misunderstanding here.
Would be foolish to expect anything from the sanghi trolls on this forum.

Just showing the hypocrisy of the very same Indians pointing finger and blamin others for attack on minorities and what not.
Must have been a misunderstanding here.
Would be foolish to expect anything from the sanghi trolls on this forum.

Just showing the hypocrisy of the very same Indians pointing finger and blamin others for attack on minorities and what not.
Fair enough, but I would politely like to point out that Indians, just as any community, come in all shapes and sizes and you do all of us a great disservice by clumping us together with the worst of us
Inspiration will be taken from Gaza

Holy land is literally a middle east phrase

So I suppose apply the same concept for the same outcomes

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