Indonesian Aerospace AWACS program


Jul 25, 2013
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Indonesian Aerospace has AWACS program and most probably will use C295 as platform

"And by expanding cooperation with PTDI to develop the Indonesian AWACS project. Havelsan plans to utilize the know-how and experience in the AWACS program and combine it with the needs of the Indonesian Government to create a stronger AWACS system. This will involve the formation of a collaborative team or joint program, where PTDI will act as the main contractor in Indonesia," said Mehmet.

Not Applicable


CN295 is the trusted partner for military operations in remote areas and a rapid response aircraft for humanitarian missions. More than 95 aircrafts are in service with130,000 flying hours around the world.

CN295 provides higher availability, due to its high reliability and ease of maintenance. Airbus Defence & Space and PTDI offers Full In-Service Support with availability guaranteed by contract with Indonesian Air Force.


Since 2011 PTDI has an Industrial Collaboration with Airbus Defence & Space for CN295 program with the following work packages:

  • Final Assembly Line, Delivery center.
  • Aerostructure package: horizontal and vertical tail plane, rear fuselage.
  • Customer Support: Service Center dan Computer Based Training.

Development of Flight Simulator-Indonesia AWACS system-Turkey executed​

  • Wednesday, August 28, 2024 16:57 WIB
The CEO of the Turkish company, Havelsan, Meht Akif Nacar, reviewed the N219 Full Flight Simulator facility at PTDI Bandung Complex, Tuesday (27/8/2024). (ANTARA/HO PT Dirgantara Indonesia)

The development cooperation of Full Flight Simulator and the Airborne Warning & Control System (AWACS) Indonesia and Turkey, began to be executed with the visit of the Turkish company, Havelsan, to PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) facilities in Bandung.

"This visit is part of the follow-up cooperation that has been agreed upon before between the two companies, which focuses on the development of Full Flight Simulator, as well as the readiness of both parties in meeting the needs of the Republic of Indonesia on AWACS," said President Director of PTDI, Gita Amperiawan in a statement in Bandung on Wednesday.

Halvesan's visit on Tuesday (27/8), was conducted by their CEO, Mehmet Akif Nacar, along with its delegation, was received by the directors and management of PTDI with the introduction of several PTDI's flagship simulator products, such as the N219 Cockpit Demonstrator and N219 Engineering Full Flight Simulator which represents PTDI's capabilities in the development of aviation simulation technology, as well as being the basis in ongoing cooperation with Havelsan.

PTDI has the ability and experience in the field of aviation simulator development, especially for aircraft produced, such as CN235-220 and N219. PTDI has complete documents and technical data that are an important component in the design of Flight Simulator.

With full access to the required technical data package, PTDI is able to ensure high accuracy and realism in the simulator developed.

Mehmet Akif Nacar expressed strong confidence in PTDI's ability in the development of flight simulations, especially for the Full Flight Simulator program, which he said had a strong foundation thanks to the experience in developing CN235-220 aircraft and training simulations, as well as engineering.

"This provides a solid basis for the development of a full mission simulator by using the package data provided by PTDI," said Mehmet.

Havelsan himself, he continued, with his experience in the generation of images and advanced visual systems, will contribute to improving the features of the simulator and presenting high-quality simulations that can be used for international needs.

With the capabilities and infrastructure owned by PTDI, Mehmet said Havelsan believes he can jointly develop a superior and D-rated simulator system to support Indonesia’s defense needs and for other countries as well.

Regarding Havelsan's experience in the AWACS system project in Turkey, Mehmet explained that the project began in the late 1990s, with Havelsan acting as the main provider for the ground and air segments of mission and integration software.

Havelsan developed 90 percent of the software used in the Turkish AWACS system, where Havelsan continues to renew and modernize to improve existing systems with some of its partners in Turkey.

"And by expanding cooperation with PTDI to develop the AWACS Indonesia project. Havelsan plans to utilize the know-how and experience in the AWACS program and combine it with the needs of the Government of Indonesia to create a stronger AWACS system. This will involve the formation of a collaboration team or joint program, where PTDI will act as a main contractor in Indonesia, "said Mehmet.

Gita Amperiawan himself revealed that CEO Havelsan's visit to PTDI marks an important first step in realizing this plan and demonstrates the commitment of the two companies to jointly develop advanced defense technologies that will provide significant benefits for the Indonesian aviation and defense industry.

"This strategic cooperation is a tangible manifestation of PTDI's efforts in strengthening the independence of national defense technology. With the experience and capabilities of both companies, we will try our best so that the development of Full Flight Simulator technology and superior AWACS systems can be achieved, "said Gita.

Previously Indonesia gov wants just buy AWACS from SAAB, but with this development the money will likely be given to this project. (You can still see the news on Jane Defense about Indo gov prior plan)

This is likely showing next Indonesia gov under Prabowo will likely have more support on local defense project compared to Jokowi administration

Indonesian Armed Forces inaugurates SIK program​


SCYTALYS announced that it has successfully delivered the System Interoperability Kodal (SIK) program to the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) following the successful completion of a $49 million contract awarded by the Indonesian Ministry of Defence. The official inauguration ceremony took place on June 12, 2024.

The SIK Program represents a pivotal step in the Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) modernization roadmap, establishing a robust and customized Interoperability Framework across all TNI sectors.

This framework, designed and developed by SCYTALYS, enables the TNI Headquarters (MABES TNI) to forge its Network-Centric Warfare (NCW) Interoperability environment, facilitating a seamless flow of tactical information across all sectors of the Indonesian Armed forces.

At the heart of this strategic Program, lies the state-of-the-art Command and Control (C2) Centre, a centralized hub hosting the provided Interoperability Framework thoroughly designed and delivered by SCYTALYS.

A key achievement of the SIK Program is the delivery of the Indonesian National Data Link Standard (INDL), an advanced Data Link protocol that revolutionizes interoperability between all sectors of the Indonesian Armed Forces. The INDL technology enhances situational awareness and operational readiness, but more importantly provides Data Link sovereignty to Indonesia.

Additionally, the generation of the Common Operational Picture (COP) is facilitated through seamless exchange of data with the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Air Defense headquarters, powered by SCYTALYS core product portfolio, namely MIMS C2 and ULS.

SCYTALYS has also delivered the Integrated Surveillance and Monitoring Station in the strategically vital location of Natuna, situated in the South China Sea that reinforces Situational Awareness in this critical sea border.

SCYTALYS has also invested in the capacity-building of Indonesian personnel and the local Defense industry by providing extensive training courses, conducted both in Greece and Indonesia, ensuring that the Indonesian Armed Forces are equipped with the necessary skills to leverage the full potential of the implemented solution.

○ About SCYTALYS :

SCYTALYS SA is a defense software development and integration company. The company was founded in 1993 in Greece. SCYTALYS employs 110 people in total, most of them being engineers and experts in their field. It has offices across 3 international regions (Greece, USA, Singapore) to serve its customers in 14 countries worldwide. SCYTALYS is part of EFA GROUP.

Currently they are trying to look on the possibility to use CN235 as the platform, and not C295.

Pretty logic since Indonesian Aerospace doesnt have C295 test bed plane. They will likely do it first in CN235 test bed plane.

I hope R80 will be developed soon with real prototype. This AWACS program is more fit with R80 plane.

PTDI Looks To CN-235 Conversion For Future Projects​

Chen Chuanren
September 19, 2024

US Air Force CN235

PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) sees itself focusing on special-mission conversions for its CN-235 turboprop transport aircraft, as it looks to keep it relevant in the international market.

The Indonesian aerospace prime has entered a strategic partnership with Greek company Scytalys to provide CN-235 maritime patrol aircraft and anti-submarine warfare (ASW) solutions for the Philippines, as well as other potential customers.

Athens-based Scytalys is behind the MIMS Airborne mission system, data links and interoperability system used on the Hellenic Navy’s Lockheed P-3 Orions.

PTDI's Mohamad Arif Faisal, director of commerce, technology and development, told Aviation Week here at the Bali Air Show that collaboration with Scytalys has begun, and technical proposals and presentations have been made to the Philippine Navy.

The Philippines confirmed in August that it acquired two Leonardo ATR 72s with an Elbit Systems payload for its long-range patrol aircraft program, but PTDI is positioning itself for the country's future ASW program.

Faisal said PTDI is also in collaboration with Turkey’s Havelsan for a possible airborne early warning (AEW) variant of the CN-235. Havelsan was involved in Turkey’s E-7 Peace Eagle AEW program, designing and integrating the Airborne Segment Mission Computing System (MCS). It also has the capability of modifying, enhancing and modernizing the MCS interface software, weapons control and electronic support measures, among others.

The CN-235 was borne out of collaboration between PTDI and Airbus Defense—which was CASA of Spain at the time of the linkup. PTDI is currently not involved in the C295 project, essentially an enlarged and improved CN-235, which Airbus Defense is actively pushing to international clients.

According to our defense insider who has good connection to the procurement process. Indonesian Defense Minister has already proposed to buy AWACS from Indonesian Aerospace and the program already listed on Blue Book (Approved by Bappenas (Indonesian Ministry of Development planning) already) while it only goes to Green Book (approved by Finance Ministry) if the order is really executed.

Currently it is still in development phase.

This is good for learning process, next it should be under R80 program for better range and endurance.


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